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How to write a program to display certain Ham Radio Weather variables to my ElkKeypad


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I wrote a program a few years ago with some help from this forum on how to display certain weather bug variables to my Elk Keypad. I just upgraded to firmware 4.2.8 and I see now that has been replaced with Ham Radio Station. I have the Ham Radio Station configured properly but the program I wrote for the weather bug no longer works. Here is my program below:


First Program for Temp

        From    11:00:00PM
        For      24 hours
        Repeat Every  3 minutes
           Set Elk Area 'Blackston' Display Text on Keypads, Content 'Elk - Temp'
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

Second Program for Wind Speed, Wind Direction, Outside Temp

        From    11:00:00PM
        For      24 hours
        Repeat Every  5 minutes
           Set Elk Area 'Blackston' Display Text on Keypads, Content 'Elk - Wind Speed, Wind Direction, Outside Temp'
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


If someone knows how to change my program to work with Ham Radio Weather I would appreciate very much the help. Also, if anyone knows of any other neat ways to use the Ham Radio Weather module I would appreciate it.



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