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How do you handle multiple actions in a program?


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More general question, but I get confused when I have multiple things that I want in a program.  For example, with Vera, I'd have my front door open, it would save the state of the light, set it to 100% brightness, and 5 minutes later change it back to the state it was in.  I know ISY doesn't do status variables, but I thought I could break it down a little with normal variables.


So for example:

If light is off, variable = 0

If light is between 1-25%, variable = 1

If light is between 26-50%, variable = 2

If light is between 51-75%, variable = 3

If light is between 76-99%, variable = 4

If light is on, variable = 5


Just a rough example.  Question is, do I need to make 6 different programs for that?  One for If light is > 0 and < 26, set variable 1, then another program for the other levels?  Or I thought it might work to cut it in half, such as:


If light is off, and light is NOT between 1-25, set varialble to 0, else set it to 1.  Then second program If light is between 26-50, and is NOT between 51-75, set variable to 2, else set it to 3, etc?  Not sure if that would work?


I know the first one would, but then when I get mixed up is writing a program.  I was thinking I'd make it basically "If front door opens", step 1 is to disable the programs that monitor the status and set the variable, basically saving the status of the light in a general variable since it won't update again.  Then turn the light on to 100%, wait 5 minutes, and then the last step is set the light back to where it was in a general value, such as "If variable = 3" I'd have it set the light to maybe 66% or something, so even if it was say at 74% when the door opened, it will put it back roughly where it was or close enough no one would notice.


Hope that makes sense.  So program is:


Wait 5 minutes

But my issue is right here.  How do I then say "If variable is 0, set light to this.  But if variable is 1, set it to this, if it's 2 set it to this, if it's 3 set to this etc."  Like not sure what that's called in programming, but basically I want THEN to run, but then evaluate more conditions.  I always get caught right here even with other programs, when I want further conditions to be evaluated etc.


Thanks so much hope that was clear a bit :)


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Need multiple Programs. Cannot have one Program do 6 different things.


Program 1

If 'light' is Off

Then set variable to 0


Program 2

If 'light' is => 1%

And 'light' is <= 25%

Then set variable to 1


Program 3

If 'light' is => 26%

And 'light' is <= 50%

Then set variable to 2


and so on.

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Thanks, that's fine, what about though the second part of my question in terms of putting it back the way it was?  Like turn the light on, wait 5 minutes, and then evaluate multiple conditions?  Like if variable is at 0, turn the light off, if it's at 1, set it to 25%, if it's at 2 set it to 50%, etc?  That's where I get lost all the time, when I need an action to happen but based on different criteria.  Or would I use multiple "Light off" programs, such as:


If s.FrontDoorTripped = 1

and s.LightLevel = 0

Then wait 5 minutes, set light to 0, set s.FrontDoorTripped = 0


If s.FrontDoorTripped = 1

and s.LightLevel = 1

Then wait 5 minutes, set light to 25%, set s.FrontDoorTripped = 0


If s.FrontDoorTripped = 1

and s.LightLevel = 3

Then wait 5 minutes, set light to 50%, set s.FrontDoorTripped = 0


Etc?  I always feel like having lots of programs is bad for some reason, but would that be the proper way to do it?  The s.FrontDoorTripped variable is set to 1 when the door is open.  So basically a different countdown timer program for each?  Thanks!

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