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Remotelinc 2 device change does not update isy status

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I'm a newbie to ISY and insteon. I am getting started and currently have an ISY994i/ir pro and an ELK M1 with 3 appliancelincs, a fanlinc, and 2 remotelinc 2 mini remotes.


I have all the communication working as I would expect it to work between the ISY and the ELK. As well as the ISY and all of the devices.


The issue I'm having is when I use the buttons on the applicancelinc the status of the device on the admin console changes in realtime, however when I change the device status with either of the remotelincs the status does not update in the admin console until a query happens.


I'm hoping someone else has ran into this issue and this is not how it is suppose to work. I'm sure there is an easy fix that I'm just missing.


Thanks for any suggestions.

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The RemoteLinc 2 remotes where added to the ISY Setup?


The RemoteLinc 2's where linked to the modules they control through the ISY Administrative Console and not with manual set buttons on them?


Do you have the optional ELK Security Firmware Add On or just the basic ELK support that is part of the standard setup?

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Hey Brian,


Yes I have the remotelincs setup in the ISY and I have created a scene for one of the appliancelincs tied to a lamp. The remotelinc turns on the light and the status changed to on once, but now when I turn the light on or off the status does not update.


Thanks for the reply

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