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Home Automation Dashboard 4.0.2 beta


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This is the latest release of the Home Automation Dashboard.


It's basically a drop-in replacement to the default UDAjax web interface. It is meant to be an easy to use and fully customizable web interface for your home automation.


This release features;

- Devices and Scenes, including several ZWave devices like doorlocks and Thermostat

- Programs

- Variables

- Weather

- Camera support

- Theming capabilities

- Customizations capabilities


Customizations and theming will be documented shortly in the Wiki. If you open the code, look at index.htm and custom.js; The custom tables are defined at the top, and there are explanations on the syntax. custom.js is where your User Defined Functions should be.


This post has some explanations of what it can do:



Here's a screenshot of the current release



Please provide feedback if you try it. Any comments welcome.







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  • 4 weeks later...

OK... So I've started playing with Home Automation Dashboard, but I'm going to guess I've gone about it a little differently than most. I have a Windows Home Server always on and (thus far) don't have the network module so I can't host directly on the ISY. Instead of the standard Apache setup, I and using IIS and have installed PHP using isyProxy.php to get back to the rest services.


Once I got the .htaccess rewrite setup in the web.config format, this started working pretty well. The site is getting statuses and I can trigger Scenes and Programs. That being said, I am unable to turn devices on or off directly. I looked at the PHP file and had it output the ISY URL so that I could test with that, and (so far) they have all worked if I replace the Windows name with the ISY IP Address.


Has anyone else run across issues running devices from HAD where everything else is working? At first I checked to see if I had any odd characters in my names, but then realized it uses the INSTEON device id to actually post the message. (Other than the dashes put in on Fan, Thermostat and KeyPadLincs everything is either spaces or letters.)


Any ideas on what else to try?



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OK... So I've started playing with Home Automation Dashboard, but I'm going to guess I've gone about it a little differently than most. I have a Windows Home Server always on and (thus far) don't have the network module so I can't host directly on the ISY. Instead of the standard Apache setup, I and using IIS and have installed PHP using isyProxy.php to get back to the rest services.


Once I got the .htaccess rewrite setup in the web.config format, this started working pretty well. The site is getting statuses and I can trigger Scenes and Programs. That being said, I am unable to turn devices on or off directly. I looked at the PHP file and had it output the ISY URL so that I could test with that, and (so far) they have all worked if I replace the Windows name with the ISY IP Address.


Has anyone else run across issues running devices from HAD where everything else is working? At first I checked to see if I had any odd characters in my names, but then realized it uses the INSTEON device id to actually post the message. (Other than the dashes put in on Fan, Thermostat and KeyPadLincs everything is either spaces or letters.)


Any ideas on what else to try?




Hello Wayne,


To test your proxy, try this:

http:///rest/notes (You should see your list of devices in an XML file)


Then pick a specific device, and try to get it's status using the address of one of your devices.


http:///rest/nodes/17 12 AD 1


Next, try to control it using DON or DOF

http:///rest/nodes/17 12 AD 1/DON

http:///rest/nodes/17 12 AD 1/DOF


Let me know the results.



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Thanks Benoit.


I actually was playing with it a little bit more this evening and was about to come back and post results when I got the email notification you had replied. I don't know if it's a difference in the way IIS processes the redirect, or the PHP curl implementation in Windows, but I had problems with the spaces in the URL. I ended up making a small tweak to the isyProxy file (below) and with limited testing everything seems to be working now. I'll still have to do more thorough before I declare it a complete success.


isyProxy.php call to curl()

$reply = curl("http://$isyIp/" . str_replace(" ", "%20", ltrim($_SERVER[REQUEST_URI],"/")), $isyUser, $isyPassword);

For anyone interested, the .htaccess file has been replaced with web.config for the IIS implementation if you have a Windows Server readily available. With IIS7+ there is a URLRewrite add in that will do the conversion, but I've pasted what I'm using in case it helps anyone else.



