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Motion sensor and light flickering

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LED lamps by chance?  I see Insteon traffic on some of my LED's when dimmed.  I believe this is caused by the current draw of the radio in dual band dimmers affecting the dimmer circuit during a transmission.  While I have not fully investigated, I believe this only occurs on my dual band dimmers with LED loads.



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Yes, LED lights.. Steve, I dis-associated them with the lights and re-wrote the config to them and they stil have the blinking fits.. Im going to try a factory reset on them. They are insisting on chattering with something.. This is my first go around and I am sure in my many changes something was written to them that angered them.

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Insteon Dimmer can do that with LED, CFL bulbs. Insteon Dimmers are not rated for LEDs although some LEDs work fine.


The flashing LED on the Motion Sensor means it is having problems communicating with one or more of its responders.


How is the Insteon system being coupled?


How close is the nearest Dual Band device to the Motion Sensor?

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I'm wondering how you fit both the PLM and LampLinc Module into the same outlet. Other than that, the proximity of both plus using an LED bulb makes it more likely that the bulb is the culprit. Try an incandescent bulb. Does the problem still exist?

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I have a 6 gang plug for my stereo equipment. I'm contacting smarthome and seeing if I can return the lamplink modules.. What kind of high tech home automation device does not support LED bulbs.. I'ts vapor ware if it does not.. everyone is getting LED bulbs so the days are numbered for this equipment. I understand home automation is leading edge but incandecent and CFL are healing edge. LED's are becomeing the norm for lights.

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Sorry abut the rant though. I just feel that if Smarthome is putting out a product that has apparently been out since 2009 should have been updated long ago to support LED's. People like me that are willing to plop the money down for such a system also plop down for the latest in lighting. It's clear they do not know their market if they produce a product that basically target technophiles that want leading edge and not invest in updates for that link will be short lived.. I just cant see going backwords on my lights which I paid $50 a bulb for 5 years ago.

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LED bulbs are still new territory, and they can behave differently brand to brand when automated. I have 3 LEDs in lamps from home depot from 2011, and 2 of them are on the gen 1 lamplincs, the other a new dual band. I have no problems with them. I did have one brand of led floodlight on an inlinelinc that flickered when dimmed, I returned it for a different brand.


I think the others are on the right path on making sure your core setup is right for noise and phase bridging. And it could be that those particular led bulbs don't work.


I would think about filtering the stereo and other gear, a/v gear is notorious for noise, especially close to the PLM. PLM performance and insteon signalling performance is suspect in the setup you've described.

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On Smarthomes side, the Spec's for the devices indicate support for incandescent and inductive load. It is unfortunate that they have not picked up support for LEDs yet. Another point working against success is the fact they are 5 year old LEDs. Some of the newer LEDs work better but not all. It often requires testing different LEDs, even from the same manufacturer. That will not make you happy but knowing the circumstances ahead of time may avoid some of the frustration.

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