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Scene assistance with 6-key dimmable and micro modules


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Hey all!


I am trying to use scenes in a way I've never done so before.  In our bathroom I have the master On/Off of the 6 key dimmable switch controlling the overhead light, a micro on/off wired to the exhaust fast and a micro dim on each of the two mirror sconces.


I am trying to have button A set the mirror lights to 100% while button B will set them to 65%, button C blank for now and button D controls the fan solely.  


First thing I did was assign button D to the micro on/off controlling the fan.  If my wife opts to turn just the fan on but then presses the Off button, the fan was not going off until I included button D as a responder to the master on/off, so I got that one.


Second, I created two scenes for the mirror sconces.  Master Bath Mirror 1 and 2.  In each scene I have both mirror sconce micro dims and Master Bath Light A and B respectively.  I have A to turn on at 100% and B 65%.  


Problem 1: If I turn each scene on at the ISY, I get the 100% or 65% light I am requesting.  When I press button B locally for 65%, it goes to 100%, never 65.  


Problem 2: If I press button A then press button B, both buttons are now "On".  I would want button A's backlight to turn off when button B is pressed and visa versa.  Do I need programs for this or can the buttons be manipulated using the scenes?


Problem 3: If I press the master off button, I would want buttons A or B (depending on which scene is activated and button D (fan, if on) to all turn off.  I have the fan turning off as stated above.  I currently have a program (possibly the only way to turn buttons A and B off with the master off?) that states if Master Bath Light off, then turn Master Bath Light A and Master Bath Light B off.  If I included Master Bath Light A and B as responders in a scene to Master Bath Light (on/off) I'm sure A and B would turn off when off was pressed but wouldn't they also turn on when "on" is pressed?



I've used scenes with great success before but never used two different scenes for the same modules with one 6/8 button keypad.


Any thoughts or ideas would be greatly appreciated!


Thank you,




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I think you would get more traffic in the Q+A section.  I am not an expert but here are my thoughts.


Fan problem:  If you press the big On button on the KPL does the fan turn on.  You can probably set the response for the fan to turn off in response to the scene.  However, if the fan is on then the big on button is pressed then the fan will turn off.  I think you need a program.  If control bathroom kpl is off, then set scene bathroom fan off.  I use a program timer for the fan, so it always turns off after an hour.


Problem 1: Click on the red text for the B button in the scene to set the on and ramp rates for the devices.  You can copy the attributes for responses if the scene is triggered by the ISY.


Problem 2: There are a few ways to handle this and this may be taken care of with programs for problem 3.  The simple way to do this is to create two scenes, Button A and Button B.  Make Button A a responder for Scene Button A and do the same for button B.  Create the following program.

Control KPL A is switched on

Set scene Button B Off

You can probably add to the if, and Status Button B is on.  Make another program for Button B to turn of A.  If you are going to control these devices from the isy then you will need additional code lines for that.


Problem 3.  Essentially you want a monitoring program.  There is a great tutorial here: http://adamsj.com/isy/basementa.htm

I think if you use something like this you will get the desired result and I think would also take care of problem 2.

Mirror micro dimmer is not 65%

Set scene Button B off

Make a similar program for button A



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I think you would get more traffic in the Q+A section.  I am not an expert but here are my thoughts.


Fan problem:  If you press the big On button on the KPL does the fan turn on.  You can probably set the response for the fan to turn off in response to the scene.  However, if the fan is on then the big on button is pressed then the fan will turn off.  I think you need a program.  If control bathroom kpl is off, then set scene bathroom fan off.  I use a program timer for the fan, so it always turns off after an hour.


Problem 1: Click on the red text for the B button in the scene to set the on and ramp rates for the devices.  You can copy the attributes for responses if the scene is triggered by the ISY.


Problem 2: There are a few ways to handle this and this may be taken care of with programs for problem 3.  The simple way to do this is to create two scenes, Button A and Button B.  Make Button A a responder for Scene Button A and do the same for button B.  Create the following program.

Control KPL A is switched on

Set scene Button B Off

You can probably add to the if, and Status Button B is on.  Make another program for Button B to turn of A.  If you are going to control these devices from the isy then you will need additional code lines for that.


Problem 3.  Essentially you want a monitoring program.  There is a great tutorial here: http://adamsj.com/isy/basementa.htm

I think if you use something like this you will get the desired result and I think would also take care of problem 2.

Mirror micro dimmer is not 65%

Set scene Button B off

Make a similar program for button A





There does not seem to be a "Then, Set scene Button B Off" option.  I can "Set On 15 / Off 1 (Backlight Level) or I can Adjust a scene which I'm not sure is what I want to do in this case.

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Create a new scene called "button B".

Add button B to this scene as a responder.

You cannot directly command a button to turn on or off so you have to add the button to a scene and turn the scene on or off.

What you want to do has nothing to do with brightness levels and you do not need to adjust a scene.

I set up a program like I listed in problem 3 to monitor a scene I created in our dining room with some new gear I just installed and it works great.

Let us know how it works.


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Create a new scene called "button B".

Add button B to this scene as a responder.

You cannot directly command a button to turn on or off so you have to add the button to a scene and turn the scene on or off.

What you want to do has nothing to do with brightness levels and you do not need to adjust a scene.

I set up a program like I listed in problem 3 to monitor a scene I created in our dining room with some new gear I just installed and it works great.

Let us know how it works.



Got it!  Thank you.  I thought it would be possible without all of these programs but it does not seem so.  Thanks for your help



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I know that I am late to the party here.  Been gone a bit, enjoying some time with friends.  I would have thought that this could, and should, be done entirely with scenes.  It may depend, however, on the age of your keypad device.


I fear, however, I don't fully understand what you want to happen in a couple of scenerios.  First, what do you want to happen to the lights and fan when press master ON?  If, in fact, you want the lights to go on full and the fan to come on, this should work with scenes.  This is what I am assuming.


Second, if button A is on, and you press again button A, what do you want to happen?  I will assume you want it (and the linked lights) to go off.


Third, do you want anything to happen to the master button when you press buttons A, B, or D?  Do you want it to turn OFF?  Do you want it to stay in whatever state it started?  I will assume such.


Given these assumptions :


- I would not use radio buttons.

- Create a scene with buttons A and B as controllers and light micro as responder.  For controller A, set Light ON level to 100%, set Button B ON level to zero.  For controller B, set Light ON level to 65% and button A ON level to zero.

- Create a scene with button D as controller and fan micro as responder. 

-Create a scene with Main button as controller and buttons A, B, and D and both micros as responders.  For Main controller, set responder levels to A=100%, B=zero, D=ON, Light Micro=100%, Fan micro=on.

- consider that there is also the possibility of configuring this keypad into an 8-button configuration and creatively modifying a frame and using large buttons across two to achieve very interesting possibilities.


In response to a couple of your original questions:


Do I need programs for this or can the buttons be manipulated using the scenes?


buttons can be manipulated by scenes.  Set responder ON levels to zero, if need be.


If I included Master Bath Light A and B as responders in a scene to Master Bath Light (on/off) I'm sure A and B would turn off when off was pressed but wouldn't they also turn on when "on" is pressed?


Yes, they would, depending on how you define "on".  Thus my question:  what DO you want to happen when you press master ON if not have the lights and fan come on?

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