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Using /rest/elk/keypad/<kpId>/cmd/press/funcKey/<fkId>


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I am looking to bring Elk functionality to irule through the ELK/ISY integration.


In speaking with irule they use the ISY REST command for their ISY integration, and they suggested I use the same for the ELK.


Sounds good, but I've hit a problem right out of the gate, how do I determine - it says fkId : Defined in elkobjs.xsd:uelk:FunctionKeyType, but I have no idea what that is.


To create a button for #1 - I have the following - but need to figure out fkid.




Any help would be appreciated.

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So does that mean that kpid and fkid are the same thing?




Simulates pressing the fkId button on keypad given in kId

kpId : Keypad number (1-8)

fkId : Defined in elkobjs.xsd:uelk:FunctionKeyType


So for F1, it would be /rest/elk/keypad/1/cmd/press/funcKey/


Also, with this covering function keys, is there a similar rest function for actual numbers 0-9?


How about arm/disarm?


Thank you,



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Hi Jeff,


Do you have access to wsdk? You can find it here:

http://www.universal-devices.com/develo ... -4.2.4.zip


Please go to WSDL directory, look for FunctionKeyType. There is a list with explanations.


Here's the list in verbatim:

			Function Keys on a Keypad




















With kind regards,


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So does that mean that kpid and fkid are the same thing?




Simulates pressing the fkId button on keypad given in kId

kpId : Keypad number (1-8)

fkId : Defined in elkobjs.xsd:uelk:FunctionKeyType


So for F1, it would be /rest/elk/keypad/1/cmd/press/funcKey/


Also, with this covering function keys, is there a similar rest function for actual numbers 0-9?


How about arm/disarm?


Thank you,




Not quite. It looks like keypad 1 function key 2 would be:




My Elk is not setup at the moment, so I cannot test (between moving).


Arm and Disarm are covered in the Elk integration manual (Area commands) at https://www.universal-devices.com/devel ... DK-ELK.pdf


Michel - I assume this is the latest version available, and that this has not materially changed since 3.2.3.



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So used exactly this /rest/elk/keypad/1/cmd/press/funcKey/2 in irules and it isn't working


If you know rules I crated a new device called Elk M1, then under network code added a devoice code, and in the data field put in /rest/elk/keypad/1/cmd/press/funcKey/2


Attached this to a button and synced to my iPad.


On the iPad created a new Gateway (ELK ISY) and mimicked the ISY gateway (as I couldn't at two items to the same gateway in irules), and then added the ELK m1 device to the ELK ISY


With all that - no success.

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In a regular web browser, visit http://ISY.IP/rest/elk/keypad/1/cmd/press/funcKey/2


It should ask for your ISY username and password (if not already session authenticated) and perform the action.


If it does what you need, then you have an irule issue (possibly authentication).

If it does not work, then we need to dig more into the api documents.



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(using Safari - in case that makes any difference)

Shouldn't, but I don't use Safari...


I assume you at substituting the IP for your actual IP and that the HTTP port of your ISY is still the default of 80?

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Hmm... So something's wrong with the URL, or its structure. This clearly didn't work. Michel, do you see anything inconsistent with the documentation?


My Elk is in a storage unit right now, until I can reinstall it in my (still being constructed) new home at the beginning of August, so I have nothing I can work with currently to try and figure this out. Hopefully, someone else with an active Elk can take a look, otherwise I will be able to continue then.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

Picking this back up - I had network issues (the Elk and another device were sharing - not well - the same IP)


So now all of the above works. 


I have the function keys working.


I have Disarm working, but Arm isn't working.  


area/<areaId>/cmd/arm?armType=<elkArmType> &code=<accessCode


I filled in <areaId>=1, and <elkArmType>=1 but assuming that the arm type of 1 is not correct.  Is there somewhere that I can find out what my options are?


thank you

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Thank you for the options link - that really let me progress a lot further.


I now have all the buttons on he keypad programmed except for the numbers 0-9.  Am I missing this in the documentation or is it not doable?


One other question - I want to be able to query the content displayed on the screen, with the response being the text (so I can display it)....is that doable?


Thank you for all of your great help

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I believe you can only send function keys (not individual buttons), and set the text displayed. I do not believe you can retrieve the displayed text though - only the status of the keypad (armed/disarmed etc). The REST documentation is at http://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY_Developers:API:REST_Interface#ELK_Integration

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