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Inteon Micro Module Dimmer - 2442-222 Device Options window


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I have an issue with the Micro Module Dimmer V.43 (2442-222) and ISY994i/IR controller.


The problem is the Momentary/Latching switch input and 3-way operation modes cannot be programmed from the ISY management console, Micro Dimmer Device, "Device Options" window.


The user manual states: Configure INSTEON Settings

Most Micro module links and settings can be configured locally—during installation with the module’s set button or after installation using the switch connected to the module.

All Micro module settings can be managed remotely via software (sold separately).


I have tried configuring the switch modes from the ISY "Device Options" window on 2 Micro Module Dimmers and the only way I can get a motion sensor to control either module correctly by the yellow switch wire is to manually program the module for latch mode (even though the module default mode is latching). Also, the 3-way toggle mode must be manually disabled so the motion sensor input is always a single pole toggle switch input.


Also, the Query does not appear to report the actual modes manually programmed.

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The problem is the Momentary/Latching switch input and 3-way operation modes cannot be programmed from the ISY management console, Micro Dimmer Device, "Device Options" window.


By "cannot be" programmed do you mean the options are showing but they do not get updated to the device when you select them and click "Done".


What shows in the Event Viewer when you try?


What version of ISY software are you running?


Do you have the "Write Updates to Device" disabled? It's the green button with 1's and 0's on it. When grayed out, it means updates are not written until enabled again. Note that due to Java errors the button doesn't always appear. Mine is only there one out of five times when I open the Admin console.


What happens you use the "Restore Device" function? Does it complete without error?

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The problem is the Momentary/Latching switch input and 3-way operation modes cannot be programmed from the ISY management console, Micro Dimmer Device, "Device Options" window.


By "cannot be" programmed do you mean the options are showing but they do not get updated to the device when you select them and click "Done".


What shows in the Event Viewer when you try?


What version of ISY software are you running?


Do you have the "Write Updates to Device" disabled? It's the green button with 1's and 0's on it. When grayed out, it means updates are not written until enabled again. Note that due to Java errors the button doesn't always appear. Mine is only there one out of five times when I open the Admin console.


What happens you use the "Restore Device" function? Does it complete without error?



Are you indicating you have a Micro Module Dimmer in your system and the Switch Modes can be selected/programmed/setup from the YSI, Micro Module "Device Options" dialog window?


Can't be programed: the "Device Options" switch modes checked then "Done" do not change the modules switch mode settings in the module. So I can check and click done all I want with no changes to the module switch input function. Is not a communication problem as I indicated... The module works great after I manually setup the Latching and 3-way disabled modes manually from the module set button.


Event Viewer: The Micro Module address is there but after that I'm unsure how to read the viewer.


YSI software: just loaded 4.1.3 admin console but it didn't help.


Write Update: I have a 994i/IR Pro and the device write is always enabled.


Restore Device: no errors.

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Are you indicating you have a Micro Module Dimmer in your system


Yes. I have two and all work as expected to program the modules from the ISY.


Is not a communication problem as I indicated... The module works great after I manually setup the Latching and 3-way disabled modes manually from the module set button.


Remember that once programmed, the devices are talking to each other locally only down a few feet of wire. So that doesn't tell us there isn't a communication problem to/from the ISY and the module. Communications with ISY is much further with more opportunities for noise and signal suckers to cause problems plus they may be on different phases. That's one of the reasons I asked about the ability to restore without error. That sends a lot of data from the ISY to the dimmer and is a reasonable test of good communications. As you indicated that works fine so we can reasonably rule out communication problems.



YSI software: just loaded 4.1.3 admin console but it didn't help.


What version of firmware?



Do you have more than one dimmer and if so does it exhibit the same problem?


Have you tried a factory reset on the module?

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Another thing to note: The ISY will only send option changes to a device if the options are different than what the ISY believe are already in the module. Try a different combination of settings, save, then set the way you want and save again. See if there is any traffic generated during those operations.



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What version of firmware?


Do you have more than one dimmer and if so does it exhibit the same problem?


Have you tried a factory reset on the module?


The firmware is 4.0.5


I have 2 Micro Dimmers; they both perform identical with respect the Device Options dialog window and their response to the motion sensor input.


I tried the factory reset and that didn't help as I still could only get the modules to work correctly after I used the module button to manually set the latching mode and 3-way disable.

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The firmware is 4.0.5


I have 2 Micro Dimmers; they both perform identical with respect the Device Options dialog window and their response to the motion sensor input.



I suggest you upgrade to v4.1.2 to see if that resolves the issue. Of course, do a backup of your config first as a precaution.

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With Version 4.0.5

I made a test setup and I observed problem with the ISY - Micro Dimmer Module - Device Options window check box verses the module’s switch functions.


1) When the Micro Dimmer Module is added none of the Device Options switch/device selections are checked. (incorrect for Default “latching†switch mode)


2) When the “Latching†box is not checked the Micro Dimmer Module is in “Latching†switch mode, [Latching = True] (reverse of options check box description)


3) When the “Single Line†is not checked the module is in “Single Line†switch mode, [single Line = True]. (reverse of options check box description)


4) Also, when “single Line†is not checked a switch tap initiates a module event Fast ON = DFON or Fast OFF = DFOF

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They are all unchecked because the ISY pulls the settings from the device at the time the Options window is opened. That's the reason why the Options window has it's own Query button. For whatever reason, you're obviously having difficulty with ISY interfacing with the device so it's not able to pull what the current settings are on the device. The differences you see are a symptom of the problem rather than a unique or additional problem.


I guess you've decided to not upgrade to v4.1.2? I personally think that's your best next step.

