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Insteon Motion Sensor

Brian H

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Can you gentleman please post the best X10 motion sensor that you've found to work well with ISY. I only need a couple and would try them first. Also if someone has a program that has worked well with ISY to take the motion and trigger ISY, I'd greatly appreciate it.


Thanks ahead of time,



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I use a pair of programs for my driveway motion. Here they are:




       X10 'B1/On (3)' is Received
   And Status  'DrivewayModule1' is Off

       Run Program 'X10 Driveway Motion 2' (Then Path)

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')





  - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition')

       Set Scene 'Driveway' On
       Wait  5 minutes 
       Set Scene 'Driveway' Off

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')



Nothing sophisticated at all, just turns my drivway lights on for 5 minutes if motion is detected.

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I use a bunch of EagleEyes (because they are cheap) and an EZX10RF transceiver.


If I can tolerate the ~2 sec. lag from when motion is first detected by the motion sensor to the eventual activation of the device on the powerline by the ISY OR if the device to be activated is an X10 device, then I let the EZX10RF send X10 signals to the ISY. A typical program might look like this motion chime program:


Driveway Motion Alarm


       X10 'D6/On (3)' is Received

       Send X10 'G6/On (3)'
       Run Program 'Driveway Motion Alarm' (Else Path)
       Run Program '* Driveway Motion' (Else Path)

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


The "* Driveway Motion" program is to track the X10 state of the motion sensor.


On the other hand, if the device to be activated is an Insteon device and I want much reduced activation lag (under a sec.) through the ISY, I use the EZX10RF's X10 RF to Insteon transceiver translation capabilities in a program like this:


Motion Guest Bath Nitelite


            Control 'Guest Bedroom Motion N2' is switched On
         Or Control 'Guest Bath Motion N4' is switched On
   And From     9:00:00PM
       To      Sunrise +  1 hour  and 15 minutes (next day)

       Set 'Guest Bath LL1 Nightlite' Fast On
       Wait  3 minutes 
       Set 'Guest Bath LL1 Nightlite' Off
       Run Program 'Motion Guest Bath Nitelite' (Else Path)

       Set 'Guest Bath LL1 Nightlite' Off


The Control statements refer to EZX10RF Insteon signals transmitted after receiving the X10 RF taffic.. There are two EagleEyes that can active the guest bath nightlight in this case which is controlled by a LampLinc.


None of my EagleEye motion programs are very complicated so I doubt that you would have any problem programming your own motion programs.


Because the EagleEyes are so cheap, I had no qualms about modifying all of mine to have two wires that stick out of the back and are connected to the battery wiring. I can either attach a spare battery pack to them all the time to boost the battery life expectancy or I can attach a battery pack to change the internal batteries without losing the EagleEye house code programming. Programming the EagleEyes is a bit of a pain and I want to minimize it. :)

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