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Release 2.6.8 beta is now available and may be downloaded immediately.


For fixes and enhancements, please peruse our beta forum at http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewtopic.php?t=930. You may also post your comments/questions and issues relating to 2.6.8 to this forum.




1. For those upgrading from release 2.6

--->Please note that releases 2.6.1 and above will use default HTTP/HTTPS ports of 80/443 respectively. As such, before upgrading Disable Internet Access

--->You will have to upgrade to release 2.6.5 (http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewtopic.php?t=1409) before upgrading to release 2.6.8

--->If you are upgrading from 2.6.1, please make sure you export all your programs and store them in a safe place


2. If you have used bookmarks, please update them accordingly. If you have problems finding ISY, try http://www.universal-devices.com/99i


3. As always, please take a backup of your ISY


Due to massive [plumbing] changes in this release, please do be kind enough to thoroughly test those functions most important to you specifically schedules, triggers, Web Services, and system lockups.



- Userid = isy

- Password = autoupdate

- For ISY-26, download the update from http://www.universal-devices.com/update ... nsteon.zip do not unzip

- For ISY-99i Series, download the update from http://www.universal-devices.com/update ... nsteon.zip do not unzip

- Login to Admin Console

- Choose Help->Manually Upgrade My Lighting and choose the file you downloaded in the previous step

- Important: After upgrading, please close Admin Console, close all web browser processes, clear your Java cache, and reopen Admin Console. If there are any web browser processes running, the Java cache will not be cleared.



- None


Since people always jump on this thread to report upgrade failures, I thought I would pop in to say SUCCESS! Upgrade 2.6.8 appeared to go off without a hitch. Thanks guys.


EDIT: I went to bed after upgrading late last night. When I got up this morning, the lights outside my doors were on (should have gone off before sunrise), as were my landscape lights (should have gone off at 3:00 a.m.). I checked the log, and saw that while the Query program ran at 3:00 a.m. as expected, none of my other middle-of-the-night programs had run. The "next scheduled run" appears to suggest that my interior lights will turn on 20 minutes before sunset as intended. We shall see.


  Michel Kohanim said:
Release 2.6.8 beta is now available and may be downloaded immediately.


For fixes and enhancements, please peruse our beta forum at http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewtopic.php?t=930. You may also post your comments/questions and issues relating to 2.6.8 to this forum.




1. For those upgrading from release 2.6

--->Please note that releases 2.6.1 and above will use default HTTP/HTTPS ports of 80/443 respectively. As such, before upgrading Disable Internet Access

--->You will have to upgrade to release 2.6.5 (http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewtopic.php?t=1409) before upgrading to release 2.6.8

--->If you are upgrading from 2.6.1, please make sure you export all your programs and store them in a safe place


2. If you have used bookmarks, please update them accordingly. If you have problems finding ISY, try http://www.universal-devices.com/99i


3. As always, please take a backup of your ISY


Due to massive [plumbing] changes in this release, please do be kind enough to thoroughly test those functions most important to you specifically schedules, triggers, Web Services, and system lockups.



- Userid = isy

- Password = autoupdate

- For ISY-26, download the update from http://www.universal-devices.com/update ... nsteon.zip do not unzip

- For ISY-99i Series, download the update from http://www.universal-devices.com/update ... nsteon.zip do not unzip

- Login to Admin Console

- Choose Help->Manually Upgrade My Lighting and choose the file you downloaded in the previous step

- Important: After upgrading, please close Admin Console, close all web browser processes, clear your Java cache, and reopen Admin Console. If there are any web browser processes running, the Java cache will not be cleared.



- None


I am helping a friend with a new Insteon install. He has a 99i that still has 1.0 firmware on it.


He has one switch so far and I get "request failed" when adding the device. I am not physically in front of the equipment so I am trying to do this remotely.


Can I upgrade directly to 2.6.8 from 1.0?




Hello Mohansen,


Please do be kind enough to upgrade to 2.6.5 first and then to 2.6.8.


The reason you are getting request failed is probably due to the fact that you are adding a switch that does not respond to ID Req. Please try choosing the device type from the drop down and retry.


