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Are they working on Mobilinc updates?


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I wouldn't hold my breath - I have emails from Mobilinc (Wes) dating back two years promising that Elk / Moblinc integration was just around the corner... :|  


Personally I doubt whether Mobilinc (especially the Android flavor) will EVER be developed to its full potential...

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I use MLHD for iOS which supports both Elk and variables.

The Android version does not though. Been 'coming soon' for two renewals now. I've decided I'll wait for these features without spending more, then assess my situation (if) MobiLinc ever brings feature parity where the platform supports the feature.
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I installed iOS, and saw no mention of "subscription" then after 30~ days it told me to pay....

Since I already paid a kings ransom for the app, icons, and refuse to pay $50 bucks to do what I can do on the Java App, it made me mad.


Then I realized that it worked local, the subscription was only for "cloud connection" so you can use it from anywhere....


Jokes on You, I can enable VPN and then I *am* local....


Speaking of that, the Icon pack sucks, and there is no function to create your own icons.....at least let us *buy* a widget to upload icons....

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You don't need the connect features if you can port forward the https port through your router or use vpn as you stated. No scam at all here and the Dev of Mobilinc is very upfront about not requiring a connect subscription.





Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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One issue I had with DDNS is with my internet service provider. At times mobilinc isn't smart enough to realize it is on its local network and it still tries to use the DDNS address. With my ISP it doesn't allow external forwarding from inside its local network. I talked with the developer of mobilinc and he said this was a common issue and the cloud is the easiest repair. I paid for the cloud service and never looked back. It works flawlessly and has never failed me. I haven't played with VPN to see if it functions better.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Ok, thanks I must have missed it....

Port Forward = Insecure

VPN = Not as much


VPN can be as insecure as 'port forwarding', and 'port forwarding' can be as secure as VPN. The devil is in the details and the implementation.
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A router that supports VPN and is configured to do accept VPN connections,  a VPN configuration on your mobile device to connect to your router's VPN server and usually a DDNS service so that you can find your router's VPN server from outside when you have a dynamic IP from your ISP.



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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks for the good info....

My point was it never said when I "activated" the remote connect it would cost until 30 days later..


VPN, numerous routers that support it.

I use a Dynamic DNS Service, but with Time Warner, my IP stays the same across modem reboots, et al, at least for a year till I replaced the Router (MAC changed of course) so there might not be a real need.

But to be complete, DHCP addresses change...so they can, and if they do, you will loose ability to connect without DDNS.


As for Port forwarding is never secure. Even if you do a redirection Port 123 to internal Port 789. You can still SCAN and find an open port.
As for VPN, you scan, find the VPN Port, but nothing is routed internally, until authenication is done.

I personally moved to OpenVPN on the router instead of PPTP, not because OpenVPN is technically more secure, but because I continued to get scans and attempts to login on 1723 (PPTP), has not happened on OpenVPN, since with OpenVPN on the router, you can do a little more config, like change the port to a non common port, I suggest up in the 65000's since most people that scan don't scan that high....usually nothing up there....

That being said, I use to poke holes for everything, but why the risk? Just VPN into the network from any mobile device and then you know no one is banging on any internal device, only on the external.


As for Routers that support OpenVPN, there are a few I know of...Asus, Some Netgear, and mostly anything that can run DDWRT, but I got tired of keeping up with DDWRT, so stick with a stock router that supports it....

Just my .02$, those that understand this probably can see by some of the detail I understand this.....

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I used the "free" DDNS service provided by Netgear with my router through No-IP.com right up until I went away this winter. Suddenly they began sending me update renewal notices like spam every week, that I ignored. Next thing I know my DDNS stopped working.


I emailed my ISP explaining this and they sent me my latest IP address, which they stated didn't change in the latest power failure we had at home. hmmmm... was on the system backup so router shouldn't have rebooted and re-DCHPed. That must have worked again but I didn't have my original external IP address because all my apps were set up to use a DDNS service that failed me when I needed it..


Meanwhile back at home I investigate the DDNS service and my URL had now been changed from my_nickname.mynetgear.com to my_last_name.mynetgear.com. WTF was that? Currently, in the last month, they have cut off my service and I doubt I want to continue the continuous spamming and recertification every month that they have recently added to the requirements of their supplied free service with the purchase of a Netgear router. WiFi access was very expensive and time limited in my location at the time.


Sure would be nice if ISY could send you your external IP address on command and eliminate all this nonsense. Seems the gmail and the Samsung mail app will not disclose full header information to access this info for an Android phone, either, so that technique didn't help me there, unfortunately.