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Now I need to start working on my Device List and configuring my tabs to get every things set up the way I want it. I have two thermostats and really like the screenshot showing controls for the different SetPoints and Mode. Since I plan to have a internet facing version, I think I am going to add a basic php login screen if it's coming from the outside world (separate port over https). If I get really ambitious, I may set it up so that I can have different screens for different users and build the device list on the fly. That may be more a long term goal...


I realized as I was coming back, I probably should have made this as a separate thread instead of taking over the announcement. Feel free to split it out (if you can as a moderator) so that someone can find the "Windows/IIS" config without having to search inside of other threads.

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  • 2 weeks later...



Thanks for your work on this!!


I am traveling so have not yet downloaded your interface. May I ask a few general questions to try to understand its usability and ease/difficulty of use?


The context of my questions is: I have been learning/setting up a parallel HA system with both ISY and Homeseer. Mine includes both Insteon and Zwave. As I look at both systems, I keep coming back to the point that ISY has no good phone/tablet end-user interface (for use, not programming). I know there are a couple of apps, but none to build a whole house control (Lights, AV, Etc, etc) around with clean enough functionality for wife and kids (unless there is and I don't know it, but looked at several, Roomie, Mobilinc, etc). Also, I am not a programmer/scripter (I'm happy to try, but haven't done it yet). Based on this:


1) Is HAD intended to be the end-use interface for multifaceted whole-house control?


2) Is it both fully customizable and basically unlimited in its capacity (# of panels, jumps from panel to panel via buttons/programs, etc), or are there limits we should plan around.


2) Where is it today for the user to achieve that? What timeline do you expect?


3) As a "layman", is this a good solution for someone like me: now or in the near term?


4) Do you plan to continuing development and support and encourage users to dig in and implement on your platform, or should we be more casual about it at this point, as the future is not clear?


Another way of asking the above is: How does this compare to HSTouch for Homeseer? Does this give ISY something to rival that? Again, one serious concern I have about ISY is lack of robust/elegant/clean/non-programmers end user interface.


Sorry to pepper you with questions and/or put you on the spot in your early stages, but I expect many are hoping for the above.


Thanks again for your hard work and nice looking interface.

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Thanks for your work on this!!


I am traveling so have not yet downloaded your interface. May I ask a few general questions to try to understand its usability and ease/difficulty of use?

At this point, I suggest to wait a bit. I have a new release coming out soon.


The context of my questions is: I have been learning/setting up a parallel HA system with both ISY and Homeseer. Mine includes both Insteon and Zwave. As I look at both systems, I keep coming back to the point that ISY has no good phone/tablet end-user interface (for use, not programming). I know there are a couple of apps, but none to build a whole house control (Lights, AV, Etc, etc) around with clean enough functionality for wife and kids (unless there is and I don't know it, but looked at several, Roomie, Mobilinc, etc). Also, I am not a programmer/scripter (I'm happy to try, but haven't done it yet). Based on this:


1) Is HAD intended to be the end-use interface for multifaceted whole-house control?

HAD is intended to be a fully-customizable and easy to use user interface for whole-house control in the context of an ISY. What I mean is that most features are ISY focused, and as such, may be limited to what ISY can offer. As an example, ISY can use networking resources to control whole-house audio, but those networking functions today cannot gather information back. HAD will provide ways to use networking resources with buttons, perhaps alongside other buttons to control lights in the same room. But there are no plans today to integrate directly with whole-house audio system.


When I say most features are ISY focused, it is because there are features implemented which are not specific to ISY, like camera support.


2) Is it both fully customizable and basically unlimited in its capacity (# of panels, jumps from panel to panel via buttons/programs, etc), or are there limits we should plan around.

It is fully customizable. How far you can go will depends on your web development skills.


It is fairly easy to define a "custom device table". This is at the core of HAD, and that allows to "configure" which features you want (Devices, Networking resources, variables, etc), how you group them, and configure controls and specific behaviors.


