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Garage Door (Status andOperation) using ISY and ELK M1 w/Elk


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Good morning everyone!


I have just about finished up on my M1/ISY programming. I have had the ISY for a few years now but just recently decided to get the Elk M1 for the added security around the house. Before my M1/ISY merge, I was using an I/O link to to report the status and perform the open/close operation of the garage door. Throughout my house, I had all (H buttons) on each 8 button Keypadlincs programmed to be lit up when the garage door was open and off when the garage door was closed. If the H button was pressed on any of the Keypadlincs the garage door would either go up or go down, depending on the current status.


Since the recent install of the ELK and ELK module, I would like to use the Relay Board in the ELK M1 to do what the I/O link did.


Does anyone have a program or programs they would be willing to share to help me understand programming this?



Thanks in advance for your help!



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I've been able to get the Status portion of my Garage Door Status Program to work, I have all "H" buttons on my 6 Keypadlincs light up when the garage door is open. I just can't figure out the way to get the same "H" button to open the door, the garage status/opener kit that I previously had was a bit easier to program.


Can anyone share their experiences using the ELK outputs to operate their opener? Any chance you used one button to do both tasks?

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I have installed an ELK RB board inside the M1 and actually have one of the F keys on my ELK Keypad programmed to operate the Garage door, all works well! I guess I'm more hung up on the programming of the "H" buttons on all my keypads to show the Garage Door status AND be able to trigger the RB board to trigger the opener. THis is how it worked on the Garage Door kit I had installed prior to my M1 install.


Do you currently have any programs similar to this?


Thanks in advance for your help!


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I am still in the contemplative stage for the elk, and do not have one. I am interested in this as a learning experience for myself.


As far as programming the ISY, I may be able to help, though I don't have any such programs. What I find interesting personally is turning wishes into logic steps and programs. What I don't have direct knowledge about is the access to your elk sensors and relays. Assuming relays and sensors appear to the ISY as simply another device, could it be as simple as something like:


first program (disabled)



status elk garage door sensor is on


turn on KPL H button


turn off KPL H button


a second program



control KPL H button is switched on


set ELK relay garage door trigger on (or whatever command tells the ELK to momentarily close)

wait 10 seconds (to give garage door enough time to do its thing)

run first program (then path) (to set proper status of KPL H)


put KPL H into non-toggle ON so that each button press sends an ON command


Perhaps I am totally off base here, so feel free to ignore.

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I will try your suggestion as soon as I get home. To answer your question, yes, with the Elk module allows you to see each input/output. It's def. worth the 99.00!


I'm anxious in getting this programming to work just like it was when I had the Garage Door I/o plug in unit, but now using the Elk module. Once I figure it out I planned to put together a nice how-to.



Thanks for your help,


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Ejh3 - maybe I missed this earlier in the thread, but what's the benefit to switching to the Elk to run the garage door? I'm currently running the 994i with the garage door I/O unit, but adding Elk for security soon. I'm going to put a door sensor on the entry door from the garage to the house...and not seeing a need to change from ISY to Elk controlling my garage doors. Please let me know if I'm missing an important feature as to why the Elk would be worth spending the $ on to control the garage doors!! (Also, a nice how-to would be great when/if you can get one together!!)



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Ejh3 - maybe I missed this earlier in the thread, but what's the benefit to switching to the Elk to run the garage door? I'm currently running the 994i with the garage door I/O unit, but adding Elk for security soon. I'm going to put a door sensor on the entry door from the garage to the house...and not seeing a need to change from ISY to Elk controlling my garage doors. Please let me know if I'm missing an important feature as to why the Elk would be worth spending the $ on to control the garage doors!! (Also, a nice how-to would be great when/if you can get one together!!)



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If you have only one device to monitor an input/control with a relay then the Elk may be the more expensive way to do it. In the long run if you plan on controlling more devices the Elk would be the cleaner way to do it. I currently have 6 relays out of 16 available on my Elk controlling different things. 6 IOLincs at 46.00 each gets very pricey for their very limited functionality. You can do the same with an input direct to an M1 with an output wired to the door controller.


I also trust an Elk panel lot more than I trust an Insteon Device. Elk's are backed up with batteries. What happens when the power goes out? Does your Water ShutOff Valve still work properly, I doubt it...In other words Elk is a more robust solution that is designed to reliably do what it's supposed to do.


