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A Set Scene xxxxx On sends one command that is not device specific. There are no ACKs and no retries. Each device in the Scene has a single chance to react to the Scene On. Any noise, any signal reduction can interfere with a device(s) receiving that single message. With the SwitchLinc turning On the PLM to garage path sounds good. The path between the PLM and the KPLs sounds problematic. Perhaps the KPLs are on the opposite 120v leg and phase coupling has an issue or something on the circuit that is powering the KPLs. A Set Scene will often be the failure seen when there are marginal problems getting to one or more devices.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My home experienced its second ALL ON event this morning. It was triggered by me pressing a single wired simple button that activates one of my garage door openers. This caused my second door to open and all of the devices in the house turn on. I have every light and fan in my home installed with an Insteon product so you can imagine the surprise!

Steve had called me to mention that it was a PLM event and it appears that way as there is nothing unusual in the ISY logs ... just the 100% events for every device.

This is a relatively new PLM as my original suffered the 'dim led' syndrome.

Not sure what to do at this point. If this event could happen undetected twice the odds are good it could happen again.

The cost to replace a PLM is not cheap either but I guess that is something I am going to have to do AGAIN.

Needless to say this is very disappointing for me ...



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If the PLM is less than two years old. You should be able to get a warranty replacement.


Mine is two years and four months old and totally unreliable. Just dies LED Out. Then later in the day is 100% good again and the LED is On. With no power cycle or my intervention.


So for now. I have a original hardware 1.0; 2413S doing its thing.

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I have experienced the random-ON events for3-4 years now. I have very little faith that this will be solved in the near future. For me, these occur once every 3-4 months. Fortunately, the problem, for me, always occurs when somebody is home and can usually be traced to a point where someone in the home activates an Insteon device (switch or motion sensor). I have not been able to attribute my events to any 1 (or small number) device.


The problem began when I installed my first (early revision) KPL. With that KPL, I could cause the ALL-ON regularly (every few days) by pressing button "A." After replacement of that KPL, the frequency of occurrence dropped to the once per 1-2 month level.


Through better programming (adding wait delays when motion sensors trigger KPL buttons) and regularly checking my motion sensor batteries, the frequency has fallen to once every 3-4 months.


Viewing the ISY log, it appears that ISY is surprised by the ALL ON as many device status are wrong immediately after the event. I need to turn everything off and run a Query All to get the system operational again. I don't have much proof but feel that this is a Insteon issue (rather than an ISY issue); possibly PLM or some code common to 2412 PLMs, 2413PLMs, V1/V2 Motion sensors, or KPLs. Given the variety of implicated devices, yes, I guess the problem could be caused by external noise but I haven't found a common trigger in my home yet.


All-ON can be a serious and dangerous occurrence especially if doors, fireplaces, irrigation systems, heating plants, or other critical equipment is being controlled via Insteon. With a growing number of users experiencing this potentially critical issue, I believe that users should review their installations to determine if the results of ALL-ON events warrant continued control of this critical equipment via Insteon.


At the same time, can I ask if it doesn't make sense for Smartlabs to investigate blocking Group 255 commands (All ON) in future product revisions. Can this even be done???


Although the frequency of All-ON occurrence at my home is tolerable, I am concerned by the increase in users enjoying the random "Insteon SURPRISE." I was further discouraged reading this thread and hearing of a potential PLM fix and then hearing that Smartlabs denied that such a fix was in the works. :(

As I said, I don't have faith that this will be solved so be sure to consider the risk of controlling critical equipment via Insteon.


For me, other than this one issue, I am thoroughly pleased with my Insteon system and ESPECIALLY, my ISY!

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