To extend it further requires some javascript development skills. I have structured it so that you can have your own customizations, but still be able to upgrade it without too much pain.


Since there is no compiled code, you have access to all the code, so the possibilities are endless. But it may become too complex for a non-programmer.


2) Where is it today for the user to achieve that? What timeline do you expect?

I'm sorry, I'm not sure I understand that one.


3) As a "layman", is this a good solution for someone like me: now or in the near term?

For basic customizations like creating a custom device table, yes. Beyond that, it may be too complex. But if you like to tinker, there is much you can do with it.


4) Do you plan to continuing development and support and encourage users to dig in and implement on your platform, or should we be more casual about it at this point, as the future is not clear?

Absolutely. HAD will become the replacement of the standard web interface. In the firmware 4.1.3, it will be distributed along with UD Ajax, and you will be able to switch from one to the other. The firmware version will not allow to make customizations, but I mention just to illustrate the fact that it is not going to be dropped anytime soon.


Another way of asking the above is: How does this compare to HSTouch for Homeseer? Does this give ISY something to rival that? Again, one serious concern I have about ISY is lack of robust/elegant/clean/non-programmers end user interface.

Unfortunately, I cannot comment on HSTouch as I don't use it.

Sorry to pepper you with questions and/or put you on the spot in your early stages, but I expect many are hoping for the above.


Thanks again for your hard work and nice looking interface.

No worries, and thanks for your comments!



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Hi Benoit


Thank you for your full reply. I appreciate it. What you are doing is exciting!


The following may not be where you are heading and there is nothing so unique about my perspective, as I am fairly new to ISY. However, I have spend a reasonable amount of time looking closely at HA systems and user interfaces, in the context of formulating my overall solution. As such, today I started a couple of threads on end-user interface topics. In case any of that is useful here are the links:


Why no Great End User Interface: viewtopic.php?f=42&t=13879

Energy Monitoring: Panel, Device, Display Interface? viewtopic.php?f=46&t=13880


It would be great if HAD brings ISY a great UI for the novice to the programmer. If you are able to package and pre-populate a core set of panels that would enable a user to fill in some forms to populate with their config, that would be tremendous. This may not be your orientation or goal, but making is east to "take a test drive" and have pretty good functionality out of the box functionality, would likely get many (possibly most) ISY users on your platform. From there each can further customize as desired, but with good functionality in place from the start.


Anyway, I am probably just selfishly describing my own wishlist. Maybe others will chime in to agree, or not. In any event, thanks again for tackling this. I'm looking forward to your next iteration (as you recommended).


Take care

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Hi Benoit


Thank you for your full reply. I appreciate it. What you are doing is exciting!


The following may not be where you are heading and there is nothing so unique about my perspective, as I am fairly new to ISY. However, I have spend a reasonable amount of time looking closely at HA systems and user interfaces, in the context of formulating my overall solution. As such, today I started a couple of threads on end-user interface topics. In case any of that is useful here are the links:


Why no Great End User Interface: viewtopic.php?f=42&t=13879

Energy Monitoring: Panel, Device, Display Interface? viewtopic.php?f=46&t=13880


It would be great if HAD brings ISY a great UI for the novice to the programmer. If you are able to package and pre-populate a core set of panels that would enable a user to fill in some forms to populate with their config, that would be tremendous. This may not be your orientation or goal, but making is east to "take a test drive" and have pretty good functionality out of the box functionality, would likely get many (possibly most) ISY users on your platform. From there each can further customize as desired, but with good functionality in place from the start.


Anyway, I am probably just selfishly describing my own wishlist. Maybe others will chime in to agree, or not. In any event, thanks again for tackling this. I'm looking forward to your next iteration (as you recommended).


Take care


Actually, this is exactly the long-term vision of HAD. A web interface completely customizable by a non-programmer.