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I used the "free" DDNS service provided by Netgear with my router through No-IP.com right up until I went away this winter. Suddenly they began sending me update renewal notices like spam every week, that I ignored. Next thing I know my DDNS stopped working.


I emailed my ISP explaining this and they sent me my latest IP address, which they stated didn't change in the latest power failure we had at home. hmmmm... was on the system backup so router shouldn't have rebooted and re-DCHPed. That must have worked again but I didn't have my original external IP address because all my apps were set up to use a DDNS service that failed me when I needed it..


Meanwhile back at home I investigate the DDNS service and my URL had now been changed from my_nickname.mynetgear.com to my_last_name.mynetgear.com. WTF was that? Currently, in the last month, they have cut off my service and I doubt I want to continue the continuous spamming and recertification every month that they have recently added to the requirements of their supplied free service with the purchase of a Netgear router. WiFi access was very expensive and time limited in my location at the time.


Sure would be nice if ISY could send you your external IP address on command and eliminate all this nonsense. Seems the gmail and the Samsung mail app will not disclose full header information to access this info for an Android phone, either, so that technique didn't help me there, unfortunately.


If you forward the GMAIL to Hotmail the full header should be visible give that a try.

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If you forward the GMAIL to Hotmail the full header should be visible give that a try.

Are you talking "Hotmail" app or "Hotmail" mail service provider?


I can see complete header information on PC apps but not on two mobile apps I use for mail.


Addendum: In Thunderbird and MS mail apps you can "View Source" which will show all header info containing IP addresses etc. but on my two Android email apps I could not find a method to view this information. I spent a few hours on it figuring their is usually some hidden menu to no avail.

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Are you talking "Hotmail" app or "Hotmail" mail service provider?


I can see complete header information on PC apps but not on two mobile apps I use for mail.


Addendum: In Thunderbird and MS mail apps you can "View Source" which will show all header info containing IP addresses etc. but on my two Android email apps I could not find a method to view this information. I spent a few hours on it figuring their is usually some hidden menu to no avail.


OK, got it.


Yeah, I guess when you're mobile and not in reach of a PC. That would be a little hard to do but gather you would need to open the same *forwarded* mail and view it in the smartphone browser.


Takes a few more steps for sure but it should provide the entire hops and the IP address from the home. My suggestion is to set up the ISY to send a e-mail to hot mail directly upon reboot. Or have the ISY send a e-mail based on a timed threshold you feel is adequate.


At that point you could look at the header and determine the public IP address. Given this isn't going to happen too often I am not sure how much value this has.


But, since it did happen its one of those things you're happy does exists and is ready to aid you in determining the information. 

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OK, got it.


Yeah, I guess when you're mobile and not in reach of a PC. That would be a little hard to do but gather you would need to open the same *forwarded* mail and view it in the smartphone browser.


Takes a few more steps for sure but it should provide the entire hops and the IP address from the home. My suggestion is to set up the ISY to send a e-mail to hot mail directly upon reboot. Or have the ISY send a e-mail based on a timed threshold you feel is adequate.


At that point you could look at the header and determine the public IP address. Given this isn't going to happen too often I am not sure how much value this has.


But, since it did happen its one of those things you're happy does exists and is ready to aid you in determining the information. 

Yes my initialisation sends out an SMS and an email telling me a reboot has occurred and the last valid time known so I know how long the power was off. That can determine different courses of action. I also get a report of water leeks, temperature in three different places in two buildings, wind speed and gusts and how many motions were detected since midnight as well as yesterday's total.


But **sigh** the mobile apps do not allow viewing the hidden address info with email or SMS. If the external IP address displayed in ISY could be used as a parameter this would be easy.


Perhaps the answer is an Android app that displays header detailed info.

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Yes my initialisation sends out an SMS and an email telling me a reboot has occurred and the last valid time known so I know how long the power was off. That can determine different courses of action. I also get a report of water leeks, temperature in three different places in two buildings, wind speed and gusts and how many motions were detected since midnight as well as yesterday's total.


But **sigh** the mobile apps do not allow viewing the hidden address info with email or SMS. If the external IP address displayed in ISY could be used as a parameter this would be easy.


Perhaps the answer is an Android app that displays header detailed info.

Couldn't you embed an identifier in the body or subject using a variable?  You would need to know the meaning of the value but you are talking a fairly limited number of locations right? Or am I not understanding the issue at hand?



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