With kind regards,


  mohansen said:
I am helping a friend with a new Insteon install. He has a 99i that still has 1.0 firmware on it.


He has one switch so far and I get "request failed" when adding the device. I am not physically in front of the equipment so I am trying to do this remotely.


Can I upgrade directly to 2.6.8 from 1.0?




Thanks. He ended up directly upgrading to 2.6.8 and it appears to have upgraded fine.


As for trying to add a device, still getting the same error. The device does not respond to a SCAN PING and when using the shell to add a device it comes back with:


Cannot write high water byte FF8 : 0 : device E BC 98 1


I have had him do all the standard steps, no outlet strips, plug the PLM directly to the access point, etc.


This is a new network so there is only 1-2 devices he is trying.


Just a quick note of thanks! I appreciate UDI's support of new Insteon devices, such as the motion sensor.


The demonstrated ongoing support and upgrading of the ISY were key factors in my choosing the ISY.


Thanks again for continuing to add value to the ISY and my Insteon installation.


Hello mohansen,


Please have him factory reset the switch and retry (if you have not yet).


What is this device?


With kind regards,


  mohansen said:
Thanks. He ended up directly upgrading to 2.6.8 and it appears to have upgraded fine.


As for trying to add a device, still getting the same error. The device does not respond to a SCAN PING and when using the shell to add a device it comes back with:


Cannot write high water byte FF8 : 0 : device E BC 98 1


I have had him do all the standard steps, no outlet strips, plug the PLM directly to the access point, etc.


This is a new network so there is only 1-2 devices he is trying.




Thanks so very much for your kind words. They mean a lot to us and we'll try to do our best to keep up.


With kind regards,


  JasonWPB said:
Just a quick note of thanks! I appreciate UDI's support of new Insteon devices, such as the motion sensor.


The demonstrated ongoing support and upgrading of the ISY were key factors in my choosing the ISY.


Thanks again for continuing to add value to the ISY and my Insteon installation.


He has 2 devices. One is a 2476D and the other is a lamplinc. I had him reset both devices. I also had him create a link between the 2 to make sure that communications was actually working in his home. That works fine. It appears that anything involving the PLM is either not functionally or very very flakey.


We did more troubleshooting and the end result was if the PLM and the lamplinc were plugged together, he was able to add the device. If he took the lamplinc down the wall to the next outlet (which doesn't mean it is on the same circuit or phase), it would stop working. At no time was he ever able to add the switchlinc. The devices do not respond at all to a SCAN PING.


We thought the PLM was faulty until we had the limited success. Nothing else seems to help. We moved the AP to the same outlet as the PLM. He does have CFL's but I asked him to make sure these were all turned off. He also is not plugged into any outlet strips.


All of this equipment is brand new. He talked with Smarthome tech support and they were not much help but thought maybe the PLM was faulty so they are sending him a replacement. His PLM is version 72.


Thanks for your help.




This sounds to me like the PLM and lamplinc/2476D are on different phases and that there are no bridges. Are there bridges installed? If so, are they installed and linked properly? To test this, you said that the dimmer and lamplinc could be directly linked to each other. What happens if you link them and then move the lamplinc to the outlet where the PLM is? Does it still work?


  mohansen said:
He has 2 devices. One is a 2476D and the other is a lamplinc. I had him reset both devices. I also had him create a link between the 2 to make sure that communications was actually working in his home. That works fine. It appears that anything involving the PLM is either not functionally or very very flakey.


We did more troubleshooting and the end result was if the PLM and the lamplinc were plugged together, he was able to add the device. If he took the lamplinc down the wall to the next outlet (which doesn't mean it is on the same circuit or phase), it would stop working. At no time was he ever able to add the switchlinc. The devices do not respond at all to a SCAN PING.


We thought the PLM was faulty until we had the limited success. Nothing else seems to help. We moved the AP to the same outlet as the PLM. He does have CFL's but I asked him to make sure these were all turned off. He also is not plugged into any outlet strips.


All of this equipment is brand new. He talked with Smarthome tech support and they were not much help but thought maybe the PLM was faulty so they are sending him a replacement. His PLM is version 72.


Thanks for your help.


