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2465S3E External Appliance Linc Plugin Module v.41


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ISY994 V 4.2.18


The above unit works fine when plugged into a regular outlet but not into a GFCI.  In a GFCI it gives the communication error shown in the attached screen shot when the on/off is clicked.  A module Query always cleared the error,


Tests performed:

- In regular outlet - perfroms perfectly

- In GFCI - gives message although the outlet goes on/off

- Replaced GFCI with new one - same behavior

- Used iPhone MobilLinc to turn socket on/off.  The socket on/off worked but the status was incorrect (never updated).  A Query resulted in the correct status


It appears that the acknowledgement/status issued by the module to the ISY after on/off is not being properly processed by the ISY when on a GFCI.  Maybe the GFCI introduces more of a delay into the communications than the ISY is expecting.


Any ideas?

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Some GFCI outlets, especially older ones, are not Insteon friendly. Sorry, I don't have a list of those that are. Search this and the SH forum.

This would be my guess too. GFIs can be noisy. I had one that came with my house and it took me a while to id it as the problem to downstream x10 and insteon devices.


I replaced mine with one from Home Depot maybe 5 years ago. Its a Leviton, priced about the same and the markings and placement of the LED are identical to this one. I can't guarantee anything, but but its a place to start. Make sure you can return it if it doesn't work.



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I've had great success with the Leviton Self Test GFCI's. No issues with them hindering Insteon signals or causing random faults. To be more specific they are being used in the bathrooms, island, garage, outside back yard.

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I have already tried another brand new GFCI and this did not fix the problem.  I did however get a new on/off outdoor module 2634-222 and it does not have the problem.  Interestingly it has a different icon like a socket in the Admin console, the 2465S3E has a lightbulb!!


I attach the trace as requested - I had to simplify the name because the forum would not let me upload the one the ISY generated



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Device 14.D4.B5 is physically communicating okay as far as trace looks.  The device is sending back a NAK as though there is an issue with a link record.  The FE means something specific but I have not found a reference to that code as yet.  Look at the link records in the device and do a Compare to see if they match what the ISY thinks should be there.


Tue 12/09/2014 04:24:18 PM : [iNST-ACK    ] 02 62 14.D4.B5 0F 11 FF 06          LTONRR (FF)
Tue 12/09/2014 04:24:18 PM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 14.D4.B5 11.CB.83 AB 11 FE    LTONRR (FE)
Tue 12/09/2014 04:24:18 PM : [std-Direct Nack] 14.D4.B5-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2
Tue 12/09/2014 04:24:18 PM : [D2D EVENT   ] Event [14 D4 B5 1] [ERR] [1] uom=0 prec=-1
Tue 12/09/2014 04:24:18 PM : [  14 D4 B5 1]      ERR   1
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Other than the 2-wire dimmer, I'm not aware of any Insteon device that require a load to be functional. Even the OutletLinc dimmer works if there's a key in place, but no load.

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