Imagine an interface easy to use for the family. You click a customize button like this Options.png. Then you are able to create tabs, reorder tabs. In a given tab, you have a list of devices. You hide some devices. You reorder them using drag and drop. You recategorize them as well. You add a new item of type program in there. You insert another item of type device. You edit it to tell this "item" to use a scene, instead of the "raw" device. Or perhaps you want to control it through a program instead.


This is a long-term goal. Before that, there are many features to add, and as Michel said in the first thread you quoted, it's a matter of fixing priorities.





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  • 7 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I just setup HAD on a Linux web server using the transparent proxy. I have some minor sucess in that I can see all my devices on the main page. The problem that I am running into is that I am unable to turn devices on or off. The rest response gets a 404 error. When I directly try the rest command on the isy it works fine. Any ideas ? 


 /isy.php?isy= EF 44 1/cmd/DON: Rest Response not successful



EDIT: Fixed the problem! had to change the line in isy.php to replace spaces in the address of the url to %20

$reply = curl("http://$isyIp/" . str_replace(" ", "%20",$url), $isyUser, $isyPassword);
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Two small issues I have run into


1. Can't turn KPL's on or off 


2. The camsconf.jsn file does not get saved. I have tried the changing the path in cameras.js but still doesn't work. 



If anyone has any tips, I would kindly appreciate it.

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Are you trying to turn On/Off KeypadLinc Secondary buttons?


If so they cannot be controlled with Direct commands. A Scene is required to operate Secondary KPL buttons.



Thank you, that answers my question then, I thought I could push on off as if it were the actual button on the keypad. So I need to define my scenes manually in the custom tab  I guess? 

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To turn a Secondary button On/Off it must at least be a Responder in a Scene and the Scene turned On/Off. This only turns the KPL button LED On/Off. It does not affect a device(s) that are linked to the KPL button. If trying to control those devices as well as the KPL button LED the Scene that linked the devices to the KPL button is the Scene to operate.

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2. The camsconf.jsn file does not get saved. I have tried the changing the path in cameras.js but still doesn't work. 



If anyone has any tips, I would kindly appreciate it.


I'm pretty sure it's a proxy issue. The camera config is not accessed via /rest/...


The config file is located in /user/web/

So to read it, you need to redirect this folder to ISY.


The upload of the camera config uses a post to /file/upload/user/web/

so you need to redirect this as well.


To make the redirection, it's very similar to redirecting /rest/...


For /user/web, I have:


A .htaccess file in /user/web

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule $ isyProxy.php  [L] 


* Transparent ISY proxy
* http://sites.google.com/site/isyajax/
* Copyright 2011, Nicholas Stein
* Licensed under the MIT license: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php

$isyUser = "xxxxx";
$isyPassword = "xxxxx";
$isyIp = "";

function curl ($url, $user = null, $password = null)
    //echo "curl($url, $user, $password)"; exit;
    $curl = curl_init();
    curl_setopt ($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
    curl_setopt ($curl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, $timeout);
    curl_setopt ($curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, sprintf("Mozilla/%d.0",rand(4,5)));
    curl_setopt ($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, (int)$header);
    curl_setopt ($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
    curl_setopt ($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
    if ($user && $password)
    {curl_setopt ($curl, CURLOPT_USERPWD, "$user:$password");}
    $html = curl_exec ($curl);
    curl_close ($curl);
    return $html;
$reply = curl("http://$isyIp/" . ltrim($_SERVER[REQUEST_URI],"/"), $isyUser, $isyPassword);

header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); // HTTP/1.1
header("Expires: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); // Date in the past
header("Content-Type: application/json");


For the /file/upload folder, I have:


This .htaccess file:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule $ isyProxyPost.php  [L] 

And this isyProxyPost.php:

* Transparent ISY proxy
* http://sites.google.com/site/isyajax/
* Copyright 2011, Nicholas Stein
* Licensed under the MIT license: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php

