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Amazon Echo and ISY


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I'd like to see a new category in the 3rd party forums for Amazon Echo so we can get discussions going. I would love to see the day when I say "dining room, dim fifty percent" and the Amazon Echo tells the ISY to dim the dining room light 50% without me touching a controller. I know that voice control already exists, but not at the $99 price point and not with the additional features of the Echo.


You can request a purchase invitation here and it's half price for Amazon Prime members:









I'll summarize here so you don't get lost in the mud or miss steps that aren't there or download the wrong version since folks had issues with version 0.1.1 of the JAR file.


1. Install Java runtime 8

2. Download Hue Emulator JAR file v 0.1.3

3. Download user g1of4's awesome configuration app from this thread.

3. Run the JAR file:

    Open up a command prompt by clicking the start button and typing cmd

    Copy and paste the following line at the prompt:

java -jar -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true FULLPATHOFJARFILE\amazon-echo-bridge-0.1.3.jar --upnp.config.address=192.168.X.X

   The "X.X" is the IP address of your computer, NOT the ISY

    You can minimize the window, but don't close it - it stays active 24/7.


4. Run g1of4's configuration tool. Remember to use the Computer IP address on the left and the ISY IP address on the right. Add :8080 after the address on the left, thus 192.168.X.XXX:8080

5. Click "Get Devices".

5. Double-click on each item you want to add. You have the option of selecting a voice command different from the name of each device.

6. When happy with your device list, ask Alexa to "discover my devices". All should work now by saying "Alexa, turn on/off XXXXXXX".

7. You want the JAR file to run automatically when you reboot your computer. Create a text file called "HueEmulator.bat" or some such and copy and paste the JAR run command from above as the only line in the batch file.

8. Put this batch file in the Startup folder. You can get to the startup folder easiest by clicking on the Start button, clicking All Programs, right-clicking on Startup, and selecting Open for All Users. Then just drag the file there or create it there in the first place.


That's it!




If you delete any devices, you will need to ask Alexa to forget all your devices before discovery, which can only be done through the Echo app. Go to Settings/ConnectedHome, scroll to the bottom, and click Forget. When completed, click Discover (or ask Alexa to discover). If you are adding devices but not deleting any, then you do not need to run Forget, just Discover.


If g1of4's awesome configuration tool freezes when you click "Get Devices", that just means you got the address of either your ISY or your Computer wrong. Exit and rerun the app and try it again. He has not added error trapping yet.


If Echo cannot find any devices after you have configured some, it is likely you have a port conflict on your computer. Of course make sure the JAR file is still running. In my case I had to uninstall CyberLink PowerDVD and reboot the computer.

1. Open another command prompt (cmd)

2. Change to the Windows\system32 folder (cd \Windows\system32)

3. Copy and paste the following, one at a time:

netstat -ano | find "8080"
netstat -ano | find "1900"
netstat -ano | find "50000"

You are only interested in conflicts listing your computer's IP address. Run Task Manager, click on the Services tab, click on the PID column to sort by PID, and look up the PID numbers listed next to the conflicts from the netstat commands that are next to your computer's IP address. You can ignore normal processes used by Windows (wcncsvc, SSDPSRV, FDResPub). You are looking for applications. Do not risk doing something bad by playing with services - once you discover the problem app, just uninstall it like you normally would and reboot.
WeMo Emulator Instructions
Install Python 2.7:
   Select the MSI Installer for your version of Windows (there are versions for other OS', but I only played with Windows)
   Run the installer
Install "Requests":
   Copy the folder inside to a desired location
   Rename the folder to PythonRequests (optional)
   Open a command prompt and paste: python setup.py install
   If that doesn't work, add your Python27 folder to your path:
   at the command prompt, paste: PATH=%PATH%;C:\Python27 (or wherever your python folder is)
   Now try the install again: python setup.py install
Download fauxmo.py:
   Right-click and SaveAs... Should default to fauxmo.py
   Put the file in your Python27 folder
Edit the file with your modules:

