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HOW TO: Garage door control using the ISY and an EZIO2x4


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Try querying one of the EZIO's relays instead - that should make both inputs update. For some reason querying the input does not work.


Do you have a newer EZIO? Apparently newer EZIO's use a newer PLM which is causing compatibility issues with the ISY. I know they are working on a fix, but am unsure on the status of it.


Otherwise you might want to try removing your EZIO from the ISY, factory resetting it, then re-adding it back in. Before you do anything else test your sensors to see if the ISY is seeing status changes correctly. Watch the EZIO when you open/close a sensor - you should see its LED flash indicating it is sending out a status update, and hopefully your ISY will see it.


Good luck!


running a query on the EZIO relay does make the inputs update correctly. SO i made the following program:


From 12:26:00AM

For 24 hours



Repeat Every 5 minutes

Set Scene 'Garage contact status' Query



- No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')



The scene "garage contact status" contains the EZIO relay 1 as a responder. However the programdoesnt ever seemto actually query the relay because the status never updates. The program constantly says "running then'. have i written the program incorrectly? If i run the query manually it updates.. any ideas?



running event viewer lvl2. during the program execution i see the following:

2008/12/07 18:59:58 : [ 1 76 90 1] ST 0

2008/12/07 19:00:02 : [ 1 76 90 1] ST 0

2008/12/07 19:00:07 : [ 1 76 90 1] ST 0

(i edit the program to poll every 5 seconds just so i could see the data)


If i run a manual query on the scene i get:

2008/12/07 19:00:33 : [ 1 76 90 1] ST 0

2008/12/07 19:00:33 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 01.76.90 0F 49 00 06 (00)

2008/12/07 19:00:33 : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 01.76.90 0F.43.FC 2B 49 08 (08)


Now, i dont really know how to read this data. but it appears to me the ezio device does not respond when the program runs the query, but does respond during a manual query.


??? im lost as to what to do?

  • 2 months later...

Any update on getting the status of the inputs to show without a manual query? I am having the same issue as you all. Thanks. Also, I checked and the ezio is sending out the status change just not picked up by my isy 99.


Hi dougos2,


We should have our official 2.7 release within the next couple of days after which we'll start working on EZxxxx devices. I do apologize for the delay but we had absolutely no choice but to make sure that we have a stable code and an official release before we continued with anything else.


With kind regards,



no problem. I understand. Could you post when you have a solution. My wife leaves the garage door open and we are having bear problems getting into the garbage. So I would love to have this solved. I still love the isy.

  • 3 weeks later...

Ok, so I understand that the full funtionality of the EZIO2x4 is not available yet... but based on these prior posts, it seems it will link with at least the outputs working.. is that correct?


I have an older EZIO2x4 (f/m v1.3) and 2.7.0 on my ISY 26, but I can't seem to get it to link at all.... nothing, nada, zippo. All I need right now is to control one relay output based on a time-of-day schedule I do not need to use any of the inputs at this time.


Any suggestions?


Did you try using Link Management/ New Insteon Device and selecting the Device Type from the pulldown menu? [07.03] so it's pretty far down the list.



Did you try using Link Management/ New Insteon Device and selecting the Device Type from the pulldown menu? [07.03] so it's pretty far down the list.




Geez.. I love this forum!!


Hi Rand- Although I recall reading about that 'feature' awhile back... no, I had not ever used it before.. so I just did, and wow, it is now linked!


Thank you!



  • 2 years later...

I wanted to update this post since my garage door configuration has changed. Twice now my EZIO2x4 has fried (not working, partially melted case) just after a thunder storm. 2 of my sensors have also fried.


My garage doors are metal, and I can only assume that something is taking a hit and frying the EZIO and sensors. This concerned me quite a bit (especially the melted EZIO case), so I've decided to move to wireless sensors and see what happens.


Basically, I've taken the same garage door sensors from Smarthome:



...and attached them to the external sensor input on TrigggerLincs instead of hardwiring them to an IO controller. I've also trashed my EZIO and moved to a pair of less expensive IOLincs to control the doors (one for each door).


