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Removal of BAD Links

Robert Messenger

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I just upgraded from a ISY 99I to 994I. I replaced the PLM in the old 99i 1st and performed a backup. I then restored all to new 994I.The reason I upgraded is to have the dual band RF capability for the new 2334-2X2 keypads as the 99I didn't support them.


My problem now is only with the keypads. I trying to create a Goodnight Scene to turn off all from six different 8 button keypads all using button H. Before I started I found on links assigned to these buttons. I first deleted all program use of controller and reponder links. I then defaulted the keypad and performed a "restore device". Before starting GOODNIGHT programming I found the H button of the different keypads had BAD links where each H button had random lights coming on. I then defaulted those 2476s/2477s and restored them but the BAD links remained. I then deleted the 2476s/2477s from the ISY and added them back in. The H buttons links still turns on random lights.


How do I delete these BAD links from the system?

Bob M

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For a given H button, have you looked at scene membership...."is controller of", "controlled by"?  When you press the H button, do devices come on that are not listed in one of the scenes?


Have you observed your program status list when you press the H button?  Do any programs activate?


Open an event viewer.  Press one of the H buttons.  Do you see any signs of an X-10 address?


There is nothing in my experience where devices respond to other devices without a reason such as being in a scene, a program, or having X-10 addresses assigned.

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In the scene there is no relationship. Also in event viewer the only activity is the H button and no indication of activity associated with the random lights. When I say random, the same random lights go ON and OFF with the push of button H. Each keypad H button has different lights that go on and off. Being no event activity makes me think the action is coming from the keypad button BAD link but I have defaulted them many times over. I'm having real problems with these new dual band 8 button keypads. Still stumped.

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thanks oberkc. That was a tough one. When I looked and compared device links I found the bad links. Though the ISY or keypads had nothing there were random links for the H buttons of the keypads in more than 20 of the 80+ 2476s/2477s. Defaulted or restoring did not help. I had to delete the device in the ISY and then default the dimmer and then enroll the device back into the ISY. Time consuming because you have to write down the address, given name, controller info and responder info and put it all back. Thanks for the advice. Without it I wouldn't have thought to look there for the keypad address and button in the device table. Warning for those using the new 8 buttons when restoring to the 994I and new PLM. No problems with the 6 button keypads. Strange. Whew! Any clue why defaulting and restoring doesn't remove device links?

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