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They are all unchecked because the ISY pulls the settings from the device at the time the Options window is opened. That's the reason why the Options window has it's own Query button. For whatever reason, you're obviously having difficulty with ISY interfacing with the device so it's not able to pull what the current settings are on the device. The differences you see are a symptom of the problem rather than a unique or additional problem.


I guess you've decided to not upgrade to v4.1.2? I personally think that's your best next step.


I now have 3 Micro Dimmer Modules (I bought a spare just to test) and they all work exactly the same.

Once the module is added to the ISY and the Device Options window is opened and Query requested - none of the check boxes are selected/checked!!

However, when I press the set button to check the modules status the Micro Dimmer Module will beep 3 times indicating the module is in the default setting "Latching" mode and after Query the "Latching" selection is not checked in the Device Options selection window.


Also, when the "Latching" box is checked the module works as a "Momentary" switch and the status can be tested with the set button which will beep only once indicating the Single momentary mode!!


I tested the switch mode selection from the Device Options window and "Latching (off Momentary)" and "Single Line (off Dual Line)" Options are reversed for all three of my Micro Dimmer Modules from the check box descriptions. This obviously indicates either the ISY firmware or UI is incorrectly coded for the Device Options window check box descriptions. However the "Line High always On; Line Low always Off (off) Act as 3-Way" works as described and I have it checked to disable 3-Way mode.


My modules are working as needed for a motions sensor interface albeit the Device Options "Latching" switch selection is reversed


I never decided to upgrade to firmware release 4.1.2 beta and if that version solves this problem it is an upgrade I may perform later. However, after 30 + years if PC & micro controller installation/configuration experience installing Beta versions of firmware and UI code on a system when I want the system with 55 control devices and 65 program segments to be as reliable as possible should be done with a great degree of caution due to the unknown issues and system data corruption possibilities.


Also, Michel had me upgrade the UI to version 4.1.3 last week and that did not solve the problem so I may just sit where I am until the firmware release becomes official or should I have more time to play.

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In my 5 years with the ISY, I have not had any major issues with beta firmwares and I have run almost every one of them since the 2.x days. That said, part of the upgrade process is making a backup of the ISY before the upgrade is installed. In the event you find an issue that you can't live with in the newer firmware, you simply downgrade the firmware to your previous version and restore your backup.



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  • 3 weeks later...
In my 5 years with the ISY, I have not had any major issues with beta firmwares and I have run almost every one of them since the 2.x days. That said, part of the upgrade process is making a backup of the ISY before the upgrade is installed. In the event you find an issue that you can't live with in the newer firmware, you simply downgrade the firmware to your previous version and restore your backup.





I have been doing ISY stuff for only 5 months now and I just experienced my first Beta version Admin Console UI problem that prevented my programs from loading when the Program tab is opened.

I fixed it by downgrading to v 4.1.2.


However, it took a while to recognize the problem was the UI version since I had been using the install URL & version for the Admin Console for a week or so before the program load problem started.




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I believe that 4.1.2 is the most recent beta version released. Anything higher than that at the moment is a limited release alpha which is less tested and more likely to have problems. That said, I have been running 4.1.3 alpha for about a month now and have had no unexpected problems.



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I believe that 4.1.2 is the most recent beta version released. Anything higher than that at the moment is a limited release alpha which is less tested and more likely to have problems. That said, I have been running 4.1.3 alpha for about a month now and have had no unexpected problems.




I stand corrected, It was a Alpha Admin Console

I was running 4.1.3 but some how the URL I had for 4.1.3 installed v 4.1.4 on my system and that hosed the program loading.


No fun...

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As 30+ year IT veteran your attitude about not moving to a Beta version of software to solve a problem makes complete sense to me. Only if the release notes, or the the company's support staff told me specifically that the Beta software solved the problem would I move to that version. Instead I would try to understand, using the current version, what was going on. I also have Micro Module Dimmers that, like others have reported, work correctly when programmed under Options. I'm using firmware 4.0.5.


Have you tried watching the Event Viewer at Level 3 when trying to program your MMD's from the ISY? When I do that, I note a couple things.

* First, when I open the "Options" box there is no communication between the ISY and the MMD. So whatever the dialog box shows as checked or not checked is simply coming from the ISY's memory not the MMD.

* If you click a checkbox, say the "Latching" checkbox, there is immediate communication between the ISY and the MMD. The ISY does not wait for you to click "Done" to update the MMD. It does so immediately when you check or uncheck a box.


You should try this to see if the changes you make in the "Options" box are actually making it from your ISY to your MMD.

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Have you tried watching the Event Viewer at Level 3 when trying to program your MMD's from the ISY? When I do that, I note a couple things.

* First, when I open the "Options" box there is no communication between the ISY and the MMD. So whatever the dialog box shows as checked or not checked is simply coming from the ISY's memory not the MMD.



Oops. That is correct and I misspoke. I confused the MMD with some other nodes that do read the settings from the device like motion sensors when you open the options menu.


As for "risk of beta".... Well that's a risk vs reward discussion. You're not going to lose your house or million dollars if the beta has a bug. Comparing this to experiences in the "IT industry" just don't apply the same when assessing risk. I also have an extensive background in the IT industry to base this on. I've been an desktop tech, server admin, network admin, security specialist, voice specialist, built a world class co-lo facility, CTO, CIO, and run consulting groups.


So what's the risk? The risk for me is small enough to be without consideration. Backup and then upgrade. Test. Was the problem resolved? No - Then downgrade and restore. If Yes the problem resolved - Wait to see if there are other problems. Are there other problems? Yes - Then downgrade and restore. Easy. Quick.


What's the real risk of upgrade? A light doesn't turn on when you wanted? Yep.... Pretty low risk.


What's the reward? I get new features and support for new devices now. Worth the small risk to me.


Really want to reduce risk for your home automation project? Pay a professional to install and program. Not worth it to me. I enjoy it. ;)

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