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Admin Console no longer prompts for username and password


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Today I received my new ISY-99Pro. Looks like it will be a fun device. The software revision in the unit as received is 2.6.5. Upon initial installation, everything worked fine. I browsed through all the pages. Then, preparing to upgrade the unit, I realized I was running on JRE 1.5 instead of JRE 1.6. So, I upgraded to JRE 1.6. (This is XP Pro SP3)


Since that point in time, I have been unable to receive the prompt for logging in to the admin console. When I select the hyperlink for the administrative console, the page refreshes and completes. But, the lower half of the page is a grey rectangle and there is no prompt for the username and password.


I can telnet to the unit just fine. And the links on the opening page for devices, programs, etc. work just fine. So, something is not right. Perhaps someone can help me.


Thanks in advance,



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I got to thinking about the gray square and realized this was for a Java Applet and there wqas no action there. So, I reinstalled Java from scratch. Now, the applet appears. This solved my problem.


I was having a similar issue on an XP box that I had been continually 'updating' with the latest Java builds. Not just with the ISY, but also with some other web-based Java applets I use. It would sometimes work, but typically fail to launch the applet. Clearing the cache didn't help.


In the end I simply uninstalled and reinstalled the latest Java, and my problems also went away. Something must have been mangled with one of the updates.

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I spent the weekend installing some new Insteon devices around the house. And, I programmed a bunch of my legacy X-10 devices as well. Everything is working just fine.


Programming is interesting on the device. I haven't figured out how to add a statement to follow a repeat sequence yet. For instance, you repeat 8 time a send X10 C1 Dim with a wait 5 seconds in the loop. Then after you have sent the 8 dims with the 8 wait 5 seconds you want to send an off. If I add the off statement, it gets included in the loop. Maybe it is not possible. I worked around it though at a higher level.



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Hello RickyK53,


All you have to do is to make sure all statements within the loop are below the Repeat statement. You can use Move Line Up/Down to achieve this.


This said, however, you cannot have anything follow after the Repeat block: they are all included in the block.


With kind regards,



I spent the weekend installing some new Insteon devices around the house. And, I programmed a bunch of my legacy X-10 devices as well. Everything is working just fine.


Programming is interesting on the device. I haven't figured out how to add a statement to follow a repeat sequence yet. For instance, you repeat 8 time a send X10 C1 Dim with a wait 5 seconds in the loop. Then after you have sent the 8 dims with the 8 wait 5 seconds you want to send an off. If I add the off statement, it gets included in the loop. Maybe it is not possible. I worked around it though at a higher level.



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