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rebooting ISY


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First off let me thank those who have helped me with my questions/issues re the ISY. It is an awesome piece of electronics. I use it with Insteon devices, and have the PRO and network modules installed. It took me a while to get started with networking which brings me to my first suggestion. Get a good networking document published that describes how to get started and how to do all things related to connecting to an external device. I figured it all out but it was not trivial and I have been doing this, digital computer stuff (hardware and software) for more than 50 years. I still do not know how to process a reply, or if it is even possible to set up a network resource to get one back to the ISY. It would be nice if there was a way to do this


Now to the topic of this post. Periodically, albeit infrequently, my ISY gets into a state where it really slows down. It still operates but very slowly. If I change the state of a light using a switch the state changes almost immediately as that is all Insteon. The feedback to the subscribed iPads comes back 2-5 seconds later whereas it is normally instantaneous. I don't know where to look for the problem, the event log looks fairly normal to me, so I reboot the ISY. I do this by powering it off, and then back on. All is then well, except . . .


The iPads which have previously subscribed to the ISY when they were started are no longer subscribed to the ISY since the re-booted ISY has not seen a start subscribe for any of the 5 iPad IP address. I see in the documentation that a control of "_1' with action=1 (get status) indicates that the ISY "client", the iPad, should re-subscribe. I never see this and I guess I shouldn't as the ISY knows nothing about the iPads at this time.


Is there a better way to re-start the ISY so that it still knows who was subscribed to it and will issue the feedback to indicate that a re-subscribe is required?

-or- do I have to manually tell the iPads to re-subscribe to the ISY?

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Hi Barry,


First off let me thank those who have helped me with my questions/issues re the ISY. It is an awesome piece of electronics. I use it with Insteon devices, and have the PRO and network modules installed. It took me a while to get started with networking which brings me to my first suggestion. Get a good networking document published that describes how to get started and how to do all things related to connecting to an external device. I figured it all out but it was not trivial and I have been doing this, digital computer stuff (hardware and software) for more than 50 years. I still do not know how to process a reply, or if it is even possible to set up a network resource to get one back to the ISY. It would be nice if there was a way to do this.

Currently, you cannot.


Now to the topic of this post. Periodically, albeit infrequently, my ISY gets into a state where it really slows down. It still operates but very slowly. If I change the state of a light using a switch the state changes almost immediately as that is all Insteon. The feedback to the subscribed iPads comes back 2-5 seconds later whereas it is normally instantaneous. I don't know where to look for the problem, the event log looks fairly normal to me, so I reboot the ISY. I do this by powering it off, and then back on. All is then well, except . . .

The first thing to look at is /rest/subscriptions. How many subscribers do you have? Also, please note that:

1. The more subscribers, the slower the response to the LAST subscriber (but should not be noticeable)

2. If one or more of subscribers are NOT responding (i.e. went to sleep), then ISY will try 3 times to send them the event. This will take at least 3 seconds ... so, the next thing you should look for is clients that are asleep or not responding


The iPads which have previously subscribed to the ISY when they were started are no longer subscribed to the ISY since the re-booted ISY has not seen a start subscribe for any of the 5 iPad IP address. I see in the documentation that a control of "_1' with action=1 (get status) indicates that the ISY "client", the iPad, should re-subscribe. I never see this and I guess I shouldn't as the ISY knows nothing about the iPads at this time.

After reboot, ISY does NOT know anything about any subscribers. I do not know what you mean by _1. What you should do is to look for HeartBeat (_0) every 30 to 60 seconds. If you do not see any heartbeats, then ISY is no longer communicating with your iPad.


Is there a better way to re-start the ISY so that it still knows who was subscribed to it and will issue the feedback to indicate that a re-subscribe is required?

-or- do I have to manually tell the iPads to re-subscribe to the ISY?



With kind regards,


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