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Restore Device - Why is this required?


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Over the years I have read several threads where a perfectly added Insteon device operated just fine since install. Later on said device, stopped operating as expected either directly, or via programs or scenes.


A device restore was required.


Other times a new device is (just) added with out issue but upon making a program / scene. These applications fail to operate as expected and errors are seen. All of us go through the process to determine if this is a COM issue, whether it be coupling / bridging, or noise makers / signal suckers on the line.


In some of these cases none of the above is the culprit and a simple *restore device* has in fact resolved the issue??


So this discussion surrounds what does the restore device actually do from a technical stand point? The second question comes to how can a perfectly added device which operates completely via direct commands being turned on / off, great COM's, no noise, still not operate a scene / program?


My WAG is several things are in play here and this is why I always suggest this and apply it from the on set.


1. Hard Reset / Factory Default: Performing this step will ensure any possible factory testing, settings are removed and brings the device back to a default state. This may be why a device is added fine but internally there is a conflict which is unknown until programs / scenes are enabled.


2. Enrollment: I have seen via the UI that sometimes even though the system indicates a device is added fine. In reality it has not sometimes pop up messages appear which typically indicate some kind of COM issue etc. But, its the times where nothing shows up and the device enrolls fine but there is in fact a issue??


From my experience this appears to be a ISY issue in not always displaying or capturing a unknown problem.


My suggestion is some kind of lower level add / delete process which I am told does exist but is not deployed for what ever reason.


3. Hardware Conflict: Another reason I have seen this happen is simply due to firmware not being up to date and what ever coding is not in place to make the device work. Other times its a newer device just released and the code simply does not exist to support said device.


With this scenario what I find odd is that when you have this situation where its half there and what I considered not fully supported. Using the restore device allows the device to operate in some fashion??


This is something that pains me and makes me shake my head because this is a indicator that using the *Restore Device* has the ability to do something.


I guess this is also related to update Insteon Engine where it basically calls out to the device and says *Hey who are you, how do you feel, how many hands and feet do you have, and how should be configured*


Then, this tells the ISY to configure the device accordingly and happy times are abound for all.







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Hi Teken,


Restore device reprograms the device based on the stored configuration in ISY. For scenes to work the device must have links to the PLM.


If restore device fixes issues then there are two cases:

1. The device has lost its links

2. The device has been reconfigured outside of ISY ... either manual linking or otherwise


With kind regards,


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