The cost per input / output goes down very quickly if you plan on doing other low voltage monitoring and switching with an Elk.


Really you have to decide to invest for the future now before ending up with a bunch of used plug-in relay devices that aren't worth much second hand. Either way will work fine to open a garage door, unless someday there some sort of bug in the PLM that turns on all of your lights and opens your garage door while you at work, that could be really bad... :evil:

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Are you certain that the ELK has relays, and not just sensors?


The Elk M1 has one form C relay on the main board. 8 Relays can be added to the main board directly with an M1RB.


A combination of 16 Outputs can be added by installing a M1XOV to the databus. It will give you 16 Low current outputs that can do things like power other M1RB's or LEDs.


If you need form C relays then use an M1XOVR which will give you 8 relay outputs with 8 low voltage outputs that can do things or trigger another M1RB for 16 relays total.

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Ejh3 - maybe I missed this earlier in the thread, but what's the benefit to switching to the Elk to run the garage door? I'm currently running the 994i with the garage door I/O unit, but adding Elk for security soon. I'm going to put a door sensor on the entry door from the garage to the house...and not seeing a need to change from ISY to Elk controlling my garage doors. Please let me know if I'm missing an important feature as to why the Elk would be worth spending the $ on to control the garage doors!! (Also, a nice how-to would be great when/if you can get one together!!)


KHouse, after adding the ELK Module I was hoping I could do away with the plug in moduloes that cluttered my media rack. I'm confident there is a way to program the ISY/ELK M1 to perform like the Garage Module, I just need to figure it out. I was hoping someone else might have already done this.


I will post my findings/programs once I figure it out.



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Are you certain that the ELK has relays, and not just sensors?


The Elk M1 has one form C relay on the main board. 8 Relays can be added to the main board directly with an M1RB.


A combination of 16 Outputs can be added by installing a M1XOV to the databus. It will give you 16 Low current outputs that can do things like power other M1RB's or LEDs.


If you need form C relays then use an M1XOVR which will give you 8 relay outputs with 8 low voltage outputs that can do things or trigger another M1RB for 16 relays total.




Agreed, I am currently using the ELK-M1RB. I do believe this can be programmed to do what I want, do you agree?

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Are you certain that the ELK has relays, and not just sensors?


The Elk M1 has one form C relay on the main board. 8 Relays can be added to the main board directly with an M1RB.


A combination of 16 Outputs can be added by installing a M1XOV to the databus. It will give you 16 Low current outputs that can do things like power other M1RB's or LEDs.


If you need form C relays then use an M1XOVR which will give you 8 relay outputs with 8 low voltage outputs that can do things or trigger another M1RB for 16 relays total.




Agreed, I am currently using the ELK-M1RB. I do believe this can be programmed to do what I want, do you agree?


Agreed. The Rb relay will work to control a garage door. Getting the KPL button to work the same may take some creative programming but I think it is doable.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This would be a straight forward program to create since you've already successfully have it working with an F button on your keypad. I use variables whenever possible as I like to abstract actions from devices to provide more flexibility and requires fewer changes if you change a device out for something different.


You can read about my other adventures with garage door programs including using two sensors for more reliable detection of open and closed. I like to check to make sure the garage actually opens/closes after a request to do so and other nifty stuff. http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewtopic.php?f=27&t=13892




Garage Door Variable: s.GarageDoor.Status

Elk Input for Garage Contact Closure: Zone 1

Scene for KPL buttons: Scene-GarageDoor-KPLs

Elk Keypad F button to Open/Close Door: F1

KPL H Button Mode: Non-toggle Off


Zone 1 is Violated

Set Variable s.GarageDoor.Status = 1
Set Variable s.GarageDoor.Status Init 1

Zone 1 is Normal

Set Variable s.GarageDoor.Status = 0
Set Variable s.GarageDoor.Status Init 0

Variable S.GarageDoor.Status=1

Set Scene 'Scene-GarageDoor-KPLs' On

Set Scene 'Scene-GarageDoor-KPLs' Off

Control KPL-H-1 is Switched On
or Control KPL-H-1 is Switched Off
or Control KPL-H-2 is Switched On
or Control KPL-H-2 is Switched Off
or Control KPL-H-3 is Switched On
or Control KPL-H-3 is Switched Off

Set Elk Keypad Keypad1 Press F1

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