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insteon motion sensor issues


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hello to everybody on the forums, I have just converted my home automation over to isy994i ir pro model

I was running for years using RBI home runner, I had issue with the system and was looking for better support.


I have everything back up and running had to write some simple programs and ever things seemed to be working great, it took a day for me to adjust to different ways of doing things but ok , except for the insteon motion sensors, it appears they do not work or I am not getting signal or they are not set up properly, I reset each to factory default made sure jumper 5 is on and went thru the linking, I found a program that I felt would work and it appears not to work, when I walk into the room after sunset and before sunrise I want the light to come on and it does not, this has worked under my old system but it does not work here.

any help would be appreciated.

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Welcome to the UDI forums. This is probably the best forum I have ever been involved with, not to mention the great support from UDI.


First verify the ISY is seeing the motion by opening the event viewer, set the level to 3, and activate the MS. Post the event trace if you need help understanding it.


Post the MS options you have set, and the programs you are using to control the lights by right clicking on the program, or folder containing the programs and select copy to clipboard and paste them in the forum.


And here is a good post to start with http://forum.universal-devices.com/index.php?/topic/15033-Motion-Senor-Disable&do=findComment&comment=127025


- Jim


Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk

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Some items to look for.

- have you verified the response in the ISY device tree status page?

    most users set the options for the MS to not send Off commands and therefore the device page will never show an Off.

- are you using "Switches On' instead of "Status is On" in your programs? If you have disabled MS "Off" reporting, it's "Status" will never change.

- does the LED on the MS flash when seeing motion?

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I opened the event viewer and this is what it states 

it appears every time I wave my hand it does the same 3 messages just the time changes.


fri 1/09/2015 1:53:44 pm inst -srx 02 50 31.88.94 11.00.01 cb 06 00

fri 1/09/2015 1.53.44 pm std-group 31.88.94--. 13.00 01 cb  06 00         (00)

fri 1/09/2015 1.53.44 pm inst -info  previous message ignored


I wish I could get a screen shot but this will have to do



I can understand some of this info but not all 

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this is the program I am using 


   from  Sunset

   to  Sunrise (next day) 

and control Motion sensor -dust .dawn ups' is switched on


       set 15.30.06 upstairs den light 1 fast on



You are using the dusk-dawn node rather than the motion sensor node.  No wonder its not working for you.  Each sensor should have 3 nodes (Sensor, DuskDawn, and LowBatt)  Change your program to use the Sensor node.


The Dusk/dawn node turns on/off when the ambient light level in the vicinity of the sensor has crossed the configured threshold for more than 3.5 minutes.  It's doing roughly the same thing you are with sunset/sunrise but based on light level rather than time of day.  In no case does the dusk/dawn node send an on/off message in reaction to motion being sensed - thats what the Sensor node does.


There is a save button on the event viewer.  Once saved, you can open the resulting file in a text editor and copy / paste relevant data to the forum.


Hope this helps.



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What Xathros is referring to is the motion sensor node that you've selected to control your program. The sensor has 3 nodes




Low battery


If you want your program to act based on motion being sensed then you need to use the "sensor" node and not the "dusk/dawn" node.

This is done within your program and not at the sensor.




from sunset to sunrise (next day)

and control motion sensor is switched on



   do something




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If you want the light to shut off after a period of time then you should add a wait clause



  from sunset to sunrise (next day)

  and control motion sensor is switched on


  turn on light

  wait 2 minutes

  turn off light





Each time the sensor is triggered between dusk and dawn the light would come on for two minutes then shut off. If the sensor is triggered while the light is on the 2 minute timer would reset.

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Hi yes I got it to where I want it, I just picked the wrong line on the Motion sensor by mistake and never went back to recheck it thanks for your help it is really appreciated!

Excellent!  Glad we could help.



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