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All Insteon devices stopped transmitting status??


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This morning I noticed that none of my ISY programs seemed to be working (timed lights and such).  I spent time reviewing the programs, thinking somehow I disabled them, but all worked fine.  I could turn lights on and off from the admin app just fine. Manually turning the lights on/off did not show (even after a refresh) in the admin app, but using the "Query" option correctly read the device.


So it seemed like the switches stopped sending updates when they were manually turned on or off.  Look further and testing, **every** single switch on my ISY network (which has about 70 of them) all stopped.  


On a hunch/guess, I did a restore on one of the switches and after that, it started reporting manual changes again!  I tried a few more and for everyone I "restored", they then correctly report manual changes again.


So on the upside, I can recover, though it's a royal pain.


On the downside -- WTF?  


Other than adding a few Insteon leak sensors yesterday (which added without incident and are reporting fine), I cannot imagine why every single switch would stop working like that.


I know it's a shot in the dark, but I thought I'd ask around here if 1) anyone has ever seen this before and 2) if anyone had any idea, theoretical or not, how something like this could happen system wide?  


Also, is there some way I  can have the ISY basically restore every single switch from it's internal definitions?  That would save a tremendous amount of work.


Thanks for any pointers/suggestions!!




Well, further investigation seems to suggest the PLM lost it's entire link table.  I noticed that using Tools->Diagnostics->Show PLM Links, there were only a few links, but after I restored about 3 devices and checked again, it had a lot more.


So something wiped my PLM link table!


I'd like to use the "Restore PLM" option.  I know it's meant primarily for replacing a defective PLM, but I wanted to ask if folks think I can use it to just restore the link table of my current PLM?


Reading it over, there are "scary" notes about having to re-program all by battery devices (which number over 20 now and not all very accessible).  Is that only the case when replacing the PLM (as the PLM address would likely change)?  If so, would I be safe just disabling battery device writes and doing a PLM restore?


Thanks for any help/suggestions!




Hello Gerry,


The closest thing I have seen to what you describe is (IF) there is a power disturbance. This is where the PLM does not come up before the ISY is looking for it upon power restore.


That is the closet thing I have seen first hand but this would be noted by the fact the front of the ISY LED's would show an error status on one or more of the LED's.


Many of us have avoided this situation by placing the ISY on a UPS backup system.  

Well, further investigation seems to suggest the PLM lost it's entire link table.  I noticed that using Tools->Diagnostics->Show PLM Links, there were only a few links, but after I restored about 3 devices and checked again, it had a lot more.


So something wiped my PLM link table!


I'd like to use the "Restore PLM" option.  I know it's meant primarily for replacing a defective PLM, but I wanted to ask if folks think I can use it to just restore the link table of my current PLM?


Reading it over, there are "scary" notes about having to re-program all by battery devices (which number over 20 now and not all very accessible).  Is that only the case when replacing the PLM (as the PLM address would likely change)?  If so, would I be safe just disabling battery device writes and doing a PLM restore?


Thanks for any help/suggestions!




You sure can.

Posted (edited)

There is a known issue with PLMs where the power supply fails (bad capacitors) with the loss of the PLM link database table.


How old is the PLM?


A Restore Modem (PLM) does not update individual devices unless the PLM is being replaced.


If electronically skilled there is information in the forum posted by some users who have repaired replaced the failing capacitors. The PLM could have failed because of power line problems but I would be concerned that this is the first of what can be a failing PLM that either needs repair or be replaced.

Edited by LeeG



I did the PLM restore and everything seems good again!  My ISY is plugged into a UPS (the PLM isn't, of course).  The PLM is only 6 month old.


I'll keep my eye on it and if this happens again, I'll look into replacing the caps (old hand with soldering iron and electronics).

Thanks all!!






I did the PLM restore and everything seems good again!  My ISY is plugged into a UPS (the PLM isn't, of course).  The PLM is only 6 month old.


I'll keep my eye on it and if this happens again, I'll look into replacing the caps (old hand with soldering iron and electronics).

Thanks all!!




If your PLM is only six months old its eligible for a full replacement under Smartlabs 2 year warranty period. 


If it is six months old. It is in warranty as Teken posted.

If you want to read about the capacitor issue. It is here.


I had my two year and three month old 2413S die with failing power supply. Unregulated 12 volts {normally around  eighteen or higher volts} was like seven to nine volts. Five volt logic supply regulator went out of regulation and the logic supply was real low.

New caps restored it.

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