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One Switch to control 2 scenes


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A SwitchLink Relay in the garage, which is the load, turns on front yard lights. A different SwitchLink Relay in the house, which is load, turns on backyard lights.


I want to make the SLRelay in the garage also turn on the backyard lights, but only if pressed-on twice.


When turning off, it would be neat to be one press off turns off the front, two presses off turns of the back.


These are SwitchLink Relays (non-dimming) and I'm not sure of what to look for in the programming. Is it ON, FAST ON ...?


I have experimented by making a Front Yard On folder and a Front Yard Off folder. Programs inside these folders would take appropriate action based upon the status of Front Yard.


For example: If Folder Front Yard On = True and Switch is Pressed On then set scene back yard ON.


Am I going about this the best way?




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If by "pressed-on twice" you mean FastOn (a quick double-press of the paddle), then this program should do what you want:


       Control 'Front Yard Lights' is switched Fast On

       Set 'Back Yard Lights' On

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

Another program could similarly turn the back yard lights off when the front yard light switch is turned FastOff.


If, on the other hand, you want a single press of the front yard light switch paddle top to turn on the back yard lights, but only if the front yard lights are already on, then try this:


       Status  'Front Yard Lights' is not Off
   And Control 'Front Yard Lights' is switched On

       Set 'Back Yard Lights' On

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

and a similar program for Off.


The reason for the Status line looking for is not Off rather than for is On is so that it will be true if the light is at some arbitrary on-level, such as 44%. That will never be the case with relay switches, but it allows the program to work equally well with dimmer switches.

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