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Time Server Issues.

Brian H

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Yesterday at 12:01 AM. All of AT&T's wire line division became Frontier Communications here in CT.

Early yesterday. All my access to any web site was lost with an address not found. My AT&T 7550 Gateway has great tests built in. Seems the DNS Server programmed into it is not accessible any more. Maybe still and AT&T DNS Server.

So Frontier had me add the Google Free DNS Server to LAN setup in the computer and not use the one in the Gateway.

I am using "pool.ntp.org" and the Google Free  DNS Server seems to not find it as I am getting a failure message. All my other links work {so far anyway} just the time server has issues.

Is there maybe a different link I can use the the Google Free DNS Server may accept?


Thanks for any information you can provide.

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After looking at the setup again. I may have my answer but not a solution.

I set my LAN to use the Google Free DNS Server in each of my computers. The ISY994i is on a different port than the computers.  The 7550 is also the 4 port router.

My thoughts are the ISY994i is accessing the web directly through the Gateway that has the now defunct DNS Server Address in it.


Any thoughts on my theory or a solution would be appreciated.

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If you haven't rebooted the router after making the changes I would do so now.


Prior to that I would reboot the modem first. Wait for it to com back up. Then reboot the router and see if it resolves the issue.


If not, I would reserve the IP address via MAC addressing in the router for the ISY. This will allow you to leave the ISY in DHCP mode.


The benefit to doing it this way is that any network related changes will propagate to all DHCP set devices.



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Hi Brian,


I have their 3801HGV Gateway and it serves as the DSL interface with built-in router and 802.11g wifi. I had my own ASUS router with operational dual-band 802.11n wifi networks when I switched over from Comcast in August 2013 and just placed the ASUS behind the AT&T Gateway. I always usd and for primary and secondary DNS server addresses in the ASUS so maybe that is why I did not experience any downtime during this transition to Frontier.


I just checked the 3801 and they have primary DNS set to and secondary at Don't know if they are valid and they are not changable by the user. My suggestion would be to place your own router behind their equipment. In the 3801 they have a setting to add a 'Cascaded Router' however I did not enable that and used what they called 'pinholes' to port-forward the ports I needed.



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Thank you MikeD and paulbates for your information.


The 7550 has AT&T custom firmware and manual setting the DNS address is locked out. My earlier 2-Wire ones did have that option.


Paul I will try the web address you gave me. I believe since there is no DNS server found by the 7550 interface. It may also not work.


On the TV news this morning. Thousands of now Frontier customers are completely out of service. With 3/4 to one hour wait time for support. I may leave the band aid in place and hope they will get it fixed sometime. I can do the manual time sync to computer time in the Administrative Console for now.

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If you set the ISY for a static address, you can then specify the DNS in the ISY and that should solve the issue until Frontier gets their network sorted out.



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The static address and the DNS worked and I now have time data again.


A reboot of the gateway found that Frontier has its DNS Servers IP address now in the gateway. So automatic also now works.


Thanks to all who helped me with the problem.

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The  DSL Reports Forums, Frontier Section. There is a large thread on the CT. problems.

Some users  reported the DNS Servers where not working for most of 10/25/2014.

So I did a reboot of the gateway and boom, there where the new DNS Server addresses.

So I now know. If in doubt reboot. :mrgreen:

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