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Portal Maintenance March 18th ×

HomeKit Support via HomeBridge - Siri Voice Control


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Go into the ISY and create a variable under the integer tab.  The homebridge code isn't smart enough to continue if you have no integer variables setup.  I just clicked new, then save, back to homebridge and it works.


I'm a noob to this.... what do I use to edit the config.json?

I tried in the RPi text editor and in Python.  When I try to save it, I get a permissions error...

and is it going to /usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-isy-js/ ?


I have the same Error as RaginBallin: 


i haven't had any trouble with hue or other plugins, but i can't get this one going:(


ateliers-Mac-mini:homebridge2 atelier$ /usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge/bin/homebridge

Loaded plugin: homebridge-isy-js

Registering platform 'homebridge-isy-js.isy-js'


Loaded config.json with 0 accessories and 1 platforms.


Loading 1 platforms...

[isy-js] Initializing isy-js platform...

Loading 0 accessories...


        if (response instanceof Error || response.statusCode != 200) {



TypeError: Cannot read property 'statusCode' of null

    at Request.<anonymous> (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-isy-js/node_modules/isy-js/isy.js:404:50)

    at emitTwo (events.js:87:13)

    at Request.emit (events.js:172:7)

    at Request.mixin._fireError (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-isy-js/node_modules/restler/lib/restler.js:207:10)

    at ClientRequest.<anonymous> (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-isy-js/node_modules/restler/lib/restler.js:246:14)

    at emitOne (events.js:77:13)

    at ClientRequest.emit (events.js:169:7)

    at Socket.socketOnData (_http_client.js:310:9)

    at emitOne (events.js:77:13)

    at Socket.emit (events.js:169:7)

ateliers-Mac-mini:homebridge2 atelier$ 

here's my config: 

    "bridge": {

        "name": "Homebridge",

        "username": "CC:22:3D:E3:CE:30",

        "port": 51826,

        "pin": "031-45-154"


    "description": "This is an example configuration file with all supported devices. You can use this as a template for creating your own configuration file containing devices you actually own.",

    "platforms": [


            "platform": "isy-js",

            "name": "isy-js",

            "host": "",

            "port": "80",

            "username": "admin",

            "password": "passwordgoeshere"





    "accessories": [ ]


any help would be appreciated 
  • 1 year later...

In reading through this topic, it looks like Homebridge allows you to present your Insteon / Wave ISY devices to HomeKit.


But what about home kit devices --> ISY ?  If i wanted to get a notification of a HomeKit light turning on for example, is that part of the functionality as well?




  • 2 months later...

I'm hoping someone can help. I have successfully installed Homebridge on my iMac along with the ISY Helper plug-in. All of my devices are recognized and function correctly for a short while usualy 1-2 hours and then all a sudden, all of my devices show "no response" from within the iOS Home app. During this time I can confirm that Homebridge is still running and even stippling and restarting Homebridge has no effect. The only way to recover once this happens is to delete the home from the Home app, then delete the persist and cached folders from Homebridge and completely rebuild all of my devices. Then this scenario repeats...


Any ideas?


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  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)

I am running into the same issue. I can get it working but after a short period of time not using it, it marks all of the devices as no response.

Edited by firebladeRR1k
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