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Skipping Commands with Icons


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Recently, I'm having an issue with MobiLinc missing commands when I use the graphic icons to turn on switches. If I click on the little cog on the icon and send a specific command (ie. On or Off), it never misses. However, when I use the icon, it misses about half the time. Any thoughts?



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I suspect that the touch on the icon didn't register.  Watch closely, you should see the spinning pinwheel display on top of the icon if the touch was recognized. If you don't see that, its possible the touch registered as a drag rather than a press.  I think it would be helpful if there was a more visible feedback when a touch is recognized - maybe make the whole cell light up/change background color while pressed.



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Also depends if it Android or iPhone, on Android you do not get a spinning pinwheel. I have previously ask for more feedback that something was actually happening.

Good point!  I just assumed it was an iPhone.  Sorry.



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Is the icon for a scene or a device?  It's possible that you have a marginal comms issue with some of your devices.  Scene commands are not retried whereas direct device commands are.



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It happens to both scenes and devices. However, if I don't use the icon, it never misses a beat. It looks like the commands for the icons are different than discrete commands. I've thought about comm issues and it's quite possible. However, I really haven't changed anything or added anything to the house that would cause interference. I've had bad comm issues in the past with CFL's and other issues, but I got rid of those a long time ago.

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I would open the Admin console and start the event viewer running at level 3, then operate the problem devices with mobilinc via the icon only.  Analyze the event trace.  This should tell you if the command is being received and acted upon by the ISY.  If an insteon comm failure, this will show the problem.


Based on your previous response, I'm fairly confident that this is not an issue with Mobilinc or the ISY and is simply an Insteon comms issue.



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Hi Mulver,


Another thing to keep in mind is that when pressing on the icon for a device, if that device is a scene controller somewhere, MobiLinc actually tells the scene to turn ON or OFF. When you tap the cog and then tap ON/OFF/DIM/etc this goes direct to the device. 


So, I'd look for any scene that the device is a scene controller of to make sure you understand what ON/OFF means to that scene based on the scene settings.



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I have similar issues with my version in Android. Many times when I press on the icon of a device (not a scene), it doesn't always respond. Like it was mentioned before, the devices respond better to specific commands.


Kind of frustrating, as I try to make sure that the WAF is always at its happiest.





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