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Release 2.6.8 is now available

Michel Kohanim

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Looks like a ton of great help on these forums - both from Michel and other users.


I am new here - have had x10 for some years, but moving to Insteon and ISY.


I got my ISY99i over the weekend - I don't have any of my Insteon devices - including the PLM yet. I wanted to get started and play with the ISY and settings so I bought a power supply from Fry's and all seemed as though it would be easy.


I can not for the life of me however get the firmware upgraded on the unit. I have tried just about everything and read most posts a few times. I know it sounds like it is probably a firewall issue, but I can't find anything else to turn off and I still have the same problem.


Main PC - HP6200N runing Vista Home Premium

Linksys WRT54G router and 3 Linksys switches


I have power to the ISY and received a DHCP address.

I've been able to telnet in and configure static

I can launch the Java browswer and see the web pages. I have set the location and added a few email addresses under the configuration - however those always disappear - they don't save.


I can not get a complete backup of the system, I get "Can not create the .zip file" and I can not upgrade the software - I get the "Upgrade Failed:Invalid or Incompatible upgrade file. I've downloaded 4 times to make sure I have the correct version.


From the telnet VE command - I get:

Product: (1020) ISY99i 256

App: Insteon_UD99

Platform: ISY-C-99

Version: 2.6.5

Build date: 2008-06-24-19:53:47

Other services:


I'm running Norton Internet Security (which I actually hate - but I had paid for it so I run it). I have disabled the firewall for an hour at a time and then finally permenantly, i have disabled Virus protection, I have made sure the Windows firewall is turned off.


I have been sucessful at getting the Internet access enabled - I can launch the ISY pages remotely - but I still can't do the upgrade.


Thought I would throw in that I've cleared the jcache a few times and have checked that I'm running the latest version of Java - Standard Edition 6 version 1.6.0 (build 1.6.0_01-b07).


I know it has to be something I'm doing - but I'm missing it.


Looking for any help or direction.



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Hello GDN,


I do apologize for the inconvenience. If you don't mind, please do send us your URL and credentials to support@universal-devices.com . I still suspect firewall but the only way to prove it is to actually try the upgrade remotely.


Please note that since you do not have a PLM, ISY is running in the SAFE MODE. In SAFE MODE some of the features are disabled such as programs, triggers, and schedules and you will get request failed if you tried any one of them.


With kind regards,



Looks like a ton of great help on these forums - both from Michel and other users.


I am new here - have had x10 for some years, but moving to Insteon and ISY.


I got my ISY99i over the weekend - I don't have any of my Insteon devices - including the PLM yet. I wanted to get started and play with the ISY and settings so I bought a power supply from Fry's and all seemed as though it would be easy.


I can not for the life of me however get the firmware upgraded on the unit. I have tried just about everything and read most posts a few times. I know it sounds like it is probably a firewall issue, but I can't find anything else to turn off and I still have the same problem.


Main PC - HP6200N runing Vista Home Premium

Linksys WRT54G router and 3 Linksys switches


I have power to the ISY and received a DHCP address.

I've been able to telnet in and configure static

I can launch the Java browswer and see the web pages. I have set the location and added a few email addresses under the configuration - however those always disappear - they don't save.


I can not get a complete backup of the system, I get "Can not create the .zip file" and I can not upgrade the software - I get the "Upgrade Failed:Invalid or Incompatible upgrade file. I've downloaded 4 times to make sure I have the correct version.


From the telnet VE command - I get:

Product: (1020) ISY99i 256

App: Insteon_UD99

Platform: ISY-C-99

Version: 2.6.5

Build date: 2008-06-24-19:53:47

Other services:


I'm running Norton Internet Security (which I actually hate - but I had paid for it so I run it). I have disabled the firewall for an hour at a time and then finally permenantly, i have disabled Virus protection, I have made sure the Windows firewall is turned off.


I have been sucessful at getting the Internet access enabled - I can launch the ISY pages remotely - but I still can't do the upgrade.


Thought I would throw in that I've cleared the jcache a few times and have checked that I'm running the latest version of Java - Standard Edition 6 version 1.6.0 (build 1.6.0_01-b07).


I know it has to be something I'm doing - but I'm missing it.


Looking for any help or direction.



