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Release 2.6.7 is now available

Michel Kohanim

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I am so very sorry for the inconvenience. From what I read (especially the fact that ISY could not query some of your devices + the fact that no events are received) tells me that we might be dealing with a faulty PLM. Please do be kind enough to:

1. Reboot your PLM ... wait at least 60 seconds before you plug it back in

2. Try query those devices that had problems


Please let me know if you still do not receive event statuses.


With kind regards,


I finally got around upgrading my ISY26 from 2.6.6 to 2.6.7 and had numerous programs fail.


After clearing the Java cache; power cycling both the ISY26 and the PLM; and turning off and on the daylight savings check box (the sunset/sunrise times were not incorrect, I think most of the programs now work (I've not tested each and every one under all conditions).


The upgrade changed the ramp rate on my two LampLincs from 30 secs to 9 minutes. I wasn't expecting that!


None of the Insteon Device "On" buttons work from either the web page or the AC. Pressing an "On" button causes RX and PLM LED blinks, but no Events are recorded in the viewer on level 1. The other buttons, Fast On, Off, etc. seem to work fine. The "On" button works for scenes, but I only have two so I almost missed this.


Note on Level 2, an "On" button press only gives:


2008/09/22 10:18:15 : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 04.88.1E 0F 11 00 06 LTONRR (00)


2008/09/22 10:18:16 : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 04.88.1E 05.E8.F8 2B 11 00 LTONRR (00)

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KPL timers only allow for group 1 to be a controller. This means that regardless of which button you press, only group 1 multicast is sent. And, therefore - unless I am totally off - there's no way for adding individual buttons as controllers.


So, all you have to do is to drag/drop button 1 into a scene as controller. The effect is that based on the button you press, the elapsed time for Off will vary.


With kind regards,


Good to see 2.6.7 can now manage all buttons on a KPL Timer as responders. When will the functionality be added to have the ISY manage all the KPL Timer buttons as Controllers? I currently need to manually program the KPL Timer buttons as Controllers as ISY only supports them as responders.
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I had power cycled the PLM without effect before posting, but did so again. This alone did not help.


I also have a "3 AM Query the ISY" program that should have run several times in the mornings after my original PLM power cycle and again in the mornings after the power cycle you recommended. Apparently this "3 AM Query the ISY" program didn't fix anything.


So after giving the automatic query program a chance to work, I manually queried all my Insteon devices individually and that seems to have corrected the "On" button failure. I think all programs and devices are functioning as they were with 2.6.6. Thank you.


So the question is why didn't the "3 AM Query the ISY" work to fix this problem? Has some bug been introduced in that function in 2.6.7?



1. Reboot your PLM ... wait at least 60 seconds before you plug it back in

2. Try query those devices that had problems

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Hi Dave,


Sincere apologies for a tardy reply.


It could certainly be a bug which was introduced in 2.6.7: do you have a thermostat in your installation? But, to be honest, I think there's something much more serious going on. How old is your PLM?


With kind regards,





I had power cycled the PLM without effect before posting, but did so again. This alone did not help.


I also have a "3 AM Query the ISY" program that should have run several times in the mornings after my original PLM power cycle and again in the mornings after the power cycle you recommended. Apparently this "3 AM Query the ISY" program didn't fix anything.


So after giving the automatic query program a chance to work, I manually queried all my Insteon devices individually and that seems to have corrected the "On" button failure. I think all programs and devices are functioning as they were with 2.6.6. Thank you.


So the question is why didn't the "3 AM Query the ISY" work to fix this problem? Has some bug been introduced in that function in 2.6.7?



1. Reboot your PLM ... wait at least 60 seconds before you plug it back in

2. Try query those devices that had problems

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My PLM is a 10 month old, firmware 52 version. I don't have a thermostat and only have eight Insteon devices and a couple of scenes.


Everything seems to be working fine now! I checked the logs and the ISY regularly reported the 3 AM query. So I don't know what the problem was that the 3 AM Query didn't clear it.


Is there a way to test the 3 AM Query to check if it is actually querying the PLM as it is supposed to be, e.g. maybe some way to set a link that should be repaired by the query at 3 AM if it is really working?


I'll certainly be watching for a recurrence of this problem on the next firmware upgrade.



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Hi Dave,


I think the problem was that your PLM was overwhelmed! (this does happen with PLM firm 52). Please keep a very close eye on this issue and, if it happens again, please replace your PLM before the warranty is over.


With kind regards,





My PLM is a 10 month old, firmware 52 version. I don't have a thermostat and only have eight Insteon devices and a couple of scenes.


Everything seems to be working fine now! I checked the logs and the ISY regularly reported the 3 AM query. So I don't know what the problem was that the 3 AM Query didn't clear it.


Is there a way to test the 3 AM Query to check if it is actually querying the PLM as it is supposed to be, e.g. maybe some way to set a link that should be repaired by the query at 3 AM if it is really working?


I'll certainly be watching for a recurrence of this problem on the next firmware upgrade.



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First I'd like to echo the responses to jtara's rant and add that I've found this to be the best overall Insteon controller out there. You guys have been great about working through bugs in beta software in development and I appreciate the support.