    ['office lights', rest_api_handler('','')],
    ['kitchen lights', rest_api_handler('','')],


    ['office', rest_api_handler('http://user:pass@192.168.X.X/rest/nodes/XX XX XX 1/cmd/DON','http://user:pass@192.168.X.X/rest/nodes/XX XX XX 1/cmd/DOF')],
    ['down hall', rest_api_handler('http://user:pass@192.168.X.X/rest/nodes/XX XX XX 1/cmd/DON','http://user:pass@192.168.X.X/rest/nodes/XX XX XX 1/cmd/DOF')],

   Note: remove preceding zeros from modules. If a module is 1A 06 E3, drop the zero from the 06.

Run the python file:

   cd \Python27 (or where you put the faumo.py file)
   python fauxmo.py -d
You should see the following:
C:\Python27>python fauxmo.py -d
Listening for UPnP broadcasts
got local address of 192.168.X.X
UPnP broadcast listener: new device registered
FauxMo device 'office' ready on 192.168.X.X:PORT
UPnP broadcast listener: new device registered
FauxMo device 'down hall' ready on 192.168.X.X:PORT
Entering main loop
Now ask Alexa to discover devices. This should be successful and should result in responses in the command window:
Responding to search for office
Responding to search for down hall
Responding to search for office
Responding to search for down hall
Responding to setup.xml for office
Responding to setup.xml for down hall
Responding to setup.xml for down hall
Responding to setup.xml for office
If discovery doesn't work and you see no response at all below "Entering main loop", then try rebooting and running the python script again. Once you have tested everything, add the python command to a batch file and add the batch file to your startup folder.
NOTE: the code above will re-assign port numbers every time you re-run the python file (such as after re-booting). However, this should not be a big issue as the Echo asks the emulator for an update every few minutes. If this is an issue for you, there are methods for hard-coding the addresses at the above link.
I will update this post as needed so it can remain the only thing you need to read to get your ISY and Echo working together via the Hue Emulator.
Edited by madmartian
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While personally being a gadget freak, I think the echo is an interesting play for Amazon.  Not too keen on the whole cloud processing backend, but when the API is available I'll be sure to register for it and take a peek. It's not technically a 3rd party 'product' yet, however when someone decides to write an integration it would be a good idea to separate out the chatter. 

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I'd like to see a new category in the 3rd party forums for Amazon Echo so we can get discussions going. I would love to see the day when I say "dining room, dim fifty percent" and the Amazon Echo tells the ISY to dim the dining room light 50% without me touching a controller. I know that voice control already exists, but not at the $99 price point and not with the additional features of the Echo.


You can request a purchase invitation here and it's half price for Amazon Prime members:




Having more choices is great but lets see how long this product lasts. I say this because no matter how big you're such as Microsoft, Google, Amazon, they all had epic fails and abandoned products mid stream.


I am going to sit and wait and see how this plays out. 

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How much is the google watch? It appears to do exactly the same thing.


Didn't know Google was getting into the smart watch arena. But, hey more the merrier I say because it will drive down the cost and make similar technology common place.


Whether it succeeds is up to their executing and delivery and mass adoption of the people. The echo video was pretty gay but the information was provided. I am looking forward to seeing how this plays out and what API interface will be made available to the masses in the HA realm. 

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I have a Android Wear device - I just have not spent time getting voice integration working on it yet. Pretty neat - but a long way to go yet. I was a Pebble owner before, and its much easier to do ISY integration with that - due to PebbleTasker. But, no voice recognition there.

Edited by MWareman
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  • 2 weeks later...

Just received my Amazon Echo invite, ordered one, and should receive it this Friday.  Could turn into an expensive doorstop, but I do expect to get some initial entertainment checking out how open and accessible it is.  From the invite email...


