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How to program an Insteon motion sensor


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I am new to this forum. I have several Insteon products in my house being controlled by an ISY994i. I was wondering if anyone out there had successfully programed or knew how to program an Insteon motion sensor to turn on different lights depending on the time of day. This is my scenario. I have three different lighting scenes in my kitchen all controlled by Insteon switches. Daytime lighting, evening lighting and night lights. Using an Insteon motion sensor, from 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM, sense motion and turn on the Daytime Lights only. Then from 6:00 PM to Sunset sense motion and turn on the Evening lights only. When late night occurs, sense motion and only turn on the night lights from 11:00 PM to 6:00 AM the next day. I don't want the other scenes to turn on if it is not there time. If there is an ISY994i programming wizard out there that can show me how to do this, I would be so grateful.

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One of the time ranges is covered by this example

       Control 'MS I2CS-Sensor' is switched On
   And From     6:00:00AM
       To       6:00:00PM (same day)

       Set Scene 'Scene1' On

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


Create two more Programs with the other time ranges. Insure the time ranges do not overlap.

       Control 'MS I2CS-Sensor' is switched On
   And From     6:00:01PM
       To       Sunset (same day)

       Set Scene 'Scene2' On

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

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I really appreciate your reply. Here is the program I put together to manage one of the 3 scenes in my kitchen.



Control ‘Kitchen Motion Sensor’ is switched On

and From 6:00 AM

To Sunset (Same Day)



Set ‘Kitchen Fluorescent Lights’ On


Here is the problem I am still having. The motion sensor is suppose to turn off if no motion is seen after 1 minute. Well it never turns off. How do I program the lights to turn off if no motion is seen after a timeout?

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Any additional motion On messages will trigger the Then clause again starting a new Wait interval.


The Else runs when the To time is reached which turns the Scene Off



       Control 'MS I2CS-Sensor' is switched On
   And From     6:00:00AM
       To       6:00:00PM (same day)

       Set Scene 'Scene1' On
       Wait  1 minute 
       Set Scene 'Scene1' Off

       Wait  1 minute 
       Set Scene 'Scene1' Off

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I really appreciate your reply. Here is the program I put together.



Control ‘Kitchen Motion Sensor’ is switched On

and From 6:00 AM

To Sunset (Same Day)



Set ‘Kitchen Fluorescent Lights’ On

Wait 1 minute

Set ‘Kitchen Fluorescent Lights’ Off



Wait 1 minute

Set ‘Kitchen Fluorescent Lights’ Off


It is now turning the lights on with motion sensed. With the ‘wait 1 minute’ code, lights are now turning off after 1 minute even if motion is sensed. Is there a way to program this so that it will not turn the lights off until no motion is sensed? If I am working in the kitchen, I don’t want the lights to turn off after 1 minute when I am still in the kitchen.

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Thanks for responding so diligently to my posts!


Before you posted this last reply I already tried what you suggested. I positioned the Jumper, found in location #4, on both pins. This theoretically puts the motion sensor into the "Occupancy mode". I thought for sure this was the magic solution. To my sadness, after 1 minute the lights did not turn off. I gave it up to 5 minutes and no lights turned off. I have found that the Insteon motion sensor will work as an off/on switch with motion sensed or not when it is linked to a specific Insteon switch. When the motion sensor is tied to the ISY it will turn on with motion sensed but it will not turn of when the motion goes away unless you give it a time frame such as 'wait' turn off after 3 minutes. As you can see, I am stumped. There has to be away to make the motion sensor turn off when no motion is sensed when it is tied to the ISY. Has anyone been successful with this?

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All the motion sensor options should be set through the ISY. Set Jumper 5 which enables the motion sensor for software updates. Put the motion sensor into linking mode by pressing the Set button until the Red LED blinks continuously. Click on the Sensor node and select the Options button at the bottom of the right side node display. Check Sensing mode: and uncheck On Only mode which causes the motion sensor to send On commands only. The timeout interval now has no affect. The motion sensor will send an On command each time motion is sensed. The motion sensor is dependent on motion. Standing in the area will not trigger motion On.


Many users are using motion sensors. Once you get the motion sensor set up correctly it will work with the above programs.

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I did what you said in your last response and It worked!!! If I could reach through the computer, I would hug you. Making the Insteon motion sensor turn on and off with motion all the while controling different lighting scenes at different times of day has been a quest. Thanks for your patients and providing me with this needed help.

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  • 1 month later...

I´m using the same program to turn on the lights when entering the apartment from the main door. It works great when entering the apartment at night. But the problem is, that when I have people over and they walk by the entrance area, when the light is already on, they activate the sensor and it activates the time countdown and it turns off after the 3 minute set interval.