I'm having some issues with emails that I need some help on. I've tried 2 gmail accounts and the default UD server and things have been inconsistent at best. I'm getting 2 issues. First, failed emails both on the configuration page test (request failed message and no email) and when programs send an email. This happens with both the default and gmail smtp settings. Does a gmail setting still go through the UD server to get to gmail? Second, it seems changing the smtp settings sometimes doesn't stick. My 99i will say I've got the gmail smtp settings but the emails that do come through come from UD. The ISY26 I've set up for someone else has sent some email from the gmail address, but when I changed it back to default (trying to find a setting that's workng better) I can't get it back to gmail. I'll enter the gmail info, click save, then next time I open the admin console it's back to default. I've set up 2 gmail accounts. One has never taken, the other will stick in the admin console, but only once out of about 5 tries have the emails come from gmail vice UD, even thought the console sais the gmail settings are there.

Thanks again for your continued support.



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First I'd like to echo the responses to jtara's rant and add that I've found this to be the best overall Insteon controller out there. You guys have been great about working through bugs in beta software in development and I appreciate the support.

I'm having some issues with emails that I need some help on. I've tried 2 gmail accounts and the default UD server and things have been inconsistent at best. I'm getting 2 issues. First, failed emails both on the configuration page test (request failed message and no email) and when programs send an email. This happens with both the default and gmail smtp settings. Does a gmail setting still go through the UD server to get to gmail? Second, it seems changing the smtp settings sometimes doesn't stick. My 99i will say I've got the gmail smtp settings but the emails that do come through come from UD. The ISY26 I've set up for someone else has sent some email from the gmail address, but when I changed it back to default (trying to find a setting that's workng better) I can't get it back to gmail. I'll enter the gmail info, click save, then next time I open the admin console it's back to default. I've set up 2 gmail accounts. One has never taken, the other will stick in the admin console, but only once out of about 5 tries have the emails come from gmail vice UD, even thought the console sais the gmail settings are there.

Thanks again for your continued support.








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Did something change with how Programs are handled? None of my Programs are firing since I updated to 2.6.7.

No, nothing has changed with programs. Are triggers not firing, or only schedules? If schedules only, check your time/location settings. Finally, did you clear your Java cache (all web browser processes stopped) after updating?

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Thanks so very much!


There is a bug with the Test function (it always returns request failed). But, this should always work with gmail. What worries me is the issue where your settings are not saved. Would it be possible at all to change your password and send me the account information? This way, I will check to see if there's a bug (possibly with length of the uid/account) and will immediately report back to you.


With kind regards,



First I'd like to echo the responses to jtara's rant and add that I've found this to be the best overall Insteon controller out there. You guys have been great about working through bugs in beta software in development and I appreciate the support.

I'm having some issues with emails that I need some help on. I've tried 2 gmail accounts and the default UD server and things have been inconsistent at best. I'm getting 2 issues. First, failed emails both on the configuration page test (request failed message and no email) and when programs send an email. This happens with both the default and gmail smtp settings. Does a gmail setting still go through the UD server to get to gmail? Second, it seems changing the smtp settings sometimes doesn't stick. My 99i will say I've got the gmail smtp settings but the emails that do come through come from UD. The ISY26 I've set up for someone else has sent some email from the gmail address, but when I changed it back to default (trying to find a setting that's workng better) I can't get it back to gmail. I'll enter the gmail info, click save, then next time I open the admin console it's back to default. I've set up 2 gmail accounts. One has never taken, the other will stick in the admin console, but only once out of about 5 tries have the emails come from gmail vice UD, even thought the console sais the gmail settings are there.

Thanks again for your continued support.



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Hi Michel,

Thanks for getting back.

I just tried both units (a 991 and 26), and can't duplicate a single glitch. Don't ask why, but they both work fine, and the emails are showing as from the gmail accounts vice alerts@universal_devices.com.

BTW, by mistake I put in the SMTP log in user ID as just 'username' when gmail says to use 'username@gmail.com'. That's when it all started to work fine. I went back with the old @gmail.com trying to duplicate the issue, and that worked too.

Do we still go through your server to get to gmail?

Thanks for your continued support,


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This usually happens if you have another device port forwarded to the same port as ISY.


With kind regards,



OK, clearing my Java cache solved the Programs not running problem but now I'm getting the following error when logging in:


Event Received For a Different Subscription; Restart!


Then this just continues to loop.


?? Help

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HI accessha and apologies for a tardy reply.


I was referring to port 80 but you don't have Internet Access enabled and thus a moot point. Please reboot your ISY and let me know if you are still receiving these errors.


Thanks and with kind regards,



Internet access is disabled. Nothing listed in my firewall. Which port are you referring to?
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Hi Michel,


I tried to power cycle and do a factory reset but the problem continues. It won't let me backdate the firmware either. :(


UPDATE: It appears to be browser or machine related. I powered up my notebook and everything works fine.


Any ideas on what to look at?



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Hello accessha,


Have you tried clearing your Java cache? All your browser windows should be closed for this to work.


What OS and browser are you using?


With kind regards,



Hi Michel,


I tried to power cycle and do a factory reset but the problem continues. It won't let me backdate the firmware either. :(


UPDATE: It appears to be browser or machine related. I powered up my notebook and everything works fine.


Any ideas on what to look at?



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I just got all better.


I decided to clean up the computer and when I did, the ISY Java app worked.


Close every application you have open.

delete C:\Documents and Settings\{USER}\Application Data\Sun

clean out C:\Documents and Settings\{USER}\Local Settings\Temp

clean out C:\Documents and Settings\{USER}\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files


Start your browser nd connect to the ISY.

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