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Release 2.6.7 is now available

Michel Kohanim

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Please make sure you do not have any firewall software running. If you do, please find yours in http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewforum.php?f=3 and please do be kind to take the corrective measure as outlined therein.


With kind regards,



I have a ISY99IR and did hte upgrade and got a invalid length upgrade failed? :?
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I've just upgraded from v2.6.4 to v2.6.7. Most of my initial problems were solved by power-cycling my PLM, but I'm running into an issue that's seemingly system (three different laptops), operating system (OS 10.4, Windows XP 32-bit SP3, Windows Vista 32-bit) and browser (Firefox 3.0.3, Safari, IE7, Chrome) generic. Whenever I attempt to access the Configuration screen in Administrative Console, a 'request failed' popup box appears, and I seem to be unable to alter any settings. Also, my previously configured email address is no longer displayed. Ideas? Can/should I downgrade back to 2.6.4?




Brian Dipert

Senior Technical Editor: Mass Storage, Multimedia (audio, displays, 2-D and 3-D graphics, and still and video imaging), PCs and Peripherals

EDN Magazine: http://www.edn.com

My blogs: http://www.edn.com/briansbrain


(916) 760-0159, fax (781) 734-8038


14695 Wolfgang Road

Truckee, CA 96161

Visit me at http://www.bdipert.com

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Dear garyfunk, the issue seems to be that I did a direct upgrade from 2.6.4 to 2.6.7, which appears to be a no-no. As I type this, Michel (giving his usual outstanding customer service) is accessing my ISY-26 remotely, and upgrading me first to 2.6.5 and then to 2.6.7. The upgrade to 2.6.5 went fine...fingers crossed!

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Hi Brian,


Apologies for the inconvenience and thanks so very much for bringing this to our attention: due to massive changes in both the GUI and the firmware, you will have to migrate from 2.6.4 to 2.6.5 and then to 2.6.7.


With kind regards,




I've just upgraded from v2.6.4 to v2.6.7. Most of my initial problems were solved by power-cycling my PLM, but I'm running into an issue that's seemingly system (three different laptops), operating system (OS 10.4, Windows XP 32-bit SP3, Windows Vista 32-bit) and browser (Firefox 3.0.3, Safari, IE7, Chrome) generic. Whenever I attempt to access the Configuration screen in Administrative Console, a 'request failed' popup box appears, and I seem to be unable to alter any settings. Also, my previously configured email address is no longer displayed. Ideas? Can/should I downgrade back to 2.6.4?




Brian Dipert

Senior Technical Editor: Mass Storage, Multimedia (audio, displays, 2-D and 3-D graphics, and still and video imaging), PCs and Peripherals

EDN Magazine: http://www.edn.com

My blogs: http://www.edn.com/briansbrain


(916) 760-0159, fax (781) 734-8038


14695 Wolfgang Road

Truckee, CA 96161

Visit me at http://www.bdipert.com

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...


I will like to know what kind of Linux QA you have (especialy in term of 64 bit since Sun doesn't have browser plug in, at least not in the ubuntu repository, and running it under icedtea has lots of issues.) The bug i have reported almost half a year ago, that change location doesn't work is still an issue in 2.7, plus now the GUI looks messed up since last few 2.6 releases. And sometimes i can't even see Network in main tab let alone any insteon devices, unless i reboot isy. Got new PLM after upgrading to 2.7 but restore PLM always crashes not sure how consistent my current network it. Since it stops restore procedure after first error, it should in my opinion finish the restore and only skip the devices that crash not stop dead on after first device error (about 10% done in my case, is there a fix for this?!), not that it should have any errors, but i guess this is a work in progress. With that said I will like to know how Linux QA is done on 64 bit mode and if there is a way to run the jar from command like so i can use official sun jvm and not relay on icedtea applet viewer (and bypass the whole browser reset cache routine).


