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Display internal Temperature


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I have a T1900 Venstar (with a 2441V) along with a ISY-994 (firmware version 4.25).


I am trying to display the internal temperature on the ELK keypad coming from the T1900.


Here is the program I wrote:



From 1:00:00AM

For 24 hours



Repeat Every 5 minutes

Set Elk Area 'Beach House' Display Text on Keypads, Content 'ELK - Internal Temperature'



- No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')



I have then created a custom notification with the following in the subject.

T: ${sys.node.14 B9 1F.ST}


where 14.B9.1F is the address of the thermostat.


The problem is that the key pad shows the following:


T: [NODE 14 B9 1F] instead of the temperature.


What am I doing wrong?





Fixed it!


I had to change the 14 B9 1F to 14 B9 1F 1

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  • 2 weeks later...

Are you saying that the venstar is delivering temp to the 1/100 decimal place and you just want a whole number?  If you save the venstar value to a variable first it should truncate the decimal.  Or maybe it multiplies by 100 and puts it in that way.  If so, just divide by 100.  Variables are integers only, no decimal, so if you divide and there is a remainder, the remainder gets thrown out.


Since I don't have the venstar, I am only telling you what I know about ISY variables, which should apply.

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  • 3 weeks later...



Thanks for the reply.  I guess I am not seeing how to execute the following code:

$Indoor_Temperature = ${sys.node.14 B9 1F 1.ST}


Under the Action section of the programming I see that a local variable (i.e. $Indoor_Temperature) can only be assigned a predefined numeric value of set to be equal to another local variable.  Assigning the value from a Device Variable (i.e. ${sys.node.14 B9 1F 1.ST}) does not appear to be an option.


Am I missing something?


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${sys.node.14 B9 1F 1.ST} is used in emails, not in Programs.


He is putting that into the "content" section of notifications, which the Elk module can access as content for text messages on the keydpads.




Thanks for the reply.  I guess I am not seeing how to execute the following code:

$Indoor_Temperature = ${sys.node.14 B9 1F 1.ST}


Under the Action section of the programming I see that a local variable (i.e. $Indoor_Temperature) can only be assigned a predefined numeric value of set to be equal to another local variable.  Assigning the value from a Device Variable (i.e. ${sys.node.14 B9 1F 1.ST}) does not appear to be an option.


Am I missing something?



Yes, you are right.  I don't have the venstar, I use other sources for my outside temp which use the REST commands to post to ISY variables which got me thinking you could do the same with the venstar.  I don't know of any way to get the venstar temp into a variable aside from perhaps writing one program for each temp increment that assigns to a variable.  Again, I don't have the venstar, but I assume that could be done the same as when people assign a dim level value to a variable.


The next big firmware update (the 5's) are supposed to add a lot more variable functionality, like being able to set dim levels as variables, and presumably this would mean venstar temps as well.

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Just to confirm, I DO have a Venstar and this is a limitation of the current firmware. Apostolakisl is correct that it would take 1 program for each degree to get the current temp into a variable using the current firmware.



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