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Program execution order question


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I'm not seeing why this never runs...I've tried many different ways...This is what I've been staring at recently. It doesn't run even though both climate expressions are true..?


            Time is  9:15:00AM
         Or Time is  5:15:00PM
   And (
            Module 'Climate' Temperature > 34 °F
        And Module 'Climate' Rain Today < 0.03 "

       Set 'Front Drip-Relay' On
       Wait  10 minutes 
       Set 'Front Drip-Relay' Off
       Wait  3 seconds
       Send Notification to 'Patrick E-mail' content 'Front Drip Off'

       Set 'Front Drip-Relay' Off



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Is it something to do with maybe the climate data being re-evaluated during the wait period?

I see where the last run/finish times are updated more frequently that my desired run times...


If I run the then statement it sets the relay on for about a minute then sets it off and never completes the then statement..

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The Program is triggered at the two Times and anytime either of the two Climate values change. The If will be True only at exactly 9:15AM and exactly 5:15PM assuming the Climate values are also True. Perhaps you want to use a From/To Time range rather than two explicit Times. Would help to know what the program is trying to accomplish and when.

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Trying to run the then statement at 9:15 am and 5:15 pm only if temp is above 34 and if there is less than .03" of rain for that day.

Wanting to run (have relay on ) for 10 min at these times then turn off.

Put the notification in only to see if complete.

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The common solution is to split the Program into two Programs. Program 1 Then clause invokes Program 2. Program 2 contains the current Then clause statements. Even though Program 1 is triggered multiple times it would not affect the execution of Program 2.

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