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Help with interpreting these log results


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Hi folks,
My setup has been fairly reliable but recently I had to replace a switchlinc dimmer that was having comm issues and I removed a thermostat adapter that suddenly became almost totally unresponsive. The new SLD (dual band) is in the same jbox as a recent KPD (dual band). The SLD almost always has 2 hops remaining when doing a query while the KPD (and another identical KPD about 5 ft away on the same circuit) usually have 0 hops remaining.


KPD query:

Thu 02/05/2015 06:53:03 PM : [iNST-TX-I1  ] 02 62 22 F5 9D 0F 19 00
Thu 02/05/2015 06:53:03 PM : [iNST-ACK    ] 02 62 22.F5.9D 0F 19 00 06          LTSREQ (LIGHT)
Thu 02/05/2015 06:53:03 PM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 22.F5.9D 2A.A3.10 23 31 00           (00)
Thu 02/05/2015 06:53:03 PM : [std-Direct Ack] 22.F5.9D-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=0
Thu 02/05/2015 06:53:03 PM : [D2D EVENT   ] Event [22 F5 9D 1] [sT] [0] uom=0 prec=-1
Thu 02/05/2015 06:53:03 PM : [  22 F5 9D 1]       ST   0
Thu 02/05/2015 06:53:03 PM : [D2D-CMP 000A] STS [22 F5 9D 1] ST op=1 Event(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) is Condition(val=0 uom=0 prec=-1) --> true
Thu 02/05/2015 06:53:03 PM : [D2D EVENT   ] Event [22 F5 9D 1] [OL] [255] uom=0 prec=-1
Thu 02/05/2015 06:53:03 PM : [  22 F5 9D 1]       OL 255
Thu 02/05/2015 06:53:03 PM : [D2D EVENT   ] Event [22 F5 9D 1] [RR] [27] uom=0 prec=-1
Thu 02/05/2015 06:53:03 PM : [  22 F5 9D 1]       RR  27
Thu 02/05/2015 06:53:03 PM : [iNST-TX-I2CS] 02 62 22 F5 9D 1F 2E 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1
Thu 02/05/2015 06:53:03 PM : [iNST-ACK    ] 02 62 22.F5.9D 1F 2E 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1 06        (00)
Thu 02/05/2015 06:53:05 PM : [iNST-TX-I1  ] 02 62 00 00 29 CF 13 00
Thu 02/05/2015 06:53:05 PM : [iNST-ACK    ] 02 62 00.00.29 CF 13 00 06          LTOFFRR(00) Is this supposed to be some device address? I have none with that address.
Thu 02/05/2015 06:53:05 PM : [Ext MH      ] Unexpected Ack imCmd=62 cmd1=LTOFFRR 0x13
Thu 02/05/2015 06:53:07 PM : [iNST-ERX    ] 02 51 22 F5 9D 2A A3 10 12 2E 00 01 01 00 00 20 20 1B FF 4E 80 40 00 00 00
Thu 02/05/2015 06:53:07 PM : [Ext-Direct  ] 22.F5.9D-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=2, Hops Left=0
Thu 02/05/2015 06:53:10 PM : [iNST-TX-I2CS] 02 62 22 F5 9D 1F 2E 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1
Thu 02/05/2015 06:53:10 PM : [iNST-ACK    ] 02 62 22.F5.9D 1F 2E 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D1 06        (00)
Thu 02/05/2015 06:53:14 PM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 22.F5.9D 2A.A3.10 23 2E 00           (00)
Thu 02/05/2015 06:53:14 PM : [std-Direct Ack] 22.F5.9D-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=0
Thu 02/05/2015 06:53:14 PM : [iNST-ERX    ] 02 51 22 F5 9D 2A A3 10 11 2E 00 01 01 00 00 20 20 1B FF 4E 80 40 00 00 00
Thu 02/05/2015 06:53:14 PM : [Ext-Direct  ] 22.F5.9D-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=1, Hops Left=0


I did a PLM Info/Status to see what that address was and this is the part that really confuses me. Why is it trying to write (and failing) when I'm simply checking the status? I can replicate this consistently.


PLM Info/Status

Thu 02/05/2015 06:49:50 PM : [All         ] Writing 1 bytes to devices
Thu 02/05/2015 06:49:50 PM : [14 9 C0 1   ] Link   30 : 0F08 [6205005AA8000005] Writing [62..............]
Thu 02/05/2015 06:49:50 PM : [iNST-TX-I1  ] 02 62 14 09 C0 0F 28 0F
Thu 02/05/2015 06:49:50 PM : [iNST-ACK    ] 02 62 14.09.C0 0F 28 0F 06          SET-MSB(0F)
Thu 02/05/2015 06:49:59 PM : [iNST-TX-I1  ] 02 62 14 09 C0 0F 28 0F
Thu 02/05/2015 06:49:59 PM : [iNST-ACK    ] 02 62 14.09.C0 0F 28 0F 06          SET-MSB(0F)
Thu 02/05/2015 06:50:08 PM : [iNST-TX-I1  ] 02 62 14 09 C0 0F 28 0F
Thu 02/05/2015 06:50:08 PM : [iNST-ACK    ] 02 62 14.09.C0 0F 28 0F 06          SET-MSB(0F)
Thu 02/05/2015 06:50:12 PM : [14 9 C0 1   ] Link   30 : 0F08 [6205005AA8000005] *Failed Writing [62..............]