$isyUser = "xxxxx";
$isyPassword = "xxxxx";
$isyIp = "";

function curl ($url, $user = null, $password = null)
    $rawdata = file_get_contents('php://input');

    //echo "curl($url, $user, $password)"; exit;
    $curl = curl_init();
    curl_setopt ($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
    curl_setopt ($curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
    curl_setopt ($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $rawdata);
    curl_setopt ($curl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, $timeout);
    curl_setopt ($curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, sprintf("Mozilla/%d.0",rand(4,5)));
    curl_setopt ($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, (int)$header);
    curl_setopt ($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
    curl_setopt ($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
    if ($user && $password)
    {curl_setopt ($curl, CURLOPT_USERPWD, "$user:$password");}
    $html = curl_exec ($curl);
    curl_close ($curl);
    return $html;

$reply = curl("http://$isyIp/" . ltrim($_SERVER[REQUEST_URI],"/"), $isyUser, $isyPassword);

header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); // HTTP/1.1
header("Expires: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); // Date in the past
header("Content-Type: text/xml");

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I'm pretty sure it's a proxy issue. The camera config is not accessed via /rest/...


The config file is located in /user/web/

So to read it, you need to redirect this folder to ISY.


The upload of the camera config uses a post to /file/upload/user/web/

so you need to redirect this as well.


To make the redirection, it's very similar to redirecting /rest/...


For /user/web, I have:


A .htaccess file in /user/web

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule $ isyProxy.php  [L] 


* Transparent ISY proxy
* http://sites.google.com/site/isyajax/
* Copyright 2011, Nicholas Stein
* Licensed under the MIT license: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php

$isyUser = "xxxxx";
$isyPassword = "xxxxx";
$isyIp = "";

function curl ($url, $user = null, $password = null)
    //echo "curl($url, $user, $password)"; exit;
    $curl = curl_init();
    curl_setopt ($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
    curl_setopt ($curl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, $timeout);
    curl_setopt ($curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, sprintf("Mozilla/%d.0",rand(4,5)));
    curl_setopt ($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, (int)$header);
    curl_setopt ($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
    curl_setopt ($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
    if ($user && $password)
    {curl_setopt ($curl, CURLOPT_USERPWD, "$user:$password");}
    $html = curl_exec ($curl);
    curl_close ($curl);
    return $html;
$reply = curl("http://$isyIp/" . ltrim($_SERVER[REQUEST_URI],"/"), $isyUser, $isyPassword);

header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); // HTTP/1.1
header("Expires: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); // Date in the past
header("Content-Type: application/json");


For the /file/upload folder, I have:


This .htaccess file:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule $ isyProxyPost.php  [L] 

And this isyProxyPost.php:

* Transparent ISY proxy
* http://sites.google.com/site/isyajax/
* Copyright 2011, Nicholas Stein
* Licensed under the MIT license: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php

$isyUser = "xxxxx";
$isyPassword = "xxxxx";
$isyIp = "";

function curl ($url, $user = null, $password = null)
    $rawdata = file_get_contents('php://input');

    //echo "curl($url, $user, $password)"; exit;
    $curl = curl_init();
    curl_setopt ($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
    curl_setopt ($curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
    curl_setopt ($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $rawdata);
    curl_setopt ($curl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, $timeout);
    curl_setopt ($curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, sprintf("Mozilla/%d.0",rand(4,5)));
    curl_setopt ($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, (int)$header);
    curl_setopt ($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
    curl_setopt ($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
    if ($user && $password)
    {curl_setopt ($curl, CURLOPT_USERPWD, "$user:$password");}
    $html = curl_exec ($curl);
    curl_close ($curl);
    return $html;

$reply = curl("http://$isyIp/" . ltrim($_SERVER[REQUEST_URI],"/"), $isyUser, $isyPassword);

header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); // HTTP/1.1
header("Expires: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); // Date in the past
header("Content-Type: text/xml");




Thanks, do you mean to say that you created the /user/web and /file/upload directories on your webserver and added those files accordingly ? Or did you put those files on the ISY itself ?

