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Integrate Smartlinc and ISY 99?


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I bought a Smartlinc


http://www.smarthome.com/2412N/SmartLin ... 12N/p.aspx


two weeks ago and was disappoined with it's inability to define brightness levels in scenes. This led me to the purchase of the ISY-99. I removed the Smartlinc from my setup before adding the ISY-99 and was planning on returning the Smlartlinc, but now wonder if I should keep it.


Is it possible to link the Smartlink to a scene defined by the ISY-99 or do the two units operate independently of one another. Anyone out here have both? Are you happy with the way they work together or is it porblematic?




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Hi Paul,


The main question is why would you want to keep both.


Theoretically, you can keep both but, unfortunately, the new memory map has changed on the new INSTEON PLMs and thus you might have some problems with link management just like the EZIO devices.


With kind regards,



I bought a Smartlinc


http://www.smarthome.com/2412N/SmartLin ... 12N/p.aspx


two weeks ago and was disappoined with it's inability to define brightness levels in scenes. This led me to the purchase of the ISY-99. I removed the Smartlinc from my setup before adding the ISY-99 and was planning on returning the Smlartlinc, but now wonder if I should keep it.


Is it possible to link the Smartlink to a scene defined by the ISY-99 or do the two units operate independently of one another. Anyone out here have both? Are you happy with the way they work together or is it porblematic?




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Hi Paul,


The main question is why would you want to keep both.



Michael, that is an easy question. My iPhone is a much better remote control than the remote control products that are sold by SmartHome! Tonight I will check my ISY via my iPhone and see what it looks like.



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Hi Paul, yes, you are right!


ISY's interface is pure HTML and not as nice.


With kind regards,



Hi Paul,


The main question is why would you want to keep both.



Michael, that is an easy question. My iPhone is a much better remote control than the remote control products that are sold by SmartHome! Tonight I will check my ISY via my iPhone and see what it looks like.



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The Smartlinc went back. Too bad it wasn't capable of setting up scenes with programmed levels of brightness easily. If it had, I never would have wanted the ISY. Now that I have the ISY, I am doing things I never thought I could do so easily. All in all a step in the right direction.



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