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Geo Fence with 2 devices


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So I want to use geofencing to turn off the lights when we leave.

The problem i'm trying to solve is this.  If the wife and I both leave then lights should go off.

If I just leave and she is home lights stay on.

If she leaves and i'm already gone then lights should shut off.

I'm just not rue how to handle the code on this


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You need to set up some logic to determine if both phones are gone. Personally, I use a home state variable that is 1 when everyone is home, 2 when only some are home, and 3 when everyone is away. Then I have a few programs based on each phone status to set those variables.


I'm headed down the same ibeacon road Teken just pointed you towards for my own presence detection too. I have tried other methods, including wifi and geofencing, but this seems to have the most promise of responsiveness and accuracy that I've seen so far.



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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