Thank you

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Hello guy,


First of all, I do apologize for the inconvenience. Secondly, the Restore process actually completes regardless of errors. So, rest assured that ISY did its best to restore all your devices. 2.7.0 is an official release and NOT a work in progress.


As far as Linux, we do test under Red Hat. We have never tested under Ubunto 64 bits nor do we have any plans for doing so. It's so very odd that Java behaves differently on different platforms. It's actually quite sad.


With kind regards,




I will like to know what kind of Linux QA you have (especialy in term of 64 bit since Sun doesn't have browser plug in, at least not in the ubuntu repository, and running it under icedtea has lots of issues.) The bug i have reported almost half a year ago, that change location doesn't work is still an issue in 2.7, plus now the GUI looks messed up since last few 2.6 releases. And sometimes i can't even see Network in main tab let alone any insteon devices, unless i reboot isy. Got new PLM after upgrading to 2.7 but restore PLM always crashes not sure how consistent my current network it. Since it stops restore procedure after first error, it should in my opinion finish the restore and only skip the devices that crash not stop dead on after first device error (about 10% done in my case, is there a fix for this?!), not that it should have any errors, but i guess this is a work in progress. With that said I will like to know how Linux QA is done on 64 bit mode and if there is a way to run the jar from command like so i can use official sun jvm and not relay on icedtea applet viewer (and bypass the whole browser reset cache routine).


Thank you

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Under what version of Red Hat are you testing? What version of Java? 64/32?

Here is how I see the long prompt (which was fine till the last few 2.6.xx releases: j6lw9c.png


The official Sun java browser plugin is missing for x64 [for Ubuntu not sure if this is the case with Red Hat), so if there is a way to run the jar from command line (Sun does make an x64 jdk/jre for linux) I can give it a try and see if that is a icedtea related issue or a problem with java.


Thank you

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Hello guy,


I think the best way for us to fix this would be to have a remote account on your system. Is this possible? This way, you can tell us about all the issues and we can solve them while logged into your system.


With kind regards,





Under what version of Red Hat are you testing? What version of Java? 64/32?

Here is how I see the long prompt (which was fine till the last few 2.6.xx releases: j6lw9c.png


The official Sun java browser plugin is missing for x64 [for Ubuntu not sure if this is the case with Red Hat), so if there is a way to run the jar from command line (Sun does make an x64 jdk/jre for linux) I can give it a try and see if that is a icedtea related issue or a problem with java.


Thank you

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No need to remote access. Download latest Ubuntu x64


Then boot from it (no need to install anything onto hard-drive this is a live-cd just select first option "Try Ubuntu") once it is loaded open a terminal to install java plugin and start firefox

Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal

sudo apt-get -y install icedtea6-plugin && firefox 

(Might need to restart firefox few times till it actually loads the application.)

Let me know if you can verify the problem with gui.


Also, please address my question.

Under what version of Red Hat are you testing? What version of Java? 64/32?
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Hi guy, thanks so very much.


We do not have a 64bit machine anywhere. We have tested ISY on Fedora and we do have one user (LinuxGuy) who's also using Fedora without any known issues.


With kind regards,



No need to remote access. Download latest Ubuntu x64


Then boot from it (no need to install anything onto hard-drive this is a live-cd just select first option "Try Ubuntu") once it is loaded open a terminal to install java plugin and start firefox

Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal

sudo apt-get -y install icedtea6-plugin && firefox 

(Might need to restart firefox few times till it actually loads the application.)

Let me know if you can verify the problem with gui.


Also, please address my question.

Under what version of Red Hat are you testing? What version of Java? 64/32?
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I am not sure how you got it working on Fedora. I just checked latest 32bit Fedora and it still gives an error when try to change timezone but the GUI looks like it was in Ubuntu few months ago.


Please post the steps needed to get it working under Fedora, since the latest 32bit Fedora gives me the same error when I try to change timezone as I get in Ubuntu so it is not a 64bit bug.


As for the big GUI boxes, since I am not sure how I can downgrade ISY, I downgrading java plug-in but that didn't help. If you can follow my instructions and download the 32bit version of Ubuntu and QA your product there, it will be greatly appreciated.


