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Some Detailed How-To's

Chris Jahn

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Version 2.6.6 - Relevant Wiki Link: Precedence and Execution Order


The True/False status of a Folder may be tested using a program.




By testing the status of a Folder, it is easier to choose which programs within the Folder run when it becomes True.


How to use it


1. Select Program in the dropdown for an Action

2. Select a Folder (the selection list contains all Programs followed by all Folders)




Folder AWAY

Folder Conditions for 'AWAY'
Add conditions to limit when programs in this folder are allowed to run.

       Status  'Away Button' is On

  Allow the programs in this folder to run.


Program inside Folder AWAY.

- This turns the bathroom light on randomly. You could add more of these programs in the folder for Kitchen, Bedrooms, etc.


       Folder  'AWAY' is True

       Repeat Every  1 hour
          Wait  15 minutes  (Random)
          Set 'Bathroom Light' On
          Wait  10 minutes 
          Wait  2 minutes  (Random)
          Set 'Bathroom Light' Off

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


Program inside Folder AWAY.

- This sends an e-mail notification if the Bathroom switch is pressed on while you are away. You could add more switches to this program e.g. Kitchen, Living Room etc.


       Control 'Bathroom Switch' is switched On
    Or Control 'Bathroom Switch' is switched Fast On
    Or Control 'Bathroom Switch' is switched Fade Up
    Or Control 'Bathroom Switch' is switched Bright

       Send Notification to All

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


Program not inside Folder AWAY.

- This is used to ensure all the lights randomly turned on will be turned off when the AWAY Folder becomes False, and all programs in it are stopped.


       Folder  'AWAY' is False

       Set 'Bathroom Light' Off

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

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Version 2.6.7


The on level/ramp rates of devices within scenes may be adjusted using programs. This is useful in cases where you want a light to be at 100% when switched on during the day and evening, but at late night you would want it to come on at 25%.




Unlike using a program to test for a button press and then turn the light on to a certain level, the actual link within the device is updated.


The main advantage to this approach is that the ISY is not in the loop when you turn the scene on or off, and therefore there is no delay.


How to use it


1. Select Adjust Scene in the dropdown for an Action.

2. Select either the Master Scene, or a controller within that scene.

3. Select the responder in the scene

4. Select the new on level or ramp rate (you can find ramp rates at the end of the drop down list).




Isy Scene:

. Bathroom (Master Scene)

. - Bathroom Switch (SwitchLinc Controller)

. - Bathroom Light (LampLinc Responder)


This changes the on level of 'Bathroom Light' to 25% at late night, and 100% at all other times when switched on using 'Bathroom Switch'. It also adjusts the ramp rate.


       From    11:30:00PM
       To      Sunrise -  2 hours (next day)

       In Scene 'Bathroom switch' Set 'Bathroom Light' 25% (On Level)
       In Scene 'Bathroom switch' Set 'Bathroom Light' 4.5 Sec (Ramp Rate)

       In Scene 'Bathroom switch' Set 'Bathroom Light' 100% (On Level)
       In Scene 'Bathroom switch' Set 'Bathroom Light' 0.3 Sec (Ramp Rate)

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Version 2.6.6


References to devices, scenes and programs can be found or replaced using Find/Replace. Find/Replace is available in both the Program Summary and Program Details.


Version 2.6.7


References to X10 and IR can also be found or replaced, and a raw text search with expressions is also available.





Without search/replace capability it can be time consuming and error prone finding all occurances of something that needs to be replaced.


How to use it


From the Program Details page:

1. Right-click on the program tree, and select Find/Replace from the popup menu.

2. A dialog box will appear, choose the type of search you would like.


Perform a search:


1. Select the item to search for from the drop down box, or in the case of raw text search, type in the search text.

2. Press the Find button, if it finds it in a program then the program is highlighted.

3. Press the Find button again to find the next occurance


Perform a replace:


1. Select the item to search for from the drop down box

2. Select the item to replace it within in the 'Replace with' drop down box

3. Press one of the Replace buttons to do the replace

- Replace in Selected replaces all occurances in the current (selected) program

- Replace in All Programs replaces all occurances in all programs

- Replace in All in Folder This button will appear if a folder is currently selected. It replaces all occurances in all programs within the folder or its subfolders.


From the Program Summary page:

1. Right-click on the table, and select Find/Replace from the popup menu.

2. A dialog box will appear, choose the type of search you would like.


Perform a search:


1. Select the item to search for from the drop down box, or in the case of raw text search, type in the search text.

2. Press the Find button, all programs containing the occurance are selected.


Perform a replace:


1. Select the item to search for from the drop down box

2. Select the item to replace it within in the 'Replace with' drop down box

3. Press one of the Replace buttons to do the replace

- Replace in Selected replaces all occurances in all the programs selected in the table

- Replace in All Programs replaces all occurances in all programs


Note: You must press 'Save Changes' on the main Program Details to save your changes to the ISY. If you accidentally make the wrong change using replace, you can use the 'Undo Changes' on the main Program Details page to undo all changes you have made since your last 'Save Changes'.




       Folder  'AWAY' is True

       Repeat Every  1 hour
          Wait  15 minutes  (Random)
          Set 'Bathroom Light' On
          Wait  10 minutes 
          Wait  2 minutes  (Random)
          Set 'Bathroom Light' Off

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


1. From the program details screen, select the above program.

2. Open the Find/Replace dialog box

3. Select 'Insteon'

4. Select 'Bathroom Light'

5. Select 'Kitchen Light' in the 'Replace With' drop down box

6. Press the 'Replace in Selected Button'


The program will now look like:


       Folder  'AWAY' is True

       Repeat Every  1 hour
          Wait  15 minutes  (Random)
          Set 'Kitchen Light' On
          Wait  10 minutes 
          Wait  2 minutes  (Random)
          Set 'Kitchen Light' Off

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


6. Press the 'Save Changes' on the main Program Details page to save the change to the ISY.

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  • 1 month later...



Version 2.6.7


User defined SMTP settings enables one to use his/her own SMTP service for notifications.



1. more secure especially if used in conjunction with a Gmail account (using TLS)

2. is not bound by UDI hosting SLAs


We certainly recommend a Gmail account mostly because it's quite secure using TLS .



How to use it


From the Configuration page in the SMTP Settings section:

1. Un-check Use Default

2. Enter the SMTP setting for your ISP. If your ISP does not require authentication, please do not enter anything for Userid and/or Password




Here is an example settings for Gmail:

SMTP Server: smtp.gmail.com

SMTP Port: 587

Userid: isy-notifications@gmail.com

Password: helloworld!2

Use TLS: checked




TLS has only been tested with Gmail and may not work with other providers.

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