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Michel and team -


Thanks for the emails and help. I was able to successfully backup and then upgrade my software this evening. This was with my Norton firewall software running (I had opened a hole for the segment I'm on). Something from either now using the PLM instead of the external power supply or maybe even using the different PC - not sure - I had changed several things, but to say the least - I'm up and running - now its time to go install a few switches !!


Thanks again.

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Our pleasure. Please do keep us posted.


With kind regards,


Michel and team -


Thanks for the emails and help. I was able to successfully backup and then upgrade my software this evening. This was with my Norton firewall software running (I had opened a hole for the segment I'm on). Something from either now using the PLM instead of the external power supply or maybe even using the different PC - not sure - I had changed several things, but to say the least - I'm up and running - now its time to go install a few switches !!


Thanks again.

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I think I know what’s causing my sunset programs not to run reliably. It appears that the Next Scheduled Run (NSR) time is handled incorrectly during a reboot of the ISY. If I have only a single sunset program in the ISY, a reboot adds one day and 33 seconds to the NSR time, thus skipping today‘s scheduled events. If I add a second “dummy†sunset program (If Time is Sunset--No Actions), a reboot then adds 56 seconds to the NSR time of the first sunset program and adds one day and 33 seconds to the NSR time of the dummy sunset program. (Don‘t ask me why this happens--I discovered it completely by accident.) The 56 seconds added to the first program makes it run 56 seconds late, but (surprisingly) does not make its Status False, so adding the dummy sunset program is a temporary work-around for the problem.


I was having communication issues, which caused me to move the PLM around to several different outlets. The brief power interruptions triggered the reboots.


If UD would like to replicate the sunset problem, just set up a sunset program, note the NSR time and date, reboot the ISY, and note the new NSR time and date.


Hope this helps. Happy Thanksgiving! :D

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I have a single Sunset Program miss the NSR time after a power loss. It showed that the following day was the next time it should run and not the same day as it should have. This was in 2.6.7 and maybe it carried to 2.6.8.


Update: I just replaced my PLM using the restore PLM choice in the Files Tab.

The Program summary showed my lone Sunset -20 minutes as not to be run until 11/29/08. I went into the Configuration Tab and unchecked Use Daylight Savings Time. Let it do its thing. Then rechecked the tab and again let it do its thing. Now the next expected run time is 11/28/08 as it should be. This is with 2.6.8

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Hi gang,


I have to admit, I'm getting a bit frustrated. Inability to upgrade my ISY is the latest issue. My various computers can all see the ISY, and run the Admin Console. None can upgrade the unit. I get "ISY refused update" errors, "pipe too short" (or something like that) errors, etc. It doesn't seem to matter if I reboot, try a different computer, etc. There is no firewall to disable (all of the computers I have tried have their firewall disabled, and they are on a network run by Time Capsules and Airport Extremes, none of which have a firewall option that I can find).


I have a variety of Macs running OS 10.5.5, all fully updated.


Any ideas?



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Hello to_lighter,


I do apologize for the inconvenience. If possible, please send us your ISY's URL (supprt@universal-devices.com) and we'll try to diagnose remotely.




With kind regards,



Hi gang,


I have to admit, I'm getting a bit frustrated. Inability to upgrade my ISY is the latest issue. My various computers can all see the ISY, and run the Admin Console. None can upgrade the unit. I get "ISY refused update" errors, "pipe too short" (or something like that) errors, etc. It doesn't seem to matter if I reboot, try a different computer, etc. There is no firewall to disable (all of the computers I have tried have their firewall disabled, and they are on a network run by Time Capsules and Airport Extremes, none of which have a firewall option that I can find).


I have a variety of Macs running OS 10.5.5, all fully updated.


Any ideas?



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Hello to_lighter,


I do apologize for the inconvenience. If possible, please send us your ISY's URL (supprt@universal-devices.com) and we'll try to diagnose remotely.




With kind regards,



Hi gang,


I have to admit, I'm getting a bit frustrated. Inability to upgrade my ISY is the latest issue. My various computers can all see the ISY, and run the Admin Console. None can upgrade the unit. I get "ISY refused update" errors, "pipe too short" (or something like that) errors, etc. It doesn't seem to matter if I reboot, try a different computer, etc. There is no firewall to disable (all of the computers I have tried have their firewall disabled, and they are on a network run by Time Capsules and Airport Extremes, none of which have a firewall option that I can find).


