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mini-remote: Lights (when in a scene) don't respond

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So i just got a new mini-remote.  I created a new scene and added a single light to the scene as a responder along with the mini-remote button1 as a controller.


The light in the scene will not actually respond to the button press of the mini-remote.  For example, if i click on the scene and then try ON or FAST ON, ISY shows the light change status but the light itself doesn't change. In other words, if the light is off (and ISY shows its status as OFF), when I click the remote button, ISY shows both the light and button change to ON, but the light is not actually on.  If i query the light (or the scene), ISY then updates to show the light as OFF.  The status of the button seems to be accurate in the scene.


I hope this makes sense.  Basically the light responds and operates fine thru the ISY when selected as a node but does not respond when in the scene even though it's status shows it as responding.


Any advice?  I am using the JNLP file to start ISY and an ISY99.  The debug window shows data from both the mini-remote and the light.


I am wondering if it has to do with how Insteon sends the ON/OFF differently from a node versus when in a scene?  The debug shows them code differently for each.


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This usually indicates marginal insteon communications between the light and the PLM and other devices.


Do you have a confirmed working phase bridge? What is the light module?





Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Its a v.41 Dual Band Dimmer. 2477D


I have a house-load full of Insteon stuff and right now (at least) all 45 devices are working mostly reliably and ISY registers them all with no errors (no small feat). That includes many newer dual band devices and the phase couplers/access points on the two phases.  


The dimmer itself responds reliably when controlled via the node.  It just doesnt play well in a scene.  Very frustrating.  I put some other dimmers in the scene and they respond okay.  There may be one or two other dimmers that are not responding in the scene.

Can you point me as to the exact steps I should take to use the miniremote and ISY to programs simple scenes?  Do i leave the miniremote in Setup mode during all configuring?


Thanks alot.  Appreciated.

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Sorry for the multiple posts but am making some progress.  I did a device restore on both the mini remote and on the dimmer. And that seems to have helped.  So now my question is regarding scene programming.


I have created a new scene and placed five of my dimmers in the scene.  I want to overide the default ON levels of these dimmers to set lower levels for this scene.  So I adjust the 'sliders' for the On Levels of each Dimmer in the scene.  If I click on the ON button in ISY for that scene, all is well and the dimmers come on with the new custom lower ON levels.  However, if i use the remotelinc button then all of the lights come on at their default levels instead of the levels i setup in the scene.  Its sort of like the mini-remote is sending an ON command to all the dimmers instead of simply sending a scene ON command.


Any advice?

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Click on the Red Mini Remote button below the Scene name. Clicking the Scene name itself adjusts what happens when the PLM is the Controller. In Insteon each Controller can have a different set of On Levels and Ramp Rates. Clicking the Red Mini Remote button node below the Scene name displays the On Levels when the Mini Remote button is the Controller.

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