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ISY certificate broken link


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I have an issue with a self signed certificate. I have an isy99 in one location and a 994 at a different location. Today I am at the 99 location. I was able to log in to both systems using https:// ip and ip/adm prior to making any changes to the certificates. I first had to go to java and reduce the security level because high would always block access. After reducing the security level I logged in to the 99 and checked the version = 3.3.1. I went to the manage certificates (while local) selected new certificate and installed it and saved it ( file was named ud.dcf). I cleared the cache and reset the java security levelv - no connection - lowered it and still no connection - deleted the java ref to 2013 certificate - restarted windows - still no joy. ISY 99 reboots normally after certificate routine but it seems no cert is generated.

The UD.DCF file can not be imported into java. I tried both firefox and IE9 without any luck. The isy 994 administrator e-console can still access the isy99. I went back a checked the 994 with java in medium and was able to log in to the 994 with and without the /adm option. The 994 is still running the original cert. and version 4.0.5


Is there something I am missing for the new certificate generation from the adm module? I used 512 and the external address from the router/modem.

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Hello ESB,


I am so very sorry for the inconvenience. First of all, you will need to use the following URL for your 99:

http://isy.universal-devices.com/994i/4.2.2/admin.jnlp .. this will fix the Java issue.


As far as certificates, unfortunately the certificates expired for 99 and since 99 has been discontinued, we did not renew them.


What you can do is to revert to the default certificate:

1. Telnet to ISY

2. Login

3. Type the following at the prompt



With kind regards,


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