Here is the program:



Control 'Sensores Motion / Motion Entrada Depa-Sensor' is switched On

And From Sunset

To Sunrise (next day)



Set 'Sala / Entrada sala' On

Wait 1 minute

Set 'Sala / Entrada sala' Fade Down



Wait 1 minute

Set 'Sala / Entrada sala' Fade Down



Here is what I thought was the solution (but it did not work):



Control 'Sensores Motion / Motion Entrada Depa-Sensor' is switched On

And Status 'Sala / Entrada sala' is Off

And From Sunset

To Sunrise (next day)



Set 'Sala / Entrada sala' On

Wait 1 minute

Set 'Sala / Entrada sala' Fade Down



Wait 1 minute

Set 'Sala / Entrada sala' Fade Down




What am I doing wrong??? Please Help

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My intention was to avoid running the program when the light is already on. If the light is on, there is no need to turn on the light or to turn it off in 3 minutes.

The problem is that when I have people over and somebody walks by the sensor.. 3 minutes later the light turns off. Very annoying.

I'm trying to find a solution.. I thought the 'status' option was it.

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I am assuming that what you want is the light to run automatically via the motion detector after sunset but to stay on if you have switched it on manually. If this is the case, here is how I would do this:




Define a Scene: Entrada sala, Make the device Entrada sala a responder. Set the Ramp rate to your desired "Fade Down" rate.


Program 1: EntradaSalaMotion


  Control 'Sensores Motion / Motion Entrada Depa-Sensor' is switched On
  And From Sunset
  To Sunrise (next day)

  Run Program 'EntradaSala1Min' Then Path



Program 2: EntradaSala1Min

   Control 'Sala / Entrada sala' is not switched On
   or Control 'Sala / Entrada sala' is not switched Fast On
   or Control 'Sala / Entrada sala' is not switched Fade Up

  Set Scene 'Sala / Entrada sala' Fast On
  Wait 1 minute
  Set Scene 'Sala / Entrada sala' Off



Program 3: EntradaSaleMotionEnable-Disable

   Control 'Sala / Entrada sala' is switched On
   or Control 'Sala / Entrada sala' is switched Fast On
   or Control 'Sala / Entrada sala' is switched Fade Up
  And (
   Control 'Sala / Entrada sala' is not switched Off
   or Control 'Sala / Entrada sala' is not switched Fast Off

  Disable Program 'EntradaSalaMotion'

  Enable Program 'EntradaSalaMotion'


The reason for the scene is to get your fade rate without using Fade Down. A Fade Down or Fade Up should always be followed by a Fade Stop or the device may be left in a unknown state. Fade Down is the equivalent of holding the bottom of the paddle in, fade stop is the equivalent of releasing the paddle. Using the scene for the ramp rate avoids having to deal with this issue. Set the scene fast on for instant light with motion. Set the scene off for the fade to dark.


The third program watches the local control for Entrada sala and disables the motion sensor program when you have manually turned on the lights. It re enables the motion program when you turn the local control off. The If in the second program will terminate the 1 minute timer if you switch the lights on while the countdown is already running preventing the timer from turning the lights back off at expiration.


Hope this makes sense and addresses your requirements.



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My intention was to avoid running the program when the light is already on. If the light is on, there is no need to turn on the light or to turn it off in 3 minutes.


There is a variation on this...what if motion sensor initially turns on the light. At 2:55 during the three-minute countdown, something triggers the motion. Do you want to reset the countdown? Make sure you consider the various possibilities. These motion sensor problems are not as simple to think out as first impressions might lead.


I have not looked through xathros example completely, but it looks like his suggestion includes these variations. His example also lets you halt a running timer by manually turning on the switch. Nice.

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Yes. I would like to reset the countdown, how do I do that?

I thought the program did that already.


Yes, I suspect you will find xathros' proposed solution will take care of this. I asked these types of questions only rhetorically...to point out the various considerations that come into play.


One (of several) of the problems of your original prgram is that the "status" condition would have prevented this.

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Hi Xathros,


The program is not working for me. I have several issues. Sometimes it turns on, other times it doesn't. I do check ISY and the programs look disable even when the lights are not on.

Another problem is the countdown.. it looks like it won't restart the 1 min countdown when the sensor senses movement, so the light turn off no matter what.


What am I doing wrong?



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Hi tunamangye-


First, post the programs as you have them in your ISY. Right click the program name in the tree, select "Copy to Clipboard" and paste into a reply here.


Second, Describe the current jumper settings in the motion detector and the settings in the options dialog for the motion sensor in the ISY. The configuration of the sensor can have a bearing on how the program should operate.


Third, in the ISY admin console, select Tools / Diagnostics / Event Viewer. Set to level 3 at the bottom. Clear the viewer and then move in front of the motion sensor. Post any captured traffic and the address of the motion sensor.



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Thanks for the help and the quick reply.


