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Cannot write change or restore to ControLincs

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I'm in the middle of a start-from-scratch migration from a Vera to an 994i Pro - slow going but this is the first problem I've hit I cannot solve on my own.


I have two ControlLincs that control a couple lights and a few scenes each. They worked fine with the Vera and also with HouseLinc software, but I'm having all kinds of problems with the ISY:


-I initially added them and they failed a couple times, but eventually got added

-I put them in some small scenes with one or two lights and that worked fine

-I then added them to some scenes with 20 or so other devices in them, neither of the ControlLincs could successfully "Write to device" - it would run for a while then stop, often with a "" error.


When I try to Restore Device, it prompts me that it could take a while, and when I accept, literally nothing happens. If I look at the event viewer it gives me 3 events: Preparing Device for Restore, Ready for Full Restore, then Writing 0 bytes to devices.


The logs for Write to Device end with a line saying: Failed Writing [E2012A1F24010001]


I've deleted the ControLincs from the system and added them back (it took two tries on one), but I still get the same problems.


Any ideas? Having the same exact problem on two different ControLincs.


thanks - dan

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Hi Dan-



It sure sounds to me like you have poor communication between the ISY PLM and the ControLincs. Can you try plugging one into the same plug point as the PLM for adding and configuring and see how that goes? Set the event viewer to level 3 and capture the traffic during the Add to ISY and Add to scene operations. That will give us a better idea of what is going on there.



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Well, that worked! All changes write with no problems when plugged into the same socket as the ISY.


So where should I go from here?


-I've got a FilterLinc on the stuff that is plugged into the same socket as the ISY

-I've got a Smarthome Phase Coupler on my dryer plug

-The two control-lincs are a room away from the ISY (and the 6 or so other devices in that room are not having problems)


What might be causing comm issues selective to the ControLinc?


Thanks - Dan

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Do you have any Dual band Devices confirmed communicating, on each phase with the communications tests?

The passive dryer plug in, may not be coupling the Insteon signals well. Depending on how far the dryer plug is from the breaker box. The signals maybe weak to start off with. Also any noise on one phase will be coupled back into the other phase. The dryer plug coupler does the Insteon power line signals well even though they are tuned to the X10 power line frequency that is slightly lower.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok - took me a while to get to more testing - but still having odd issues: I'm able to move the ISY to a location where it can successfully write updates to my two bedroom ControlLincs, and perform a Restore of these devices w/o error.


But even after doing a restore, these two controllers still have odd issues like:


-simple scenes (like turning a couple lights on and off) work fine from these devices, but some complex scenes involving 20 or so devices and different ramp rates have unpredictable behavior: stuff turning on instead of off, stuff not reacting at all, stuff using the wrong ramp rate.


-these same scenes work fine when activated directly from the ISY


-scene tests involved seem to fail sporadically when these devices are involved (i can upload tests if that would help)


For the most part everything else in the system works great except for random issues.


Other than whats going on, here are some questions that have popped up:


-How can I test if I have Dual band Devices confirmed communicating (I've got a ton of dual band stuff all over)


-So should I NOT be using the dryer plug if it is coupling noise between phases? (it is about 5' from the panel, btw)




I was using HouseLinc software with a USB PLM for the last couple years before switching to the ISY with a serial plug in. I never had a single signaling program with the ControlLincs or any other devices with that setup using very similar scenes. Is there something specific to the ISY, serial PLM, that could be causing all of this?


Thanks for the help. My hours spent frustrated is really building on this and my wife is losing faith in the whole system.



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The best way to couple the phases is with a pair of access points one on each phase and within reliable RF range of each other.


The ISY is not causing the issues you are having with the controlincs, the 2413S PLM *could* be related but I find it unlikely.


Is the new PLM in the same location as the old USB PLM? What other electronics are on the PLM circuit? Any power strips or UPSs?



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hi xathros - yes the new PLM is in the same spot as the old one. there is a LOT of stuff sharing that circuit (and actual plug): a UPS feeding a power strip with a PC and networking gear.


the old PLM was just plugged in directly (so two sockets: one the PLM, the other all of the above), but I installed a FilterLinc on the plug going to the UPS as part of this issue, but it did not seem to have any effect (its still in place though).


i'm very tempted to go filterlinc-crazy and start filtering everything as I've read about others doing, but keep coming back to the fact that the old PLM did not have issues.


i was not familiar with pairing access points but was just reading about it. do I have to actually go out and buy a couple access points, or can dual-band switches (of which I have many installed) serve this purpose? i could remove the dryer coupler and try that coupling technique.


Thanks - djm

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Pull the dryer plug coupler. See if things improve or worsen.


Your dual band devices may be providing the necessary coupling. You can do the 4 tap test from a few DB locations and see how other DB devices react. If you see that they are coupling, then the AP's are not required. The reason I and many others recommend the AP's is that they have better range than installed-in-the-wall DB devices and are easy to relocate as needed. Beyond that, they provide the same functionality as far as coupling goes. Consult the user manuals for some of your DB devices for the 4 tap test operation.


In general, the way it works is: You tap the set button on a dualband device 4 times quickly. It will go into a beacon test mode and the LED will blink for 4 minutes. During that four minute time, observe the LED's on other dual band devices. Any device whose LED is blinking is receiving the test signal via RF. The color or brightness of the blinking LED's will tell you if the device is on the same or opposite phase from the test originator. This is where you need info from the specific devices owners manual.


Hope this helps.



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