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Time is always 1 hour off


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I have a question with regard to time.


I have NTP server enabled, and it is set to pool.ntp.org


I have it set to synchronize every 24 hours, and have both location and daylight savings time enabled.


Trouble is, my clock is always 1 hour behind (I am on central time, ISY shows mountain time).


I have synchronized with computer time many times, but it appears as though pool.ntp.org trumps this when enabled.


I really would like to keep the NTP server enabled.


Any thoughts as to why this may be an hour behind?


I am in Minneapolis, MN and not near a time zone boundary.


It is very annoying as my sunrise / sunset events, as well as timed events are all not triggering correctly.


Thank you for any advice on this!

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Thank you for the tips.


Shortly after posting this, I did the upgrade to 4.2.5, and noticed the time was corrected.


I did a location select of Minneapolis, MN and have never used anything else.


I do believe there was a bug at some point; I have a 99 running now too, and with the same location select and time server settings, the time on it is correct.


I will keep an eye on it over the next few days now that I am on 4.2.5


Thank you for your help!

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Quick update-


Last night I noticed my lights did not come on at the specified time, and sure enough, the time was an hour off again.


So, after taking your advice on "custom location" I had the ability to set offset to -5 (from default setting for of -6).




Question -


Is the daylight savings time setting not taking affect as it should?


Anyway, thank you for helping with the work around.



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My location is Minneapolis, MN and daylight savings time is checked.


Something weird happened Saturday night.  I noticed my triggered events were running 1 hour early rather than 1 hour late, or on time.


So, I thought I'd go back to setting location based on choosing Minneapolis, MN, as well as changing time server from pool.ntp.org to time.nist.gov.


It has been working for 30+ hours with this setting.


The real question is do you have any idea why this may be off an hour?  I something getting corrupt somewhere and causing this?


Thank you for your help.



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