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Communications problems with a SwitchLinc Dimmer?

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For some reason I'm having ongoing communications problems with an Insteon SwitchLinc Dimmer. I was using a 2476D and I assumed it was a faulty switch. I've since replaced it with a 2477D, which offers dual-band connectivity and I'm still having issues. When I try to restore the device using the ISY 994 desktop I get an error message that states it cannot determine the Insteon Engine.


Perhaps it's simply a coincidence, but everything was performing fine up to last year. For what it's worth my 2413S PLM is on the same circuit as the SwitchLinc in question. Is this simply a defective switch or something else?




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Hi Kelly-


Your symptoms indicate a communication problem between your PLM and the switch location. This could be due to other devices on the circuit creating noise or attenuating the Insteon signals. Make sure you have no surge suppressors, UPSs or other unfiltered electronic gear on that circuit.



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Yep. There's the problem I have two servers, a router, multiple switches, and a UPS on that same circuit. Unfortunately, I can't move those devices elsewhere because it's a specially cooled IT closet. Is there anything I can do to suppress the interference to the 2477D? Is there a way to force the 2477D to communicate using RF instead of the AC line?

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Is there anything I can do to suppress the interference to the 2477D?


Yes. Put all those devices on a filterlinc. I use a single filterlinc with everything on power strips.


If you would like to confirm the problem, get an extension cord and temporarily plug it into an outlet on another circuit. Plug the PLM into the extension cord. Does this solve the problem?

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If the loads needed to be on a FilterLinc are more than ten amps. You may have to use two or the ACT AF120 is a fifteen amp one.


I think the bigger problem is how am I going to plug in a FilterLinc next to my 2413S PLM in a standard four plug outlet. The case of both devices, when placed side by side, will not allow this. :(

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FilterLinc has a unfiltered pass through outlet on the front.

I have my UPS on the bottom filtered outlet and my PLM in the unfiltered outlet on the front.


That's perfect. Thanks for the suggestion. :)

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Gentlemen, the FilterLinc suggestion worked GREAT! I don't think my ISY-994 and Insteon devices have ever performed this well. Thanks for solving this long-standing problem for me. :)

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Excellent! As always, happy to help.


Thanks for posting back with your results.



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