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Help with Remotelinc 2324-2

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Hello, I've hit a wall trying to get a remotelinc working properly.


What I want:


Button A - Lights off.

Button B - Lights Low - 10%

Button C - Lights Med - 30%

Button D - Lights High - 70%


What I've done:


Added the remotelinc. Created scenes for off, low, med, and high. Set the on-level to appropriate values for each scene. Tested each scene using the "On" button in the ISY control panel, and ensured they work. Set the remotelinc buttons as controllers for each scene. Set the controller to non-toggle mode. (always send On).


What I get:


Button A - Lights on %100.

Button B - Lights on %100.

Button C - Lights on %100.

Button D - Lights on %100.


What my log file shows: (manually turn "Off scene" on, lights go off. Then press button "A")


Scene:Master Bedroom / Lights Off On Sun 2014/03/23 08:04:43 AM Web Log

Master Bedroom / 4 PotLights Status 0% Sun 2014/03/23 08:04:43 AM System Log

Master Bedroom / 4 PotLights Status 100% Sun 2014/03/23 08:04:49 AM System Log


I'm really not sure what I've done wrong, or if there's a better way to do this. Please advise?




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Remember...ON levels can be specific to each controller. This means that you need to ensure that the proper levels are set each button, in addition to the global scene level.


Within each scene ( high, medium, low), choose the controlling button. What ONlevels do you see for the responding devices? 100%?

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