I have a variety of Macs running OS 10.5.5, all fully updated.


Any ideas?




Thanks for the quick reply, Michel.


After a series of reboots of computers and PLM and ISY I was able to get the update to work. It almost seemed like a time issue. From my laptops, the errors would arise at inconsistent intervals (sometimes 8%, 34%, 42%, etc). These were connected to the network by WiFi. My desktop is directly connected to my ethernet network. It also failed several times, but seemed to make it further before failing. Ultimately it was the desktop that was able to complete the update.



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Hello to_lighter,


Thanks for the update but this is quite unusual. Would you happen to have Network Magic installed anywhere in your network? Recently, we have been getting a tremendous amount of issues relating to Network Magic (http://forum.universal-devices.com/view ... highlight= ).


With kind regards,



Thanks for the quick reply, Michel.


After a series of reboots of computers and PLM and ISY I was able to get the update to work. It almost seemed like a time issue. From my laptops, the errors would arise at inconsistent intervals (sometimes 8%, 34%, 42%, etc). These were connected to the network by WiFi. My desktop is directly connected to my ethernet network. It also failed several times, but seemed to make it further before failing. Ultimately it was the desktop that was able to complete the update.



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Hello to_lighter,


Thanks for the update but this is quite unusual. Would you happen to have Network Magic installed anywhere in your network? Recently, we have been getting a tremendous amount of issues relating to Network Magic (http://forum.universal-devices.com/view ... highlight= ).


With kind regards,



Thanks for the quick reply, Michel.


After a series of reboots of computers and PLM and ISY I was able to get the update to work. It almost seemed like a time issue. From my laptops, the errors would arise at inconsistent intervals (sometimes 8%, 34%, 42%, etc). These were connected to the network by WiFi. My desktop is directly connected to my ethernet network. It also failed several times, but seemed to make it further before failing. Ultimately it was the desktop that was able to complete the update.




Thanks Michel,


As mentioned above, I have a bunch of Macs with Apple's Airport wireless basestations providing wireless coverage, connected together on an ethernet backbone. I don't know what Network Magic is. I don't have any special software running to facilitate networking.


My network is complicated, but a simplified version for this discussion is as follows:


{Laptop} --WiFi n--> {Time Capsule Wireless Router} --ethernet--> {gigabit switch} --ethernet--> {gigabit switch} --ethernet--> ISY 99i


For the desktop the diagram is similar, except there is no wireless component, the desktop is plugged into the first gigabit switch.




P.S. I wanted to take a moment to thank you for your quick responses. I've never seen tech support like this in many years of technogeekery. Well done!

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Hello to_lighter,


Thanks so very much for the topology. I can now imagine what could be causing the problem: two switches.


In the next release, there's an option in the shell which makes ISY less sensitive to UnAcked packets. I think what's happening is that some of the packets are not Acked as ISY expects them to be and thus the client/session is dropped.


With kind regards,



Hello to_lighter,


Thanks for the update but this is quite unusual. Would you happen to have Network Magic installed anywhere in your network? Recently, we have been getting a tremendous amount of issues relating to Network Magic (http://forum.universal-devices.com/view ... highlight= ).


With kind regards,



Thanks for the quick reply, Michel.


After a series of reboots of computers and PLM and ISY I was able to get the update to work. It almost seemed like a time issue. From my laptops, the errors would arise at inconsistent intervals (sometimes 8%, 34%, 42%, etc). These were connected to the network by WiFi. My desktop is directly connected to my ethernet network. It also failed several times, but seemed to make it further before failing. Ultimately it was the desktop that was able to complete the update.




Thanks Michel,


As mentioned above, I have a bunch of Macs with Apple's Airport wireless basestations providing wireless coverage, connected together on an ethernet backbone. I don't know what Network Magic is. I don't have any special software running to facilitate networking.


My network is complicated, but a simplified version for this discussion is as follows:


{Laptop} --WiFi n--> {Time Capsule Wireless Router} --ethernet--> {gigabit switch} --ethernet--> {gigabit switch} --ethernet--> ISY 99i


For the desktop the diagram is similar, except there is no wireless component, the desktop is plugged into the first gigabit switch.




P.S. I wanted to take a moment to thank you for your quick responses. I've never seen tech support like this in many years of technogeekery. Well done!

