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New devices (v.41+) don't update status in ISY994


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Hi folks,


I recently added several new devices - (3) 2487S v.40 keypads, (5) 2477S v.43 switchlinc on/off switches, and (1) 2477D v.41 switchlinc dimmer. All devices are dual-band.


The keypads are working fine, but none of the 2477S, nor the 2477D, will update state in the ISY when triggered locally. They respond just fine when triggered via the ISY.


Any ideas? I tried deleting and re-adding the 2477D, no luck.


I'm running a 994iz firmware 4.1.2 and all of my other devices work fine, including my other 2477Ds (v.40).


Thank you for any assistance you can provide.

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Are the correct device types listed in the right side display.


Click Help | About and verify the UI is at 4.1.2.


You can try a File | Restore Modem (PLM) to clear any duplicate and unwanted links in the PLM. This can resolve issues like this if the PLM has become full.

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Yes, the correct devices are listed on the right side of the UI display.

Yes, UI is verified at 4.1.2.


I'm going to need some help restoring the modem. I have five motion sensors, two door sensors and a RemoteLinc2. I have gathered all into one room, however, only one will enter programming mode at a time. When I attempt to put a second sensor into programming mode, the first one exits. How do I proceed?

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Hi marvel,


If you have PRO Series, you can disable automatic writes to battery operated devices (battery icon should be grayed out). This way, you can restore your Modem and then you will have grey 1011 icons next to your battery devices. You will then put each into programming mode (one at a time), right mouse click and then choose Write updates to device.


If you do not have PRO series, you simply have to wait for the whole process to complete at the end of which you will have green 1011 icons next to devices that could not be restored. Just like above, you will then put each into programming mode (one at a time), right mouse click and then choose Write updates to device.


With kind regards,


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Do the Restore Modem (PLM) without doing anything with the battery devices.


Only one battery device can be processed at a time. Once in linking mode right click device and select Write Updates to Device. Once one is done be sure it is taken out of linking mode before putting the next device into linking mode. This process is needed ONLY if the device has an Icon indicating updates are pending.


Normally a Restore Modem (PLM) does not update devices unless there is already a pending update.

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