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So here is what my web structure looks like with the files you mentioned but it doesn't seem to work. 


Is this correct? and I have HAD in this directory
/var/www/html is my web's root
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So here is what my web structure looks like with the files you mentioned but it doesn't seem to work. 





Is this correct? and I have HAD in this directory




/var/www/html is my web's root


Yes, it sems to be correct. What is your web server, apache?


We need to test if the php file is at least launched. I would suggest to adjust the isyproxy.php file to leave a trace, and see if at least it gets launched. Something like 'echo test'. Then try http://<yourwebserver>/user/web/anything.htm and see if your php file shows 'test'.



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Yes, it sems to be correct. What is your web server, apache?


We need to test if the php file is at least launched. I would suggest to adjust the isyproxy.php file to leave a trace, and see if at least it gets launched. Something like 'echo test'. Then try http://<yourwebserver>/user/web/anything.htm and see if your php file shows 'test'.





Apache on ubunutu. I tested it out as you suggested and it works, it will echo the text so the redirect part seems to be working. I had to verify .htaccess and rewrite were enabled on the server which they were.

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Apache on ubunutu. I tested it out as you suggested and it works, it will echo the text so the redirect part seems to be working. I had to verify .htaccess and rewrite were enabled on the server which they were.


Great, now we know that redirection to isyproxy.php works.


I suspect that curl is not active on your php server.


Try accessing /user/web/test.htm


If you see an output like:

<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Not Found!</TITLE></HEAD><BODY>/user/web/test.htm</BODY></HTML>


That's a very good sign. This comes from ISY, saying that the file is not there. This would means your proxy for /user/web/ is working.


To find out if curl is enabled for your web server, create a php file in your web server root that contains this:


Then run it, and see if curl is active (Search for "curl" in the page).



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Thank you, I created the phpinfo.php file and curl is indeed enabled.


Any interesting issue is That I have an error when I try you test.htm  test 


I get this funky message


This page contains the following errors:

error on line 2 at column 45: Opening and ending tag mismatch: meta line 0 and HEAD

Below is a rendering of the page up to the first error.



EDIT: shame on me! I had a type in the isyproxy.php it is working now it seems


EDIT2: It indeed works, but I don't see any camsconf.jsn file in any of those directories...odd.


EDIT3: OK I got i!! it works great! I realize now that it is putting camsconf on the isy itself. 



Mr. Benoit Mercer, Thank you for your assistance and thank you for this wonderful piece of software!! time for some customizing now!

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Thank you, I created the phpinfo.php file and curl is indeed enabled.


Any interesting issue is That I have an error when I try you test.htm  test 


I get this funky message


This page contains the following errors:

error on line 2 at column 45: Opening and ending tag mismatch: meta line 0 and HEAD

Below is a rendering of the page up to the first error.



EDIT: shame on me! I had a type in the isyproxy.php it is working now it seems


EDIT2: It indeed works, but I don't see any camsconf.jsn file in any of those directories...odd.


EDIT3: OK I got i!! it works great! I realize now that it is putting camsconf on the isy itself. 



Mr. Benoit Mercer, Thank you for your assistance and thank you for this wonderful piece of software!! time for some customizing now!

I'm glad to hear that!



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  • 2 months later...

Hi Benoit,


  This is very nice.


  I am in the process of trying this out.     One feature that would be very handy would be if there was a way to specify the base url in  a variable for the REST calls.   This way, instead of requiring the host (or virtual host) of the web pages to position the REST proxy at /rest, it could be positioned at an arbitrary URL.   


   In particular, this would be conducive to having the original page accessed as http://admin:admin@hostname/dashboardand letting the REST calls be done as a mod_proxy rule that doesn't insert its own authentication.   Then, instead of having a proxy at a fixed URL that bypasses authentication, the rest calls would be done according to the same authentication provided by the client.



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