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Problem Setting up Scene with WD500Z-1 and WT00Z1


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I'm having trouble setting up an ISY Zwave only 4-way scene using a Linear WD500Z-1 500-watt switch, and two Linear WT00Z1 3-way wall dimmer controllers.   


The WD500Z-1 works great by itself and responds to ISY generated commands with no problem, but I've been unsuccessful in getting the WT00Z1 controllers linked to it.  Is there some trick or order in which the switches need to be added to the scene for them to properly link?


The WT00Z1 controllers contain a Binary Switch, Remote, and Multilevel Switch component, so I don't know if one or all of these should be added to the scene.  I've tried adding one at at time separately, but nothing I've tried thus far has worked.  See attached screen capture for manifest.


Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.



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