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IoX 5.9.1 Firmware released (plus System OS 14.1p6 update) ×

A few requests ...


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Love my new ISY99i, and a big thank you to Darrell and Michel for their help the past few days. Your support thus far has been outstanding, thanks.


A few requests (and some of these I mentioned in person, but thought it worthwhile to suggest them formerly) ...


  • Allow X10 devices to be registered as devices in the tree view, and then when clicked on provide the same on/off/etc control as you do Insteon devices.

  • Allow defined X10 devices to be part of scenes.

  • Allow X10 devices to be placed into rooms, so that devices like the ISE touch screen can see them.

  • When programming, add an action to activate a scene. This will alleviate the need to have to keep listing lots of actions in programs, and will better facilitate reuse.

  • In Main Tree View, allow organizing of devices by grouping into subfolders (right now I have to use longer names).


More to follow, I am sure!


--- Ben


Hi Ben,


Thanks so very much for the compliments and your feedback.


As far as X10 requirements and Rooms/Folders, YES, we have all of those on our list and most - if not all - shall be implemented in our future releases.


As far as activating a scene through programs, we already support that for INSTEON scenes. Are you specifically talking about X10 groups?


With kind regards,




Love my new ISY99i, and a big thank you to Darrell and Michel for their help the past few days. Your support thus far has been outstanding, thanks.


A few requests (and some of these I mentioned in person, but thought it worthwhile to suggest them formerly) ...


    Allow X10 devices to be registered as devices in the tree view, and then when clicked on provide the same on/off/etc control as you do Insteon devices.

    Allow defined X10 devices to be part of scenes.

    Allow X10 devices to be placed into rooms, so that devices like the ISE touch screen can see them.

    When programming, add an action to activate a scene. This will alleviate the need to have to keep listing lots of actions in programs, and will better facilitate reuse.

    In Main Tree View, allow organizing of devices by grouping into subfolders (right now I have to use longer names).


More to follow, I am sure!


--- Ben


I guess what I am looking for a little different then. A scene now is more like a group of devices, allowing me to turn all on or off or whatever with one request. But what I really need is a scene that saves devices and desired state settings, a way to create a group and say that device 1 should go on, device 2 off, device 3 on to 75%, device 4 fast on, and so on. And then I'd be able to manually or programatically activate the scene, and all of those devices then go into the predefined states (on, off, etc).


--- Ben


Hi Ben,


Is this for X10 or INSTEON? If INSTEON, that's precisely what the scene does. For off, you will use on level of zero for that device in the scene.


With kind regards,



I guess what I am looking for a little different then. A scene now is more like a group of devices, allowing me to turn all on or off or whatever with one request. But what I really need is a scene that saves devices and desired state settings, a way to create a group and say that device 1 should go on, device 2 off, device 3 on to 75%, device 4 fast on, and so on. And then I'd be able to manually or programatically activate the scene, and all of those devices then go into the predefined states (on, off, etc).


--- Ben


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