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SMTP server of my own, won't work in 994i

Mark H

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Was told to post this here rather than where I did before....


Having an issue somewhat similar to another topic from today, but not quite the same so didn't hijack that other thread.


994i IR PRO, and using latest 4.12 firmware all-round, if I "Use Default" SMTP settings, all works fine. But when I try to use my own (long-established) SMTP server on my dedicated server, it fails, claiming the server didn't respond. And in the Error log, I see this:


Mon 2014/01/27 08:14:48 System -170001 [Network] Failed DNS 730

Mon 2014/01/27 08:14:48 System -140000 dispatcher.mobilincconnect.com


That indicates to me that the problem is on your end, possibly with your DNS resolver. Or your DNS servers need a refresh perhaps, though as I said, this is a LONG established server and subdomain.


Thanks in advance.

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It appears the error that produced that message, is for.... well... something other than what I thought.


I did a live test, triggering a leak sensor with its button. And that DID send the email to the listed address, through my SMTP server. I also got the push notification to the iPad mini.


But, oddly, no further errors when I did the live test. That error only seems to happen when I use the "Test" button in the 994i interface.

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The DNS fail message indicates that whatever DNS server you have the ISY using does no know about your server.


What DNS is the ISY configured to use?






And see what you get for a result.



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The 994i works using the Default setting, and in the other topic I mentioned, it was said that mobilinc provides the DNS for this.


There's no options for that setting, you either choose the Default (which is likely firmware settings) or specify your own.


If I specify my own SMTP server, the DNS error is with mobilinc, not my server. If I use Default, it works, but I don't want to use Default, I want to use my own.

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I have a dedicated Linux web server located in Texas (and host many websites on it), on which I have an SMTP server as usual for a web server, and which works fine since I use that mail server all the time. This server has been in place for 4 years, and no DNS changes have been made to it in ages.


This is not a problem on my server, it's a DNS resolution issue with mobilinc, who apparently provides the DNS service for the 994i, assuming the other topic is right. (And given the error message specifically, it's quite apparent that it is right.)

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Dns resolution on the isy is done by whatever server you specify in the dns field in the system config. If you are set up for dhcp then that is likely your router or the dns configured in your router.


Try setting the ISY for static addressing and specify for the DNS. Test again.


Mobilinc does NOT do dns for the ISY. They take the place of DynDNS and port forwarding at your router if you pay for the Mobinc connect service.





Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Hi TheSidewinder,


MobiLinc does not provide DNS resolution to the ISY. For SMTP issues, you probably would want to contact UDI support for this since this is out of scope for the MobiLinc apps/service.


FYI: We've had good luck setting our ISY's DNS IP to: Give that or a try to see if that resolves DNS lookup issues.



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I do have the MobiLinc connect service, yes.


But given the error message I pasted, your answer doesn't seem to line up with the symptoms. This was the error output from the 994i when I tried the "Test" button:


Mon 2014/01/27 08:14:48 System -170001 [Network] Failed DNS 730

Mon 2014/01/27 08:14:48 System -140000 dispatcher.mobilincconnect.com


This error is no longer occurring as of today, it's a different issue now. So... something has changed since yesterday.


When I "Use Default" SMTP settings, it works fine. Exim log show the mail as being sent by Universal Devices. NOTE that some info is redacted for privacy, but the actual info is fully correct:


2014-01-27 23:50:33 [18185] 1W81ZA-0004jJ-Ip  for correct-user-account@mydomain.com


When I put in my own SMTP details, (which work perfectly with other devices such as my IP Camera), the 994i first reported that a self-signed SSL cert for TLS would not be accepted. (This is another issue, for another discussion, but who's idea was that? A lot of Hosts use self-signed certs for the server services with WHM/cPanel.)


Fine. I installed a proper SSL cert, and applied it to the Services as well as the server domain.


But now 994i error message is different. After the timeout period, the error is "Mail server failure. Server not responding."


Which.... is wrong, because the Exim log from the server shows this:


2014-01-28 10:12:18 [14253] SMTP connection from [XX.XX.XXX.XXX]:10050 I=[XX.X.XXX.XXX]:465 (TCP/IP connection count = 1)
2014-01-28 10:12:20 [32422] TLS error on connection from [XX.XX.XXX.XXX]:10050 I=[XX.X.XXX.XXX]:465 (SSL_accept): error:00000000:lib(0):func(0):reason(0)
2014-01-28 10:12:20 [32422] TLS client disconnected cleanly (rejected our certificate?)


I do not use DHCP, I use static IP, and the DNS cannot be set to or because I use Comcast and (locally at least) they do not allow any DNS servers to be used except their own pair at and, both of which I tried, and both of which produced an error unrelated to this issue. So, DNS is set to and these details work perfectly with e.g. a 75790 camera when using its built-in email capabilities.


And a ping of my server from this desktop (also using the Comcast DNS) returns the correct IP for my dedi. NSLOOKUP performed on another dedi server is also correct.


So... why is the 994i rejecting the SSL cert I installed in the server? Cache issue somewhere along the line? Or... is that error not accurate?


I can make an SSL connection to the Domain in question just fine, no warnings, it's a proper SSL cert.


75790 cameras can send mail using these details, same with 75799 camera, even the Insteon Hub (if I power it up and test) works fine. All these devices are on the same network here.


It's only this device having this problem.




If anyone has any bright ideas, I'm all ears. I'll contact UDI support id I can't get this sorted myself.

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Hi TheSidewinder,


But given the error message I pasted, your answer doesn't seem to line up with the symptoms. This was the error output from the 994i when I tried the "Test" button:


Mon 2014/01/27 08:14:48 System -170001 [Network] Failed DNS 730

Mon 2014/01/27 08:14:48 System -140000 dispatcher.mobilincconnect.com


This is expected when the ISY has DNS issues. It will display the last few error code lines. If you open up your ISY's error log, you'll likely see DNS issues for the pool time server as well as SMTP DNS issues. It's unrelated to the MobiLinc Connect service. The ISY simply is having trouble resolving DNS addresses.


As for the rest of the post, I really have no idea. UDI support will be your best option here to help.



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How exactly is Comcast preventing you from using on your ISY? If my ISP was forcing me to use servers that they decided I should use, they wouldn't be my ISP any longer.


I have been a Comcast customer within the last 4 years. I would still be if they were available at my new location. They did NOT force me to use their DNS. I have my router configured for,, (Google, Level3 A and Level3 B) these are very reliable and update way before Comcast when things change.


If you ISY is configured for static, try setting in the DNS field in the ISY and see what happens. Don't forget to save your changes.



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Ah, ok, that does explain it. Red herring.


ISY log does show a general DNS failure, so now your explanation does make sense.


But why would e.g. the 75790 IP Camera using the identical details, work fine? (You don't specify the DNS explicitly in the camera, it uses the router IP as Gateway and DNS, but it works.)


Eh.. I'll bang away at this. I have the support department for my server provider looking at the server, just in case, and will contact UDI support if I have to.


Thanks for the tips, all.


EDIT: Xathros, I'll give that a try (again), thanks.

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Since it irritates me when people don't own up to their mistakes, and "What's good for the Goose is good for the Gander"....


Turns out the issue was (still is, actually) with my SMTP server, specifically the Port on which I was running it.


Worked fine before the server was upgraded, now it won't, at least with the IP Cameras and 9941.


Switched to an alternate Port. Problem solved.


My server provider is scratching their collective heads, too, for what that's worth. Makes me feel a bit better, at least. :roll:


Thanks to those who tried to help!

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