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Java sent out a new update today, which I downloaded and installed: Java Version 6 Update 11. Now the Admin Console does not recognize my motion detector (Unsupported Device: 16.0). I tried restarting the computer, as well as clearing the Java cache. No workee. Any suggestions?


ETA- I uninstalled Update 11, restarted my computer, cleared the Java cache, and the problem persists. I verified that I am running Java Version 6, Update 7. I am beginning to wonder if the Java update had nothing to do with this problem. :?

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Hello FLBoy,


Apologies for the inconvenience. Is the Motion Detector the only device that your Admin Console does not recognize.


Please also note that SH decided to change the category/subcategory of the motion detectors between the Beta and Production releases. Is this motion sensor one you just received or is it from the old Beta days?


With kind regards,



Java sent out a new update today, which I downloaded and installed: Java Version 6 Update 11. Now the Admin Console does not recognize my motion detector (Unsupported Device: 16.0). I tried restarting the computer, as well as clearing the Java cache. No workee. Any suggestions?


ETA- I uninstalled Update 11, restarted my computer, cleared the Java cache, and the problem persists. I verified that I am running Java Version 6, Update 7. I am beginning to wonder if the Java update had nothing to do with this problem. :?

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Yes, the motion sensor is the only device not recognized by Admin Console. I have had it for about two weeks, and it has been operating fine until now. The address shown in the Admin Console for the motion sensor is correct; it just does not recognize the device any longer.

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Please also note that SH decided to change the category/subcategory of the motion detectors between the Beta and Production releases. Is this motion sensor one you just received or is it from the old Beta days?


Ah, that maybe explains what I'm seeing. I was going to ask about this. I just got a motion sensor a few days ago and it shows up via the web services as and the Smarthome docs say it should be (I think) so I was wondering if the ISY was just reporting it wrong or if the docs were wrong.

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Well, I decided to remove my motion sensor from ISY, do a factory reset on it, and then add it back. Unfortunately, I have been unable to add the motion sensor back. At the end of the initialization part of the installation process, the process stops abruptly, and the motion sensor icons do not appear under My Lighting. I now think the motion sensor may be defective, unless anyone has any other suggestions.


ETA- I tried manually linking my motion sensor to an ApplianceLinc, and it could control it; so I guess it's not totally defective, but it still won't link through ISY.

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Hello FLBoy,


In Add Insteon Device dialog, are you explicitly choosing the Motion Sensor? If not, that's precisely what happens since first, ISY tries to read the database and then tries to do an IDReq which fails (MS does not return its identity!).


Also, please make sure your MS is in programming mode. For the ones that I just received, the process is: press and hold the set button for 5 seconds.


With kind regards,



Well, I decided to remove my motion sensor from ISY, do a factory reset on it, and then add it back. Unfortunately, I have been unable to add the motion sensor back. At the end of the initialization part of the installation process, the process stops abruptly, and the motion sensor icons do not appear under My Lighting. I now think the motion sensor may be defective, unless anyone has any other suggestions.


ETA- I tried manually linking my motion sensor to an ApplianceLinc, and it could control it; so I guess it's not totally defective, but it still won't link through ISY.

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Hi Michel-


Thanks for the help. Yes, I am explicitly choosing the Motion Sensor. I have tried holding the set button for 5 seconds, with and without a subsequent tap. Neither works. When the initialization process ends, ISY briefly states "All Remaining Devices Added", but the motion sensor does not appear under My Lighting. This makes me think that when I removed the motion sensor from ISY, ISY may not have removed all records of it from its database. Perhaps ISY sees a record of this particular device and is refusing to let me add it again. Is this a possible new ISY bug?





Hello FLBoy,


In Add Insteon Device dialog, are you explicitly choosing the Motion Sensor? If not, that's precisely what happens since first, ISY tries to read the database and then tries to do an IDReq which fails (MS does not return its identity!).


Also, please make sure your MS is in programming mode. For the ones that I just received, the process is: press and hold the set button for 5 seconds.


With kind regards,



Well, I decided to remove my motion sensor from ISY, do a factory reset on it, and then add it back. Unfortunately, I have been unable to add the motion sensor back. At the end of the initialization part of the installation process, the process stops abruptly, and the motion sensor icons do not appear under My Lighting. I now think the motion sensor may be defective, unless anyone has any other suggestions.


