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What can I do with a Schlage BE369?


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This is my first experience with Z-Wave. I do have the Z-Wave Module installed. ISY is at 4.2.27,  PLM is new, 9E.


What can I do with a Schlage BE369? The following choices are available when the lock is selected:


[Query]  [unlock]  [Options] [users]


The first and last items are easy. But Unlock doesn't do anything. And what is Lock & Leave under [Options], which also doesn't appear to do anything?


Also, if I drag the BE369 into a scene, then there are no options at all. What does a scene that includes an Insteon controller do?





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This is my first experience with Z-Wave. I do have the Z-Wave Module installed. ISY is at 4.2.27,  PLM is new, 9E.


What can I do with a Schlage BE369? The following choices are available when the lock is selected:


[Query]  [unlock]  [Options] [users]


The first and last items are easy. But Unlock doesn't do anything. And what is Lock & Leave under [Options], which also doesn't appear to do anything?


Also, if I drag the BE369 into a scene, then there are no options at all. What does a scene that includes an Insteon controller do?

In addition to [Query]  [unlock]  [Options] [users] my Schlage locks have [Lock].

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Unlock should work, what does the level 3 event viewer show when you try it? I also have the Lock option, but mine is a BE469. The lock and leave is a schlage setting described in the user manual. It allows you to lock by pressing the schlage button from the outside when leaving.


Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk

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In addition to [Query]  [unlock]  [Options] [users] my Schlage locks have [Lock].



[Lock] does not appear.


Which manual?

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Unlock should work, what does the level 3 event viewer show when you try it? I also have the Lock option, but mine is a BE469. The lock and leave is a schlage setting described in the user manual. It allows you to lock by pressing the schlage button from the outside when leaving.


Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk


Wed 03/04/2015 06:05:08 PM : [ZWAVE-TX ZW002_1] ...

Wed 03/04/2015 06:05:08 PM : [ZWAVE-RX        ] ACK

Wed 03/04/2015 06:05:08 PM : [ZWAVE-RX        ] [0104011301E8]

Wed 03/04/2015 06:05:08 PM : [ZWAVE-TX        ] ACK

Wed 03/04/2015 06:05:09 PM : [ZWAVE-RX        ] [010500133700DE]

Wed 03/04/2015 06:05:09 PM : [ZWAVE-TX        ] ACK

Wed 03/04/2015 06:05:13 PM : [ZWAVE-TX        ] ZWAVE-WAIT Waiting for retry 1 of 2

Wed 03/04/2015 06:05:13 PM : [ZWAVE-TX ZW002_1] ...

Wed 03/04/2015 06:05:13 PM : [ZWAVE-RX        ] ACK

Wed 03/04/2015 06:05:13 PM : [ZWAVE-RX        ] [0104011301E8]

Wed 03/04/2015 06:05:13 PM : [ZWAVE-TX        ] ACK

Wed 03/04/2015 06:05:15 PM : [ZWAVE-RX        ] [010500133800D1]

Wed 03/04/2015 06:05:15 PM : [ZWAVE-TX        ] ACK

Wed 03/04/2015 06:05:18 PM : [ZWAVE-TX        ] ZWAVE-WAIT Waiting for retry 2 of 2

Wed 03/04/2015 06:05:19 PM : [ZWAVE-TX ZW002_1] ...

Wed 03/04/2015 06:05:19 PM : [ZWAVE-RX        ] ACK

Wed 03/04/2015 06:05:19 PM : [ZWAVE-RX        ] [0104011301E8]

Wed 03/04/2015 06:05:19 PM : [ZWAVE-TX        ] ACK

Wed 03/04/2015 06:05:19 PM : [ZWAVE-RX ZW002_1] ...

Wed 03/04/2015 06:05:19 PM : [ZWAVE-TX        ] ACK

Wed 03/04/2015 06:05:19 PM : [ZWAVE-TX ZW002_1] ...

Wed 03/04/2015 06:05:19 PM : [ZWAVE-RX        ] ACK

Wed 03/04/2015 06:05:19 PM : [ZWAVE-RX        ] [0104011301E8]

Wed 03/04/2015 06:05:19 PM : [ZWAVE-TX        ] ACK

Wed 03/04/2015 06:05:21 PM : [ZWAVE-RX        ] [010500133A00D3]

Wed 03/04/2015 06:05:21 PM : [ZWAVE-TX        ] ACK

Wed 03/04/2015 06:05:22 PM : [ZWAVE-RX        ] [010500133A00D3]

Wed 03/04/2015 06:05:22 PM : [ZWAVE-TX        ] ACK

Wed 03/04/2015 06:05:22 PM : [ZWAVE-RX ZW002_1] ...

Wed 03/04/2015 06:05:22 PM : [ZWAVE-TX        ] ACK

Wed 03/04/2015 06:05:22 PM : [ZWAVE-TX        ] ...

Wed 03/04/2015 06:05:22 PM : [ZWAVE-RX        ] ACK

Wed 03/04/2015 06:05:22 PM : [ZWAVE-RX        ] [0104011301E8]

Wed 03/04/2015 06:05:22 PM : [ZWAVE-TX        ] ACK

Wed 03/04/2015 06:05:22 PM : [ZWAVE-RX        ] [010500133B00D2]

Wed 03/04/2015 06:05:22 PM : [ZWAVE-TX        ] ACK

Wed 03/04/2015 06:05:22 PM : [ZWAVE-RX ZW002_1] ...