Here are the programs:


Entrada Sala Motion



Control 'Sensores Motion / Motion Entrada Depa-Sensor' is switched On

And From Sunset

To Sunrise (next day)



Run Program 'EntradaSala3min' (Then Path)



- No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')






Control 'Sala / Entrada sala' is not switched On

Or Control 'Sala / Entrada sala' is not switched Fast On

Or Control 'Sala / Entrada sala' is not switched Fade Up



Set 'Sala / Entrada sala' On

Wait 3 minutes

Set 'Sala / Entrada sala' Off



- No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')



EntradaSalaMotion Enable Disable



Control 'Sala / Entrada sala' is switched On

Or Control 'Sala / Entrada sala' is switched Fast On

Or Control 'Sala / Entrada sala' is switched Fade Up

And Control 'Sala / Entrada sala' is not switched Off

Or Control 'Sala / Entrada sala' is not switched Fast Off



Disable Program 'Entrada Sala Motion '



Enable Program 'Entrada Sala Motion '



Here are the jumper settings:


jumper 1: both pins

jumper 2: one pin only

jumper 3: both pins

jumper 4: both pins

jumper 5: both pins



Settings for the options dialog:


timeout 1

Led Brightness 100

Darkness Sensitivity 80


Sensing mode (Checked)

On only mode (unchecked)

Night mode (unchecked)



Event Viewer log:


Tue 05/20/2014 11:24:47 AM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 28.3A.B7 00.00.01 CB 11 01 LTONRR (01)

Tue 05/20/2014 11:24:47 AM : [std-Group ] 28.3A.B7-->Group=1, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2

Tue 05/20/2014 11:24:47 AM : [ 28 3A B7 1] DON 1

Tue 05/20/2014 11:24:48 AM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 28.3A.B7 00.00.01 CB 11 01 LTONRR (01)

Tue 05/20/2014 11:24:48 AM : [std-Group ] 28.3A.B7-->Group=1, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2

Tue 05/20/2014 11:24:48 AM : [iNST-DUP ] Previous message ignored.

Tue 05/20/2014 11:24:49 AM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 28.3A.B7 22.FE.60 41 11 01 LTONRR (01)

Tue 05/20/2014 11:24:49 AM : [std-Cleanup ] 28.3A.B7-->ISY/PLM Group=1, Max Hops=1, Hops Left=0

Tue 05/20/2014 11:24:49 AM : [iNST-DUP ] Previous message ignored.

Tue 05/20/2014 11:24:49 AM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 28.3A.B7 11.01.01 CB 06 00 (00)

Tue 05/20/2014 11:24:49 AM : [std-Group ] 28.3A.B7-->11.01.01, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2

Tue 05/20/2014 11:24:49 AM : [iNST-INFO ] Previous message ignored.

Tue 05/20/2014 11:24:50 AM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 28.3A.B7 11.01.01 CB 06 00 (00)

Tue 05/20/2014 11:24:50 AM : [std-Group ] 28.3A.B7-->11.01.01, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2

Tue 05/20/2014 11:24:50 AM : [iNST-INFO ] Previous message ignored.



Hope this helps to figure out the problem.



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In addition to LeeG's response, your third program is missing the parenthesis that determine the order of evaluation. it should look like this:

   Control 'Sala / Entrada sala' is switched On
   or Control 'Sala / Entrada sala' is switched Fast On
   or Control 'Sala / Entrada sala' is switched Fade Up
  And (
   Control 'Sala / Entrada sala' is not switched Off
   or Control 'Sala / Entrada sala' is not switched Fast Off

  Disable Program 'EntradaSalaMotion'

  Enable Program 'EntradaSalaMotion'


Remove Jumper #1 as per LeeG's suggestion and make the corrections to the third program then post your results.


Hope this helps.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Lee and Xathros, and Oberkc

I Would like to chime in on this topic you guys have much more knowledge on programing and functions on the ISY then I and there are many roads that lead to ROME.I have been using this occupancy program for about a year now (I copied it off of one of the threads).it has worked fine however sometimes I think it is the culprit of a "ALL ON" ISY scenario when multiple motions are triggered walking from room to room and back again. I would like you all to take a look and give your opinion. This one uses variables TOTAL 3-PROGRAMS , Motion is ON only and "as motion is sensed is checked"





From 10:00:02AM

To 4:00:00PM (same day)

And Control 'KITCHEN / Kitchen-Sensor' is switched On



Set Scene 'KITCHEN / Kitchen Lights' 100%

$State_1s.Kitchen = 5



- No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')





$State_1s.Kitchen > 0



$State_1s.Kitchen Init To $State_1s.Kitchen

Wait 1 minute

$State_1s.Kitchen -= 1



- No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')





$State_1s.Kitchen is 0



Set Scene 'KITCHEN / Kitchen Lights' Off

Wait 2 seconds

Set Scene 'KITCHEN / Kitchen Lights' Off

$State_1s.Kitchen Init To -1

$State_1s.Kitchen = -1



- No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

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I see nothing wrong with your programs or logic here. More likely, you have a battery in one or more motion sensors that is getting low. Many of the ALL ON insteon events seem to be related to low battery conditions with motion sensors.



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I agree with xathros...I see nothing in that program that would cause an ALL LIGHTS ON result. Is it possible there is another program, based on those variables, that would cause this.


I am also under the impression that these random ALL ON events can be triggered by a failing PLM.

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