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Can a scene be on a timer?


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I have a bathroom switchlinc that is in a scene with a motion sensor as the controller.  I have it this way because it's a lot faster when it's part of a scene, vs having the ISY turn the lights on with an IF command.  Problem of course is that it's more limited, but is there any way in the ISY to only allow a scene to run at certain times?  Basically what I want is a scene where the motion sensor is the controller for the light and turns it on, but only allow that to happen on a certain schedule.  Is that possible, or do I have to do it with programs?  I don't see any options for "Enable" or "Disable" a scene, or really anything relating to them other than adjust a device in a scene.  Thanks.

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I mean is there a way to use a program to schedule a scene to be allowed on or off, or is it always on?  The problem is that if you use 2 lights (2 switchlinc) and a motion sensor on a scene, both lights turn on the moment you walk in the room.  If you use the ISY to program IF motion is detected type thing, turn on these lights, then the one light comes on maybe half a second to 1 second slower than with a scene, and the second light is a good second behind.  So it's like walk in, pause, light one comes on, pause, light 2 comes on.  Same with turning it off if I press down on the switchlinc which is a virtual 3 way switch, the lights aren't in sync there's a delay.  Just wondering how other than a scene to make that better or is that just the best I can get?  It's not horrible but it's slower than when using a scene, to the point that I'd rather live with the lights coming on from motion 24/7 vs a schedule even though I don't want it on during the day, just because it's a better experience when you do trip the motion.

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I think two things will help

  1. The ISY can turn on and off scenes as well as switches. Instead of turning each switch on individually, simple pick the scene off of the list of things to 'Set' in your program.
  2. You can configure the scene to respond to all of the switches. When you set up scenes you can make all off the switches (that support it) controllers. So not only the motion sensor controls the lights, but the switches do too The way you tell which are controllers are if they are colored red, or not in the scene. If they are not colored red, delete them from the scene and re-add it. The dialogue box that pops up will offer you the opportunity to make it a controller as well as a responder. do that for both switches. You may not need an ISY program at all if this works.

I think that should do it. If you are doing the above already, and still have pauses in the lights coming on, its a noise related problem

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Create a scene where both light controllers are responders only. Create a program that turns the scene on and off (rather than the individual devices). Both devices will operate concurrently.

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"Basically what I want is a scene where the motion sensor is the controller for the light and turns it on, but only allow that to happen on a certain schedule.  Is that possible"


It seems the question has changed.  From the initial post it is not possible to have the motion sensor as Controller and only operate the Scene some of the time.  Insteon has no means of having the motion sensor the Controller and have that work on a schedule.


A Program can be triggered by the motion sensor within a schedule and have the Program turn the devices On with a Scene.  There will be approx 1 second delay in having both lights turn On which is the cost to invoke a Program.  The Program can react to the lights already being On as well as operate the light Scene only during certain times.


The suggestion to set the On Level to zero will prevent the lights from turning On but will also turn the lights Off if the lights had been turned on manually.

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Thanks everyone that's a great help, I'll look into all of that.  I didn't realize how to control a scene from a program because when you are in the program editor and click the drop down for an action where it says Insteon, Wait, etc I would always just go to Scene.  Under there it just has the control a device in a scene option so I didn't think to look under Insteon to see how to turn a scene on or off.  I'll test the suggestions above out tomorrow and let everyone know.  Thanks!

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