Thanks for the good work.


Hi guy, thanks so very much.


We do not have a 64bit machine anywhere. We have tested ISY on Fedora and we do have one user (LinuxGuy) who's also using Fedora without any known issues.


With kind regards,



No need to remote access. Download latest Ubuntu x64


Then boot from it (no need to install anything onto hard-drive this is a live-cd just select first option "Try Ubuntu") once it is loaded open a terminal to install java plugin and start firefox

Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal

sudo apt-get -y install icedtea6-plugin && firefox 

(Might need to restart firefox few times till it actually loads the application.)

Let me know if you can verify the problem with gui.


Also, please address my question.

Under what version of Red Hat are you testing? What version of Java? 64/32?
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Hi Guy,


I am not sure either! We have an older machine with Fedora on it so I cannot really give you the steps. But, what I am going to do (tomorrow) is to go get a new computer, install RedHat/Fedora, and find these bugs once and for all.


I shall keep you posted.


With kind regards,


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As a data point, on my Fedora 8 machine, I get this error when trying to change timezones:


Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-3" java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Double cannot be cast to java.lang.Integer


I have Sun's Java package installed.

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I think you can boot linux on a Mac using boot camp. I've seen references to people doing that but I've never tried it.


Another idea is to use VMWare or Parallels on the mac to run linux distributions. I've been using Parallels on my Mac Mini to run Windows XP and it works really well. The only issue I have is lack of memory. The current Mini only has 2Gb of ram so it tends to swap a lot. That's how I've been doing all my development lately. The virtual WinXP machine is usually running Visual Studio, HomeSeer, and MainLobby concurrently.


You'd have to check, but there might even be support for 64bit OSes in the virtual machines.

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Hi Bob, thanks so very much. You do have a pretty impressive setup.


I do want to get our MAC and install Linux on it. I think that would be the easiest way of supporting both mostly because our GUI anomalies happen to be isolated to these two platforms.


With kind regards,



I think you can boot linux on a Mac using boot camp. I've seen references to people doing that but I've never tried it.


Another idea is to use VMWare or Parallels on the mac to run linux distributions. I've been using Parallels on my Mac Mini to run Windows XP and it works really well. The only issue I have is lack of memory. The current Mini only has 2Gb of ram so it tends to swap a lot. That's how I've been doing all my development lately. The virtual WinXP machine is usually running Visual Studio, HomeSeer, and MainLobby concurrently.


You'd have to check, but there might even be support for 64bit OSes in the virtual machines.

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Thank you for looking in to it.


As I have posted previously you can use Live CD either Fedora or Ubuntu and will only need to run one command to install java plug-in (to install Sun's official version need to first download it then execute it) should be very easy and can even work on Macs since they are running Intel now.


Running in virtual machine has its pluses, mainly you don't have to shutdown main OS to boot Linux.

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Hi guy,


Thanks so very much again for the links. This will not work since I need to install eclipse and debug the GUI issues for both MAC and Linux. There used to be a Hosted Linux Desktop but they went out of business a year ago. Our current Linux box is so old that I am scared touching it.


As such, now I am trying to find the least expensive solution to have both Linux and MAC on the same machine and be able to debug all at the same time.


With kind regards,





Thank you for looking in to it.


As I have posted previously you can use Live CD either Fedora or Ubuntu and will only need to run one command to install java plug-in (to install Sun's official version need to first download it then execute it) should be very easy and can even work on Macs since they are running Intel now.


Running in virtual machine has its pluses, mainly you don't have to shutdown main OS to boot Linux.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi guy,


Please do be kind enough to test http://www.universal-devices.com/test for some of the Linux fixes. The fixes were tested on Ubuntu 8 and Java 1.6.10.


The major outstanding issue is the cell renderer in for the tree and the background color for the programs. It completely baffles me how Java has two completely different faces on Windows vs. Linux.


With kind regards,


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