As usual, the install went smooth as silk. After a few quick checks, the admin console seems to be its normal self. However, something is causing my cgi-bin scripts using web services to fail. My command line programs seem to work okay, though. I haven't had a chance to dig deeper, but will keep you posted. Going by past history, I suspect I have a bug that wasn't activated by 2.6.7, but 2.6.8 found it.



Everything's fine. I forgot to start my daemon processes.




Well...here's a good one:


When I launch the Administrative Console and I click on either one of the Program Tabs, there is no program information where it should be...It was for a while, but not now.


First the sunset programs not working now this. I'm starting to think about reverting to 2.6.7.


Of course I'll try a reboot. (For the program issue, not the sunset issue. The sunset issue has prevailed through 7 reboots...so far.)




Hi Joe,


What do you mean by no program information? Are your programs lost?


With kind regards,


  Brignolo said:
Well...here's a good one:


When I launch the Administrative Console and I click on either one of the Program Tabs, there is no program information where it should be...It was for a while, but not now.


First the sunset programs not working now this. I'm starting to think about reverting to 2.6.7.


Of course I'll try a reboot. (For the program issue, not the sunset issue. The sunset issue has prevailed through 7 reboots...so far.)






Thank you fro your prompt reply.


I don't know they are just not there.


I have a export of them ready to import so I will bring them back.


No loss, but very curious.




Joe, please do NOT import.


Let's clear your Java cache first please:

1. Close all your browser windows

2. Control Panel->Java->Click on Settings

3. Click on Delete Files


Thanks and with kind regards,


  Brignolo said:


Thank you fro your prompt reply.


I don't know they are just not there.


I have a export of them ready to import so I will bring them back.


No loss, but very curious.




Power cycled ISY, re-downloaded 2.6.8, cleared java cache and still get Upgrade Failed: Invalid Length


If no one has ideas, is there a way to factory reset and then install 2.6.8 and then restore from backup?




I do apologize for a tardy reply.


Please do not factory reset. This is a firewall issue. What type of firewall software do you have on your computer? Have you tried

http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewforum.php?f=3 to find your firewall and disabling it?


With kind regards,


  iiidmaxer said:
Power cycled ISY, re-downloaded 2.6.8, cleared java cache and still get Upgrade Failed: Invalid Length


If no one has ideas, is there a way to factory reset and then install 2.6.8 and then restore from backup?


I tried to update my ISY-99i from 2.6.7 to 2.6.8 and it failed on a couple of attempts and finally crashed Java with the following error log entry: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x027e43a8, pid=1032, tid=952. I tried closing all Explorer windows, clearing the Java cache and rebooting the ISY and now I get the initial UD Explorer screen but the Admin Console never appears and Java reports the following error: com.universaldevices.client.ui.UDClientApplet, jave.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.universaldevices.client.ui.UDClientApplet.class


I can still access the ISY via telnet and it reports version 2.6.7 but I think I may have a corrupted software installation. Any suggestions on how to fix this or get back to 2.6.7 would be appreciated.


Hello porter,


I am so very sorry to hear this. What I suggest is:

1. Install the latest version of Java

2. If you have any firewall software, please review this forum to disable/resolve firewall issues: http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewforum.php?f=3

3. Go to http://www.universal-devices.com/99i and login

4. Upgrade as you would normally


With kind regards,



  porter said:
I tried to update my ISY-99i from 2.6.7 to 2.6.8 and it failed on a couple of attempts and finally crashed Java with the following error log entry: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x027e43a8, pid=1032, tid=952. I tried closing all Explorer windows, clearing the Java cache and rebooting the ISY and now I get the initial UD Explorer screen but the Admin Console never appears and Java reports the following error: com.universaldevices.client.ui.UDClientApplet, jave.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.universaldevices.client.ui.UDClientApplet.class


I can still access the ISY via telnet and it reports version 2.6.7 but I think I may have a corrupted software installation. Any suggestions on how to fix this or get back to 2.6.7 would be appreciated.




Tried to upgrade to 2.6.8 from 2.6.7 and got the invalid length issue. I disabled the firewall and am getting the following message.


Upgrade Failed:java.io.IOException:An estabilished connection was aborted by the software in your host machine.


Any ideas?



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