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IO Status Lost

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I have two IO modules installed in my garages.

Status is Off when door is closed.

Everyday, the status reverts to ON when the Query All program runs. The status is then incorrect.

I do not have any problem communicating with the modules and the status is always refreshed correctly once I activate the relays.

But I have to activate the relays for the status to be reset correctly.


Thanks for any help in solving this issue.

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As was already noted, the I/O Linc has the Trigger Reverse option set.    This causes the I/O Linc to send an Off command when the I/O Linc Sensor is actually On.   The Query command returns the actual Sensor status, not the reverse value that Trigger Reverse generates.


The magnetic switch that comes with the garage kit turns the I/O Linc Sensor On when the door is closed, thus the need to use Trigger Reverse.  The solution is to change the magnetic switch to a SECO-LARM 226L-3 switch so the I/O Linc Sensor will actually be Off when door is closed so Trigger Reverse option is not needed. 


EDIT: note that this switch can be used at the top of the door.  No need to mount on the garage floor.  Use the Black and Red wires for the I/O Linc Sensor to be Off when door closed.  Tape over the Green wire.

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I sure had it Reversed!


Thanks for the quick answer!

As LeeG indicated if you want to have the correct physical on/off state the correct switch should be used.


In the current state the status will be reversed. If you can live with that carry on!


It should be noted if you use the mobilinc App you can change the view to its reversed condition so visually it makes sense.



Ideals are peaceful - History is violent

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Thanks, Teken, that's exactly what I did, reverse at the eKeypad stage.


One more question: Although I have the "B" selected from Options in ISY, the relays only respondto ON. I switched several times between A and B, but to no avail. Both modules behave the same way.


As an aside, I notice that you say "... if you use the mobilinc App" and not "if you use an App like mobilinc"

Is Mobilinc the App to have?



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MobiLinc is the only app I have seen for the Android mobile cell. It works very well but is reportedly far behind what the Apple version can do.


It was one of the more expensive apps at about $20 but still worth the the money. The writer and support person regularly visits here and you can't beat that, either.



Android MobiLinc allows you to read analogue devices, control devices, programs and scenes. Variables are not supported as of  recent versions, yet.

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Thanks, Teken, that's exactly what I did, reverse at the eKeypad stage.


One more question: Although I have the "B" selected from Options in ISY, the relays only respondto ON. I switched several times between A and B, but to no avail. Both modules behave the same way.


As an aside, I notice that you say "... if you use the mobilinc App" and not "if you use an App like mobilinc"

Is Mobilinc the App to have?




As my partner in crime Larryllix indicated the most comprehensive smartphone App is Mobilinc. With respect to the relay it should be noted that the relay will always return to its resting state.


The act of selecting the relay in momentary mode simply actuates the relay and then that's it. It does not stay On/Off it simply pulses and returns to its resting state.


Its a little confusing when a person views it in a analog fashion expecting to see on vs off. The only node to pay attention to is the switch node whether it be On/Off or in layman's terms Open/Close.

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Count me in the rank of the confused...


I understand that when the relay receives a command, it closes, stays closed for say 2 seconds, then opens and stays like that.


But I understand that the command depends on whether the mode is A or B.

In A mode, the relay is trained to respond to only, say, ON. If it receives an OFF, it just ignores it.

In B mode, the relays responds to either ON or OFF, i.e., if it receives an ON, it cycles, if it receives an OFF, it cycles as well.


Why are mine, when set to B mode, only cycle when receiving an ON command, and ignore an OFF command?


That is the question :-)

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Count me in the rank of the confused...


I understand that when the relay receives a command, it closes, stays closed for say 2 seconds, then opens and stays like that.


But I understand that the command depends on whether the mode is A or B.

In A mode, the relay is trained to respond to only, say, ON. If it receives an OFF, it just ignores it.

In B mode, the relays responds to either ON or OFF, i.e., if it receives an ON, it cycles, if it receives an OFF, it cycles as well.


Why are mine, when set to B mode, only cycle when receiving an ON command, and ignore an OFF command?


That is the question :-)


To be doubly clear you're seeing this behavior via the Admin Console or through something else?

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"Why are mine, when set to B mode, only cycle when receiving an ON command, and ignore an OFF command?"


Are you sending a Scene On and a Scene Off which is what the I/O Linc instructions are describing.  Or sending a Direct On and Direct Off which the I/O Linc instructions do not discuss.  Insteon devices cannot send Direct On/Off commands (except for applications using a PLM) so the I/O Linc instructions do not cover how Direct commands work.   A Direct On turns the Relay On, a Direct Off command turns the Relay Off.  Since the Timeout value normally has already turned the Relay Off a Direct Off appears to have no affect.  


Use Scene On and Scene Off for Momentary B to perform as the user Guide describes.

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Here is an example of an ISY Scene with a KPL button as Controller with I/O Linc Relay as Responder.


A Program "Set Scene 'SceneIOLincRelay' ON/OFF" will turn the I/O Linc Relay On in Momentary B mode.  Also pressing KPL button A ON/OFF will turn Relay On in Momentary B mode.


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Thanks a lot LeeG, I indeed did not pay attention to 'Scene.'

Was just using direct ON/OFF.


Note: I had one KPL button set up with Indigo where I could open/close the garage door and have the button itself lit ON/OFF to show the status of the door.

So button ON (lit) was indicating the door opened. Pressing the button was closing the door, at which point the button was turning off.

So a single button to open/close the door and show its status.

But I can't duplicate this with ISY. 

Any thread that will tell me how to do that?

Note: I am just using an I/O module with an regular alarm window magnet. No garage kit.



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Set I/O Linc Options

Momentary B

Timeout=whatever you have been using to move garage door opener - ex 1.5 seconds

Trigger Reverse - checked


Secondary KPL button A - whichever button you chose

Set button to non-toggle On 


ISY Scene xxxx

I/O Linc-Sensor - Controller

KPL button A - Controller - whatever button you chose

I/O Linc-Relay - Responder


There are several ways to do this.  This is one way.

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In some cases, the I/O Linc reverts to Reverse Trigger unchecked after the nightly system Query. In the event that happens, there is a solution. The only change will be the state of the controller button's LED (i.e., lit when closed, unlit when open).

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Are you talking about the Revert Trigger check mark in the I/O setup window or the status of the sensor reported by ISY?

It's true that the status is not reverted at the time of the Nightly Query, so it's incorrect after the Nightly Query if Revert is selected. The device will have to be activated for the status to be reported correctly again... until the next Nightly Query. 

Maybe I have been lucky but the check mark never disappeared in my IO setup.

I just ran it and it's fine.


In the Scene LeeG indicated, the ISY is not involved at all (after setup of the the Scene), correct?



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Yes, the reverse trigger check. Not all users have experienced query deleting the check, but a few have.

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"In the Scene LeeG indicated, the ISY is not involved at all (after setup of the the Scene), correct?"


Correct.   The ISY is not involved with KPL LED management nor door movement from KPL button press.  I've not seen Trigger Reverse option being lost.

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