This is turning Off an ISY Scene with ID 29.


Thu 02/05/2015 06:53:05 PM : [iNST-TX-I1  ] 02 62 00 00 29 CF 13 00
Thu 02/05/2015 06:53:05 PM : [iNST-ACK    ] 02 62 00.00.29 CF 13 00 06          LTOFFRR(00) Is this supposed to be some device address? I have none with that address.


The activity traced when getting PLM Info/Status is something Queued to delete a link record from device 14 09 C0 which is not the PLM.      


Thanks for the reply, you've always been so helpful. The device it was trying to write to was a remotelinc I had tossed in a drawer and forgot about :oops:


I pretty consistently get the Thu 02/05/2015 06:53:05 PM : [iNST-ACK    ] 02 62 00.00.29 CF 13 00 06          LTOFFRR(00) line and all I'm doing is querying the KPD. Would a query generate that or perhaps I have some program that's looping and trying to turn that scene off? Any way to correlate Scene ID 29 with the friendly names in the admin console?


I would look at Programs that are triggered by the KPD being Off.  With a comm problem the Query of the KPD now showing the load as Off could be triggering a Program that was not triggered because the change to Off state was missed.


I do not know of a means of cross referencing the 29 to a Scene name.



If someone knows how please jump in.


I think the program in question is my "goodnight" scene. I have a button in toggle-off mode on the keypad that triggers the goodnight scene and turns on my bedroom scene. Even after disabling that program I still see the same behavior when querying the keypad.  I'll continue to play around with it and see what I can find. 




  • 8 months later...

I would look at Programs that are triggered by the KPD being Off.  With a comm problem the Query of the KPD now showing the load as Off could be triggering a Program that was not triggered because the change to Off state was missed.


I do not know of a means of cross referencing the 29 to a Scene name.



If someone knows how please jump in.


Has ANYONE come up with a good way to identify the Scene ID associated with a scene?  I've read where if you open the Main tab>click on the Scene from the left navigation pane, the right navigation pane will show the scene ID beneath the scene name in the "header" of the right pane but I do not see anything but white space.  Is there some other way to identify the scene ID?  While I'm at it, if anyone can tell me how to find the Variable ID as well, I'd appreciate it.  I'm trying to tie my ISY to Tasker on my Android but I cannot find the proper IDs to reference.


Thanks in advance!


Has ANYONE come up with a good way to identify the Scene ID associated with a scene? 


The scene number is right under the scene name in the right admin window. (see attached)





When looking at Insteon messages the Scene number is limited to a max value of Hex FE Decimal 254.  That is an Insteon limitation.  Run a Scene Test (right click on ISY Scene Name and select Scene Test),  The Event Trace shows the Insteon Scene number.  The Insteon Scene number for SceneButtonB is Hex 8E, Decimal 142


Fri 10/23/2015 07:56:48 AM : [GRP-RX      ] 02 61 8E 13 00 06 
Fri 10/23/2015 07:56:48 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 19.21.DA 22.80.0B 61 13 8E    LTOFFRR(8E)
Fri 10/23/2015 07:56:48 AM : [std-Cleanup Ack] 19.21.DA-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=1, Hops Left=0
Fri 10/23/2015 07:56:49 AM : [CLEAN-UP-RPT] 02 58 06 
Fri 10/23/2015 07:56:49 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 1B.57.F8 22.80.0B 61 13 8E    LTOFFRR(8E)
Fri 10/23/2015 07:56:49 AM : [std-Cleanup Ack] 1B.57.F8-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=1, Hops Left=0
<html><font color="red">----- SceneButtonB Test Results -----</font></html>
<html><font color="red">[succeeded]</font> KPL 8 Dimmer v40 - B (1B 57 F8 2)</html>
<html><font color="red">[succeeded]</font> KPL Relay DB v40 - B (19 21 DA 4)</html>
<html><font color="red">----- SceneButtonB Test Results -----</font></html>
The Scene number shown below Scene name (39473) on right side is NOT the Insteon Scene number.



See, that's where I'm confused...I don't have those numbers...see attached.

Looks like you may changed the color scheme somewhere - it looks like you have white text on a white background.

Looks like you may changed the color scheme somewhere - it looks like you have white text on a white background.

HA!!! LMAO...THAT'S what was wrong, white on white.  Maybe Michael will see this and update the theme to make it black on white or something dark on the white.  I just selected a theme he had in the File menu. 


Thank you MWareman!!


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