Doing this has dramatically cut down the wiring needed. Each TriggerLinc is located close to the garage door sensor (close enough where the sensor's attached wire is all that is needed). Since I now have an IOLinc at each garage door opener, and I have an electrical outlet located on the ceiling right next to each opener, I'm using ~1 foot of wire between each IOLinc and garage door opener. Much cleaner than my last configuration.


Using the TriggerLincs, I'm now using the green and black wires on the garage door sensors so that the TriggerLinc will show ON when the door is opened and OFF when the door is closed.


I had a spare AccessPoint kicking around so I plugged it into an available garage outlet to ensure the TriggerLincs would be in good, reliable range.


My programs have also changed somewhat since my initial post. Here are my current programs and the reasons for any changes:



       Status  'GarageDoorStatusLight' is not On
   And (
            Status  'GarageDoor1Sensor' is On
         Or Status  'GarageDoor2Sensor' is On

       Wait  14 seconds
       Set Scene 'GarageDoorStatus' On

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')




       Status  'GarageDoorStatusLight' is not Off
   And (
            Status  'GarageDoor1Sensor' is Off
         And Status  'GarageDoor2Sensor' is Off

       Wait  1 seconds
       Set Scene 'GarageDoorStatus' Off

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


I now use separate STATUS ON and STATUS OFF programs so I can check to see if the GarageDoorStatusLight is already on or off. If it's already ON because one door is open, I don't want to create unneeded traffic by sending a 2nd ON command because the 2nd door is opened.


I also increased my WAIT to 14 seconds to ensure reliable operation. Since my GarageDoorStatusLight button can be pressed to close any open garage doors, if pressed (turning the light off) the 14 second WAIT gives the garage door opener enough time to close so that the light does immediately come back on.




       Status  'GarageDoor1Relay' is On

       Wait  2 seconds
       Set 'GarageDoor1Relay' Off

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')



       Status  'GarageDoor2Relay' is On

       Wait  2 seconds
       Set 'GarageDoor2Relay' Off

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


I do have my IOLincs configured for Momentary Mode A, which means they will automatically turn off once turned on, but since the ISY does not update the Admin Console to show them turning off I still use my AUTO OFF programs to keep the Admin Console clean.




       Control 'GarageDoorStatusButton' is switched Off
   And Status  'GarageDoor1Sensor' is On

       Set 'GarageDoor1Relay' On

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')



       Control 'GarageDoorStatusButton' is switched Off
   And Status  'GarageDoor2Sensor' is On

       Set 'GarageDoor2Relay' On

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


The above programs are pretty much unchanged although I cleaned it up a bit. Basically, if my GarageDoorStatusLight is ON (indicating a door is open), I can press it to turn it OFF and the above 2 programs close either door if they are open.



My biggest concern moving to TriggerLincs for my sensors was battery life or other malfunction. How would I know if the battery died on one of my TriggerLincs, or it otherwise malfunctioned? Since my GarageDoorStatusLight is way up in my master bedroom, and the primary use of this is a reminder that a garage door is open before going to bed, it might be quite a while before I notice that a garage door was left open and the status light was not on.


Since we use the garage doors pretty much every day I wrote programs that run when a door is opened. Once a door is opened a countdown is started. If the ISY does not show that same garage door is opened again within 72 hours it will assume something might be wrong and send an email to me. If that door is opened again within 72 hours, the counter restarts itself.


Best case is that I will know in a few days if a TriggerLinc is not working. Worst case is I'll get a bogus message if I'm on vacation for a week and no one is using the garage doors.


Here are the programs:



       Control 'GarageDoor1Sensor' is switched On

       Wait  72 hours 
       Send Notification to 'Email' content 'GarageDoor1 Battery'

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')



       Control 'GarageDoor2Sensor' is switched On

       Wait  72 hours 
       Send Notification to 'Email' content 'GarageDoor2 Battery'

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')



Hope this helps someone looking to do something similar!

  • 1 month later...
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