ETA- I tried manually linking my motion sensor to an ApplianceLinc, and it could control it; so I guess it's not totally defective, but it still won't link through ISY.

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Hello FLBoy,


Yes, it's possible that this is a bug. Would you be kind enough to go to Tools->Generate Topology and look at all the addresses in the address column? Let me know if you find your motion sensor's address in the topology.


With kind regards,



Hi Michel-


Thanks for the help. Yes, I am explicitly choosing the Motion Sensor. I have tried holding the set button for 5 seconds, with and without a subsequent tap. Neither works. When the initialization process ends, ISY briefly states "All Remaining Devices Added", but the motion sensor does not appear under My Lighting. This makes me think that when I removed the motion sensor from ISY, ISY may not have removed all records of it from its database. Perhaps ISY sees a record of this particular device and is refusing to let me add it again. Is this a possible new ISY bug?





Hello FLBoy,


In Add Insteon Device dialog, are you explicitly choosing the Motion Sensor? If not, that's precisely what happens since first, ISY tries to read the database and then tries to do an IDReq which fails (MS does not return its identity!).


Also, please make sure your MS is in programming mode. For the ones that I just received, the process is: press and hold the set button for 5 seconds.


With kind regards,



Well, I decided to remove my motion sensor from ISY, do a factory reset on it, and then add it back. Unfortunately, I have been unable to add the motion sensor back. At the end of the initialization part of the installation process, the process stops abruptly, and the motion sensor icons do not appear under My Lighting. I now think the motion sensor may be defective, unless anyone has any other suggestions.


ETA- I tried manually linking my motion sensor to an ApplianceLinc, and it could control it; so I guess it's not totally defective, but it still won't link through ISY.

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The topology does not include my motion sensor's address.


I wonder if whatever caused the MS to change from Motion Sensor to Unrecognized Device in the Admin Console is the same thing now causing the MS not to link with ISY? What could go bad either in the MS or ISY that would cause an MS that had worked for several days suddenly to become Unrecognized out of the blue? I can manually link this MS to other Insteon devices and control them. The MS seems to behave normally, except that it will not link with ISY.







Hello FLBoy,


Yes, it's possible that this is a bug. Would you be kind enough to go to Tools->Generate Topology and look at all the addresses in the address column? Let me know if you find your motion sensor's address in the topology.


With kind regards,



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Hi Lou,


Would you be kind enough to upgrade to 2.6.9. I am certain that SH changed the category/sub category between releases (Beta and Production) and upgrading to 2.6.9 may solve this problem.


With kind regards,





The topology does not include my motion sensor's address.


I wonder if whatever caused the MS to change from Motion Sensor to Unrecognized Device in the Admin Console is the same thing now causing the MS not to link with ISY? What could go bad either in the MS or ISY that would cause an MS that had worked for several days suddenly to become Unrecognized out of the blue? I can manually link this MS to other Insteon devices and control them. The MS seems to behave normally, except that it will not link with ISY.







Hello FLBoy,


Yes, it's possible that this is a bug. Would you be kind enough to go to Tools->Generate Topology and look at all the addresses in the address column? Let me know if you find your motion sensor's address in the topology.


With kind regards,



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I tried to upgrade to 2.6.9, but after clearing my Java cache and attempting to reopen My ISY, all I get is an empty Admin Console. It never asks me for my user name and password. Any suggestions?


Hi Lou,


Would you be kind enough to upgrade to 2.6.9. I am certain that SH changed the category/sub category between releases (Beta and Production) and upgrading to 2.6.9 may solve this problem.


With kind regards,



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Hello Lou,


Which URL are you using? http://www.universal-devices.com/99i?


Also, when you reboot your ISY, do you see the sequence of LEDs turning on/off:

RX, TX, MEM on

MEM flash

All off except Power.


With kind regards,





I tried to upgrade to 2.6.9, but after clearing my Java cache and attempting to reopen My ISY, all I get is an empty Admin Console. It never asks me for my user name and password. Any suggestions?


Hi Lou,


Would you be kind enough to upgrade to 2.6.9. I am certain that SH changed the category/sub category between releases (Beta and Production) and upgrading to 2.6.9 may solve this problem.


With kind regards,



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