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Greater Than - Less Than - Equals Greater Than - Etc


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So with the most excellent help by Xathros I have been able to monitor many aspects of my homes temperature & humidity. The ultimate goal of deploying 40 sensors through out the home and property was to make the home and that of the Insteon network a lot smarter.


The objective has been to manage the energy and the environment for the most comfortable experience for all.


Since it has gotten colder I am now able to fully deploy some of the excellent programs from Xathros to monitor, react, and alert me of variations in extreme temperatures.


I am having a hard time understanding why one program does not operate as I would expect. Maybe I am still drunk??  :?


Below is one part of the program:


        $s.Autelis_Outside_Temp_8G_Temp >= -200
    And $i.Autelis_Outside_Temp_8G_Suspend is 0
        Wait  3 seconds
        Send Notification to 'GMX' content 'Autelis - Outside 8G Temp Freeze Alert'
        Send Notification to 'Lante' content 'Autelis - Outside 8G Temp Freeze Alert'
        Wait  3 seconds
        $i.Autelis_Outside_Temp_8G_Suspend  = 1
        $i.Autelis_Outside_Temp_8G_Alert_Temp  = $s.Autelis_Outside_Temp_8G_Temp
        Run Program 'Outside 8G Notification Suspend Alert' (Then Path)
        Wait  0 seconds
        $i.Autelis_Outside_Temp_8G_Delta  = $s.Autelis_Outside_Temp_8G_Temp
        $i.Autelis_Outside_Temp_8G_Delta -= $i.Autelis_Outside_Temp_8G_Alert_Temp
        Wait  6 seconds
        Run Program 'Outside 8G Override Suspend Alert' (If)
Send a notification if the Autelis probe reads higher than the threshold defined in line 1.  
Threshold is set in Autelis units which equal 10 units per 1 Deg C.
So this program is supposed to alert me (for now) if the outside temperature is below -20'C. It is currently only -10.1'C
Yet I am receiving inbound e-mails that the condition is true?? I don't know if this has any relations to the other thread where I asked about how the ISY handles negative values in programs located here: http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/14558-negative-values-how-does-the-isy-handle-them/
Regardless of the (-) sign this program should operate as intended, no? It should be equal or greater than ( in this case colder ) to trip an alert message.
Am I missing something here? :|  
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> x includes all values that are greater than x. x is not included.


>= x includes x and all values greater than x


< x includes all values that are less than x. x is not included.


<= x includes x and all values less than x

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> x includes all values that are greater than x. x is not included.


>= x includes x and all values greater than x


< x includes all values that are less than x. x is not included.


<= x includes x and all values less than x


Hello Stu,


I absolutely get all the operators and how they function. But, my question still stands as to why this program is firing off an alert message when its set to trip at -20, its only -10 now. 


I do not expect to see a e-mail yet I do??

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Wow, not sure what to say there.

In every sense and possible way, -10 is greater than -20


I must be real slow today because this doesn't make sense. Let me back track a bit, in the summer time this exact same program was set as a positive value.


So, if it was hotter then >= 20'C, for instance 22'C I received an alert. Below that value I received nothing. Now its the dead of winter and I am using the exact same program but to monitor colder temps. The only difference is that its obviously negative in value.


So, this program should alert me at -20'C, not at -10'C which makes no sense. 

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Picture (or draw) a number line with zero in the center, negative numbers to the left and positive numbers to the right. Pick any point. All values to the right of that point are in the greater than direction.


-20  -15  -10  -5  0  5  10  15  10

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Picture (or draw) a number line with zero in the center, negative numbers to the left and positive numbers to the right. Pick any point. All values to the right of that point are in the greater than direction.


-20  -15  -10  -5  0  5  10  15  10


I believe retaking 3rd grade school math is in order for me! :oops:  Using the chart above makes sense in terms what value is greater. But, from a numerical stand point (ignoring integers) I must have been fixated by temperature values, ugh!  :?

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Good gracious you don't need a math class you need to move some place warmer.


Last year was one of the coldest winters recorded in history of temps dropping down to -56'C before the wind chill. This is just one example of how cold it was on December 31, 2013



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Not sure what hardware you're using but are you sure it supports -20C ?  


The 1 wire sensors can read temperatures in the extreme of -55'C to +125'C with an accuracy of +/- 0.5 resolution.




Just a quick snap shot from last year of the furnace run time vs the outside temperatures.



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These are the current readings from my home as the heat has just kicked in after a very long day. There are 40 1-wire sensors that monitor various parts of the home and property. Another 40 sensors monitor network devices and force protection aspects of the security alarm system.





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OK, Frosty!


You have a bank account that is overdrawn by $20. Your balance is:


-20 dollars


Now you decide to add some money to your bank account and deposit another 10 dollars. Now your balance is:


-10 dollars


hmmmm... do I need to express this in ounces of rum? :D


We have an expression for those temperatures dealing with metal and a particular  animal!  "clink, clink"

Where are you?

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I was looking at some of the specs for the temperature sensors that Autelis supports and noticed that some are rated to -10C to +85C

Have a look at these and drool. Good for -55°C to +125°C






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I didn't realize that the ISY and Autelis would work at the North Pole.


Which 1 wire sensors are you using, I've been looking for one that that supports a long lead.


I just picked up some DS18B20 sensors that included three feet length of wire lead and came encapsulated in a water proof SS housing. 


Very easy to install and protects the actual sensor while offering great temperature monitoring.




I was looking at some of the specs for the temperature sensors that Autelis supports and noticed that some are rated to -10C to +85C


There are indeed various sensors with better or worse spec's. I personally bought sensors that provide the most temperature range for my needs. 

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I just picked up some DS18B20 sensors that included three feet length of wire lead and came encapsulated in a water proof SS housing. 


Very easy to install and protects the actual sensor while offering great temperature monitoring.



There are indeed various sensors with better or worse spec's. I personally bought sensors that provide the most temperature range for my needs. 

Your PM's turned off or full?

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