   I'm a software developer, can I develop services for Echo?
   We'd love to hear your ideas for what you might build for Echo. Contact us at echo-developers@amazon.com

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Initial impressions after about 45 minutes of messing around:

  • Excellent packaging, right up there with Apple or Sonos products
  • Setup was a breeze -- plug it in, download an app on your smartphone or tablet, enter your WiFi password into the app (no Ethernet port), and you're ready to go
  • It comes with a Bluetooth remote that is very similar to the one that comes with the FireTV (I wouldn't be surprised if I could pair it with a FireTV, though it has fewer buttons)
  • The remote is mainly so you can quickly pause/play and skip back/forward without having to take the time to give your Echo verbal commands
  • The remote is also handy for giving the Echo verbal commands via the microphone button at the top of the remote when you are out of range from the Echo.  No need to say "Alexa" to get the Echo's attention when you talk to it via the remote.
  • Sound quality of the speaker is decent as long as you aren't expecting high volumes or booming bass.  I really like how you can adjust the volume by spinning the top of the device (it has a movable ring around the top of the cylinder).
  • The microphone is really good and dealt well with the fact that there was ambient TV noise going on in the background while I was messing around with it.
  • Voice recognition is excellent so far.
  • It works with Prime Music without additional setup, fuss, or having to "add" the Prime Music to your library (as you have to do before you can play Prime Music via Amazon's CloudPlayer).  I now fear Amazon will never help Sonos get their system working with Prime Music. :(
  • It comes integrated with iHeartRadio and TuneIn, which is awesome.  I was able to simply say, "Alexa, play KLCC" and it started playing my local NPR radio station within seconds.
  • Surprisingly, it does NOT yet connect to the FireTV so I can't say things like, "Alexa, search for Doctor Who on FireTV."  I have to believe this is coming.

My only attempt so far to see if I could hack into it was to simply enter its IP address into a browser.  Nothing there.



Edited by randyth
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The Echo look like a very well-done device, but not sure of it's value if you already have an Android or iDevice, as it seems to be mostly "Siri in a box"


That said, of it could be a voice controller for ISY, I'd change my tune in a heartbeat. That would be very cool.

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Yeah, I wouldn't have purchased one if I had to pay the full $199.


I'm hoping Amazon is as open with the Echo as they are with the Fire TV as far as developer access goes.  I haven't had any time to attempt to monitor how the Echo app communicates with the device to see if there are any obvious ways to get it talking to the ISY, but I have inquired about the Echo developer program (no response yet).  It would make an excellent Ubi-type device if Amazon allowed it.  The voice recognition is really quite good.



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Looking forward to reading more of what you find out in terms of open API. Please do keep us all updated as I am keen on having a central LISTENING HA Device work with my existing system.


What tempers me is the long term support and guidance this product has. UBI in its current form is a fail in my eyes.


Lots of promises but very little substance In terms of actual features that work as intended or advertised as so.



Encrypted By: Phoenix Security Solutions

Edited by Teken
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  • 1 month later...

This will be nice if we can modify the response so we don't have to say To Do, I wish they make it an open standard or allow us to forward the requests to a URL of our choice as well. As far as Android Wear, I have been able to setup TASKER commands using MobiLinc to control my house. Since I have that setup, I also used AutoVoice to trigger the Tasker Commands based on what words i use.


Ex: OK GOOGLE triggers Android Wear or your Phone to listen, then i say "Turn Living Room Lights On." When AutoVoice recognizes that, it triggers Tasker to send the command to MobiLinc and it turns the lights on. You can also setup Tasker to send a direct API command to a URL of your choice instead of using MobiLinc as that would be faster.

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  • 1 month later...

I filled out the form a few days ago.  Hope to hear more from Amazon soon.




Hello Randy,


Really looking forward to what you find out and what the API offers the end users. Please follow up with the group once you get more information and have the time to code and play with the box.


Having a central device instead of carrying a phone would be most excellent and would finally round out my HA eco system.

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