Wed 03/04/2015 06:05:22 PM : [ZWAVE-TX        ] ACK


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I have this lock.  Be aware that it does NOT have a motor.  So pressing unlock just does the same as entering a valid code on the panel.  It gives you 10 seconds to turn the knob and unlock it manually.  The only real value of this lock for Z-wave is that you can determine it's lock status remotely.  I like this because it allows me to set an LED on a KPL to indicate that I forgot to lock the door at night.  


The lock and leave allows you to press a single button to allow you to turn the lock from unlocked to locked (without entering a code).  I use this feature all the time, so have it enabled.  Just make sure your lock is correctly reporting locked vs unlocked, or else you will give anyone who presses the Schlage button a free entry to your house!!

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I have this lock.  Be aware that it does NOT have a motor.  So pressing unlock just does the same as entering a valid code on the panel.  It gives you 10 seconds to turn the knob and unlock it manually.  The only real value of this lock for Z-wave is that you can determine it's lock status remotely.  I like this because it allows me to set an LED on a KPL to indicate that I forgot to lock the door at night.  




Can you expand on this explanation highlighted in red for me?? 

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For the non-motorized Schlage deadbolt locks, when you enter a valid entry code or click "unlock" on the ISY, it engages a clutch that allows you to turn a knob which unlocks the door.  It gives you about 5-10 seconds to do so.  Otherwise, when you turn the knob, it just freely rotates without doing anything because the clutch is disengaged.  So clicking 'unlock' will do nothing unless someone is there to turn the deadbolt knob.  


Schlage did this because it is supposedly more secure (their view, not mine necessarily, but I do agree Schlage locks in general are the most secure), gives great battery life, and avoids issues when the deadbolt does not slide easily.  The new versions with touch screen interfaces are all motorized and do away with the 'clutch' design.  

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For the non-motorized Schlage deadbolt locks, when you enter a valid entry code or click "unlock" on the ISY, it engages a clutch that allows you to turn a knob which unlocks the door.  It gives you about 5-10 seconds to do so.  Otherwise, when you turn the knob, it just freely rotates without doing anything because the clutch is disengaged.  So clicking 'unlock' will do nothing unless someone is there to turn the deadbolt knob.  


Schlage did this because it is supposedly more secure (their view, not mine necessarily, but I do agree Schlage locks in general are the most secure), gives great battery life, and avoids issues when the deadbolt does not slide easily.  The never versions with touch screen interfaces are all motorized and do away with the 'clutch' design.  




I have to say regardless of what others think that is a winner in my mind! Most folks know my feelings about all of these smartlocks and what little value they offer in my mind.


But, if it operates based on your description I have no problem buying a few! Having the ability to see the lock state is really all I wanted to know from my HA system.


I have other real security devices employed that negates the door from ever being forced open. Thank you so very much in providing that insight as I was not clear what was going to happen after 10 seconds.

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I tend to agree.  If you do get one, just make sure it is the "CAM" version (BE369) that has physical buttons, not the touchscreeen version.  Touchscreen version is the motorized one. 


As a side benefit, I find the BE369 has a high WAF.  My wife likes the physical buttons and does not like the touchscreen for some reason.  She also does not like the motor in the touchscreen version.  Go figure.  

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That is also my primary reason for not liking these locks. When it's -45'C do you really want to fool around with a frozen keypad?


I've seen and installed many here and 75% of these smart locks were removed by the owners.


They simply are not weather rated for our climate etc. Many of them are also only class 2 rated so no thanks!


You married a smart woman she knows the straight dope when she sees it!



Ideals are peaceful - History is violent

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That is also my primary reason for not liking these locks. When it's -45'C do you really want to fool around with a frozen keypad?


I've seen and installed many here and 75% of these smart locks were removed by the owners.


They simply are not weather rated for our climate etc. Many of them are also only class 2 rated so no thanks!


You married a smart woman she knows the straight dope when she sees it!



Ideals are peaceful - History is violent


Damn, -45*C is cold, lol.

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I have this lock.  Be aware that it does NOT have a motor.  So pressing unlock just does the same as entering a valid code on the panel.  It gives you 10 seconds to turn the knob and unlock it manually.


Thanks, that works.


 The only real value of this lock for Z-wave is that you can determine it's lock status remotely.  I like this because it allows me to set an LED on a KPL to indicate that I forgot to lock the door at night.  


That I can run a program based on the status of the lock is good. That I cannot control the lock is not so good.


The lock and leave allows you to press a single button to allow you to turn the lock from unlocked to locked (without entering a code).


The non-automated lock I replaced already had that feature. I'm glad we still have that ability. It would be very inconvenient to have to enter a code to lock the door upon leaving.


Do you know of a Schlage deadbolt that can be locked remotely?

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I have 2 of the BE469's that work great for me.


Can I use a scene or program to lock the deadbolt based on  a KPL button press?

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A scene AND a program is solution. That's all I needed. Thanks!


Requiring both adds a bit of security, too B)

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